I really really do not like pickles but I thought the one I tried at Granville was okay. I graphed the relative brineyness in relation to the relative cucumbery-ness for each chew. I noticed that while the cucumber taste was dominant i thought it was pretty good, and when the brine taste took over again I didn’t like it anymore.
I got a sandwich from the market, and I think it’s the best sandwich I have ever eaten. I cannot put into words how good it is. Initially, for a brief moment, I could only taste the bread. Then, the rest of the ingredients came forward. I could taste them each individually and they were all good separately, but better and perfectly balanced each other together. As I kept chewing they mushed into one and were still ridiculously good. I tried to capture the euphoria of eating this sandwich as well as the combination of tastes as I was chewing.
At Home –
These are my best approximations of what it felt like to eat these things. I tried to show how the bitterness, saltiness, and sweetness tastes started from the centre of my mouth and moved outwards. Conversely, the spiciness moved from the bottom of my mouth upwards, and the sourness was all over the place and felt sharp.
I made spaghetti with frozen meatballs. I didn’t put enough sauce in so the flavours weren’t balanced well.
At home – Drinking Glass Design
My idea was to have realistic looking glass ice cubes and a lemon wedge as part of the cup. They’d add weight and decrease the useable volume while still resembling things that would normally be present in a cup. This is a bad idea because you can’t clean that.
I then thought of these baby bottle toys that were popular when I was a kid. When you tip it over to “drink” from it all of the liquid fills into the lid and disappears.
With the same principle, the purple liquid would fill the lid and “disappear” there as you drink, the opening for it would be a lot larger than that of the pink liquid so there would be more flow.
The pink liquid would be what you’re actually drinking, and it would be in the lid, which is opaque with a very small spout. You’d be tricked into thinking you’re quickly drinking a lot of liquid, while actually slowly drinking a small amount of liquid.