As the world gets more globalized, the boundaries not only between countries and states disappear or weaken but also the distinctions between different fields of life also diminish. As business becomes more intertwined with media, marketing becomes more involved in politics and as a result, a company operating in the Far East might carry out operations to influence political views of citizens of a South American society. Social media has become such a powerful tool and apparatus in this paradigm that its applications into such fields of life has gained immense utility and worth for millions of individual and corporate users. Social media marketing, for example, has made it possible for businesses – big and small – to reach a larger audience and find greater success. Likewise, the impact of social media on global politics have brought Facebook to trial in the US courts. Therefore, digital media and marketing have become significantly important aspects of our everyday lives today which means further investigation is necessary to fully comprehend the future of the interactions between human societies and the digital world.
Saher Ghattas, the Chief Revenue Officer for Flawless Inbound, writes for Forbes Magazine to report his views on the future of digital marketing to begin his ideas by stating that there is an element of disruption in the world of digital marketing. To overcome such distribution, the author states that his company created digital marketing frameworks to be visited every year or two years to remember crucial details regarding these periods of disruption for the marketers, companies and customers. So far, the global market has undergone three different frameworks of such nature beginning with the year 2000, and in the fourth one will include “More Integrated Global Marketing”, “A Cohesive Marketing Technology Stack”, “Evolving Marketing Roles”, “Omnichannel Marketing Strategy” and “A Focus On Account-Based Marketing (B2B)”. The first element refers to how inbound and outbound marketing procedures should be combined meaning that different internet technologies such as e-mail and websites should be utilized in conjunction with one another. The second element refers to the establishment of an advanced technological infrastructure for marketing processes which means that the marketers and their companies will have to construct “stacks” of such technologies. The third element refers to the development and application of new marketing roles to expand the duties and capabilities of CMOs. The fourth element is about the inclusion of processes such as deep analytics and data mining to be combined with the existent AI and machine learning infrastructure to create further value for your brand. The last element refers to how B2B organizations need to rely on account-based sales operations to survive in the jungle of global business and the capability to adapt to this norm will determine the winners and losers of this sector beginning with the year 2017. The list provided by Ghattas is utile in the sense that it shows how marketing strategy and methodology need to be closely intertwined with one another in the modern age to ensure success and profits for the marketers and companies alike.
Mark Smith for BBC News reports on new technologies being utilized by British companies, namely the tech start-up “Lightvert”, whose team of marketers has recently bombarded the visions and minds of Londoners with a giant image of the famous Rolling Stones logo suspended in mid-air that lasted for a fraction of a second. This new technology is called Echo which employs a tiny strip of reflective material placed on the side of a building while a high-powered projector place above or below the strip sends off light beams directly into the eyes of passersby. The momentary nature of the produced vision leaves the viewer in a state of constant remembrance because the subconscious mind does not forget what it sees quickly or easily. Daniel Siden, Lightvert’s CEO, states that the reception of the Echo technology has been great so far and that more people are becoming curious to witness an application of it because it is unusual and non-traditional. Siden believes that this technology is a great opportunity for Landlords to “turn their buildings into revenue-generating digital billboards that are huge, yet physically unobtrusive,” which he believes will be a great innovation for digital media and marketing. Smith, the author, also refers to a similar campaign that took place in Moscow, Russia where the luxurious automobile company Jaguar utilized the technology to display its new SUV model to drivers who were driving different SUVs. The system utilized a machine-learning camera to recognize the type of the driver’s vehicle to flash the advertisement directly into their eyes. The presentation also changed in accordance with weather conditions to make it more appealing to the eye. In both cases, the publics were very pleased and the intellect behind these marketing campaigns gained both companies significant respect in the eyes of the customers.
Gabriel Snyder for Wired magazine reports on the famous newspaper, The New York Times as a great example of a company that has managed to convert its operations into a digital format so far with reasonable success, thanks to its infringements with other digital media companies in New York City. The newspaper has a history of 165 years but recently put its crew of employees, including hundreds of professional journalists, designers, communication specialists etc., to work on this gigantic transformation project. The idea is to preserve the quality of the newspaper’s journalism while ensuring a more secure and profitable future for the company. In order to accomplish this, the newspaper intends to focus on its digital subscriptions to extend its subscriber and reporter networks to become a fully integrated global news agency. Following the strategies employed by companies such as Netflix, Spotify and HBO, The New York Times seeks to invest heavily into its core journalism related offerings while also expanding its other services to add more features to the online experience it offers to its visitors. This way, the administration for the newspaper wishes to eradicate the barriers of nations, countries and languages to be able to reach out to a global community of individuals interested in learning by reading high quality journalism. This way, the company seeks to increase its subscription fees as well, to make more profits, because as the quality of NY Times services will increase, it will become possible to charge extra for new services or improved versions of already existent ones. This way, the newspaper wishes to transform into an online system with more to offer and less to fear, in the name of resisting against the growing demands of the new age of capitalism in America to continue its century old existence.