Common web design mistakes to avoid in 2019

As your business grows, you know you’ll need to expand and engage in the online market. Of course, with that being said, you’re going to need a functioning website. Perhaps you’re thinking of building your site or hiring a web developer to do the front-end and back-end work. Regardless of what you choose, you need to be aware of the five most common web design mistakes people make when creating a website. Whether you have experience with web design or not, these tips will either help refresh your memory or teach you something new.

Not mobile-friendly

Though it’s highly avoidable, if you make this mistake, it’ll drastically change the outcome of your site. You need to have your website mobile-friendly. In reality, 57% of web traffic is coming from smartphones and tablets. Which means if you snooze on this, you lose. Make sure your site is functional via smartphone and that it’s interactive for users.

Low-quality site

Your website is the face of your business which means you need to spend the money on making your website look good. If it’s not visually appealing, modern, functional, and interactive users are going to leave within seconds. Your goal is to keep them on your website for as long as possible. Invest in your site, and you’ll see the difference.

No analytics

A lack of analytics is a major problem with newly developed websites. If you’re uneducated in web design or hire a sloppy designer, you’re probably going to miss this crucial tool for your business. Using an analytic tool will help you measure your page views, users, demographics and more. This tells you who is going on your website and what they’re looking for. Shockingly, only 75% of small business websites are not using an analytic tool. Having analytic tool for your business is a game changer.

Lack of security and support

Building a website is one thing, but you do have the tools to support it? Are your devices adequately protected from external threats such as hackers? Do you back-up your business’s information? Do you have a tool which monitors your computers and servers? These are essential questions you should be asking yourself. Building a website is one thing but making sure it’s supported and protected is another. For example, server monitoring tools can check for issues with your server, memory usage, disk space, and more.

“We don’t do social media.”

What do you mean you “don’t do” social media? You’re running a business now; whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to jump on the bandwagon. Depending on your industry, you may need to open multiple accounts on various social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and, Facebook. Also, you need to have social media icons visible on your website and connected to all accounts.

Now that you know these mistakes avoid them at all costs. By following these tips, your website will automatically look more inviting and modern.