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Hola chicos

Here are the answers for the translation practice activities for Leccion 4-5 as well as the one for Lección 6.  When I create the translation activity for the Final I will base it more on the one from Lección 4-5 but some of the Lección 6 vocabulary and grammar we did in class will be included as well.


4 y 5

Leccion 6

Hola chicos

Aquí están las lecciones de esta semana.

Irregular Yo´s

Pronombres de objetos directos

Verbos que cambian de raíz E-I


Expresiones afirmativas y negativas


Examen Final

Hola chicos:

Aquí está la información del examen final:

The exam is on Wednesday the 27th at 7:00 PM in Buchanan A101.  will be two hours long and will be cumulative, with a special focus on the vocabulary and grammar of Lecciones 4, 5, 6 (except for direct object pronouns).

It will be similar in structure to the midterms.  There are five sections:

I.  Gramatica

These will include short answer and short sentence questions focusing on the grammar of chapters 4-6. Including

Irregular Verbs: Ir, Dar, Estar, and Ir a as future tense

Stem Changing Verbs (All 3 types)

The Present Progressive

Comparatives and Superlatives

Ser and Estar

Irregular First Person Verbs

Affirmative and Negative Expressions.



Long Answer

You will be given 6 open ended questions.  Your answers must be a minimum of 15 words and to get full marks, you should add something to the answer besides a direct repetition of the material in the question.


II.  Composición

You will be given a choice of two topics to create a composition such as a letter or descriptive paragraph.  To get full marks you must respect the word counts (120 words) and use all the language forms requested.


III.  Diálogo

You will be given a choice of topics and asked to create a dialogue similar to the ones used at the beginning of the chapters on similar topics (ordering food from a restaurant, holidays, party planning, housework).


IV. Traduccion

The last section will be a translation based on the two practicas de traduccion from the custom appendix.  (4 y 5, and 6) (pages 341-2)

This week we completed Lecciones 4 and 5.  Here are the notes for this week.  Verbos que cambian de raíz

Verbos que cambian de raíz o-ue

Haciendo Comparaciones

Ser y Estar & Expresiones de Tiempo


El presente progresivo


Here is a link to the Victor Jara song we listened to on Tuesday, (Lyrics here)

Here is a link to the Mario Benedetti Poem we looked at in class today. The poet’s recitation of it on You Tube can be found here.


Midterm exams were handed back today and we went over the answers.  If you didn’t get yours back, please see me before or after class on Tuesday.

Homework for Chapters 5 and 6 will be posted on Tuesday and will be due the day of the final.  There is no blog question this week or next but please see the information about the composition assignment in the post below this one.

Have a good weekend



Hola chicos

Aquí está la información sobre la composición que vamos a hacer este fin de semana.

Actividad de Composición.

En esta actividad.  Uds. tienen que escribir una breve composición de 150 palabras sobre UNA de las siguentes tópicos:


  1. El mejor restaurante de Vancouver. Looking over the vocabulary and the dialogue from Leccion 5, discuss your favourite restaurant that you like to eat at  when you go out to eat in Vancouver.  Discuss why you think it’s better than other restaurants  (Use at least three comparatives and superlatives). Recommend or give your opinon which dishes you prefer.  (e-ie verbs) and discuss whether you prefer to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner there and what your favourite thing to eat and drink when you are hungry and thirsty (o-ue verbs, tener expressions).


  1. Papeles domesticos entre hombres y mujeres. Using the vocabulary and themes from chapter 6 (domestic chores) describe whether you feel that traditional gender roles are changing around housework (Present Progressive).  Who does the housework in your family? Do you think women still do the majority of the housework in most contemporary homes?  What domestic chores do the majority of women (la mayoria de las mujeres) still perform?  Do you think the situation will ever become equal (ir as future tense)  Who do you think has a more difficult life, men or women (comparatives and superlatives)

This composition is due on Tuesday, June 19that 11:59 PM.  Please e-mail it to me in an MSWord or PDF document attachment, double spaced, normal font size (12 point).  My e-mail is barbara.fraser@ubc.ca

Here is a link on  How to make accent marks on a computer.

Hola chicos

Aquí están las tareas de esta semana


Los Verbos Ir, Dar and Estar

Preposiciones y objetos de preposiciones


The Ilearn Homework is posted for this week and will be due next Tuesday.  It covers Leccion 4.  There is no blog question this week.

Hola Chicos

Aquí están las respuestas de la traducción 1 que hicimos en clase.


Translation Exercise Chaps 1-3


Buena suerte en el examen parcial



Hola chicos.

Aquí están las lecciones de esta semana de lección 3.




The Ilearn Homework is posted for Leccion 3 for this week.  There is no blog post this weekend, rather I would like you to complete the first 5 sentences from the Practica de Traduccion 1 on page 340 (Custom appendix).  Translate them into Spanish using the vocabulary and grammar from Lecciones 1-3.  On Tuesday we complete the rest and will go over it together.


Please also see below for information on next week’s midterm exam.  



Examen Parcial

Hola a todos

Our midterm exam will be on June 7th in the second half of class. Here is what you can expect:

The exam should take approximately an hour to write. There will be three sections:

1. Short Answer

These will require one-word answers. The focus will be on Verbs from Chapters 1-3, (Regular -AR, -ER and IR verbs, and Irregular Verbs Ser, Tener and Venir) as well as Gender and Number, Adjectives, and Telling Time.

Examples of Possible Questions

Yo ___________ (ser) estudiante.

Alberto _______ tacos. (provide and conjugate the correct verb)

Salma Hayek es _____________ (provide an adjective)

It’s 10:30 ______________________ (provide a statement of time)


2. Composición

You will be given a choice of 1 of 2 “situaciones” based on material in the text (usually from the dialogues at the beginning of the chapters, so study those) and you will be asked to either write a short composition or a dialogue.

3. Traducción
You will be given a short paragraph in English and asked to translate it into Spanish.  This will be based on the material in the dialogues as well as the “Practica de Traduccion” we do in class and at home.


Hi Everyone

I am laid up in bed with a fever and a bad chest cold, so I am not going to be able to make it in to Vancouver today.  The Dictation Quiz will be postponed until Thursday the 31st in the last class hour.

Also, because summer courses tend to be more flexible in terms of what instructors can do, I am going to make some changes to the syllabus to reflect the concetrated nature of the course and to not overwhelm you with two midterm exams in a short period of time.  There will be one composition and one midterm instead of two of each.  Here are the updated assignment dates:

Ejercicio auditivo                                          15%.            May 29th

Examen Parcial                                             20%            June 7th.   (Covering Chapters 1-3)

Composicion                                                 20%            June 19th

iLrn                                                              5%

Participation  Inc. blog questions                    15%  (7.5% Attendance  7.5% Blog participation). Blog Questions and Ilearn must be completed by June 27th.

Examen III (Final)                                        25%.           June 27th, 7:00 PM

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with me via e-mail.


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