I am an Associate Professor of Teaching in the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences as well as the Director of Curriculum for the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia. I joined UBC in 2016, and teaching and improving undergraduate instruction are my primary focuses. My pedagogical interests are broad, but include applying cognitive science to teaching, building an inclusive classroom, innovative teaching techniques, effective use of classroom technology, field instruction, and compassion and empathy for students. Presently, I teach a graduate course on teaching and learning, a number of undergraduate forestry courses, and some short, intensive forestry courses at our partner universities in China. My scholarly background is in landscape ecology, with interest in spatial patterns of biodiversity, land-use change, and the legacies of agricultural land use. Prior to my arrival in Vancouver, I was a GIS Teaching Fellow in the Geography Department of Middlebury College. I am a Wisconsinite and received my Ph.D. in Forestry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012.
In addition to this blog, I tweet @pdculbert_UBC.