The Process of Building a Home

If you’ve been looking for a house, you may have noticed that finding a home that suits your needs can be a little tricky. You’re buying a home that wasn’t built for you but was built to appease the basic needs of the general population. But what if you wanted a more customized design for your home? Well, then why not build your own home? You may be all excited now, thinking that this is a much better idea than buying an already existing house and if you want a customized home, this is a better idea. However, before you start nailing up walls, there are some essential tips you need to know.

Know what it entails

Though building a house may sound easy, especially when you consider how many homes around the world have been built, you need to know exactly what this involves. Building a home is very time consuming and requires you to have a somewhat flexible, yet realistic budget. In addition, you’re going to need to effectively communicate with your partner and compromise if you both have strong opinions on the design.

Plan, plan, plan

You don’t want to get caught up with any last minute change of plans that’s going to cause stress and confusion but also add unplanned costs to your budget. Investing in an architect who can help put your designs on paper is a must. They’ll be able to guide you through the process and remind you of things you need to keep in mind such as space planning, storage, lighting, and room placement. Your architect should be involved right from the beginning as they’ll need the time to understand your concept but also see the flaws in it.

Hire the right people

You’re going to need to select the right contractors to do the job as this will be the team that’s going to take your home to the finish line. Though there are some areas where you can save money on, do not go cheap on the labour. If you do, this will only result in delays and additional costs which you didn’t budget for. In addition, you want your labour to be experienced and skilled so, take time to interview them prior. The last thing you want is to google ‘replacement windows pricing’, months after you realize that the windows installed in your home are letting in the cold air.

Get the proper permits

You just can’t build a house wherever you’d like, even though you have your own property. You need permits to allow you to build a home. Remember, depending on where you are building your home, permits can take months to process and are costly, so, don’t forget to add that to your budget and time-frame.


Building a house isn’t easy but at the end of the day, it is something you created with your own two hands. You’re going to have ups and downs during the building process, but as long as you’re focused, you’ll get through it. Relax! Though it comes with its own set of stresses, building a home is an exciting and fulfilling process.

Jewelry: never going out of style

Starting your own jewelry making business needs dedication and commitment. Before you start your own business, it is important that you know your competition, target market, and the ins and outs of the jewelry industry. Once you have done this part, you are ready to create your own jewelry line.

In this article, we are going to review the essential things on how to start your own jewelry making business, from the starting operation down to the capital investment needed to put up your own business:

There are several types of jewelry that can be manufactured, depending on the demand of the market. In some countries, jewelry is a part of their culture as some of these accessories are used on specific celebratory occasions such as rings and necklaces. Jewelry also depicts the status of an individual, and in most cases, portrays the way of living or fashion statement of a person. Hence, it’s not surprising that the jewelry industry is booming these days.

However, as a jewelry-maker, it’s imperative to you know how often jewelry is bought and what types of accessories are popular and on what occasions are they fitting these days.  

This idea will now help you determine the start-up cost of your business. Your knowledge of culture and jewelry will help you determine the initial cost and resources you’ll need. Plus, it can also help you determine the specific designs and raw materials that are thriving and cheaper today.  

Jewelry can be made from different kinds of materials. It can be from precious stones, fresh pearls, and precious metals. These materials are expensive, so before you start your jewelry-making business, it’s essential to scout out for several suppliers for your raw materials and ask for their price. In that way, you can easily get the best cost for your resources.  Aside from this, you also need to include the other expenses like rent for the physical store and its equipment. For online business shops, you need a website where your buyers can check out your products so consider this as well. You also have to cover the advertisement fees to attract customers if this is part of your advertising plan.

For the manufacturing cost, it is vital that you consider whether to start small or to mass produce. Most small-time jeweler often makes handcraft their jewelry before they mass produce because this allows them to explore without using big resources. But, if you plan to mass produce, it’s ideal that you consider hiring subsidiaries for lower manufacturing cost.

When choosing between a physical store or an online shopping site, you need to consider the cost of each option. If you opt for a physical store, it’s much more expensive. You’ll need a place to rent, equipment to buy, and manpower to hire to manage your store.  However, the advantage of a physical store is that you can interact, help them decide on which pieces to buy, and actually listen to their concerns and comments. Rapport building is a crucial step when you want to build a relationship with your clients. Moreover, investing time in rapport significantly increases your client retention and deepens your bond with them too.

If you choose an online shopping the site. You need to pay a respectable web designer so that your site can match with the current ones in the market today. You also need a good internet provider so that you can easily respond to your customers as this is the main basis of communication when you go online. Your website should be highly optimized and safe from malware as well; this is significant since you’d want to establish a reliable and competent atmosphere. Online stores can be as expensive as physical stores too. However, it is more accessible compared to physical shops, and you can actually create a site that is cost-effective than a physical one.

Both have are equally efficient, but the success of the shop would still depend on what your style is of selling is. In terms of cost, it would boil down as to how you handle your funds and what sellers you’re going to tap in order to save your capital as much as possible.

Before legalizing your company, you need to pick a name that catchy and suitable for your niche. Your company name should reflect on the kinds of jewelry that you plan on making as well. The name should not be too long but not too short so that clients will remember it. Once you’ve chosen a name, this will reflect on the official license, online website, and business cards, so you should consider the business name carefully.

Once the name is decided, you can start legalizing your business. When filing for a business license, make sure to visit your county clerk’s office. From there, they will ask you for several papers before you can register your LLC. Make sure that you are able to comply with all these requirements before the day of your business launching.

Social media marketing is one way of advertising your business. You’re encouraged to utilize this as it’s free and efficient to use as an advertising tool. For jewelry making business, you have to showcase your finished products visually. Pinterest and Instagram are image-based social media platforms, so you can make an account here and start marketing your products. You can also use Facebook and Twitter though they’re not as visual as Pinterest and Instagram. However, these are great platforms when it comes to video and blog sharing.

Just make sure that you regularly post images on your social media accounts, and link your products to your website for a smooth marketing process. In this way, your customers will be able to access your shopping site with ease.

Lastly, patience is the key to a fruitful business. Just keep in mind that most businesses don’t always grow on the first few years, especially you’re a neophyte businessman.

Jewelry making business is no exception.  It might take years before your business will grow; so while you’re at it, learn as much as you can. Don’t just focus on the jewelry industry but in the overall field of business as well. Once you’re ready, apply what you’ve gathered, and see if it works for you.   

Starting your own jewelry business can be a big risk, but every one of us starts here. As long as we pick something at every turn, then we’ll eventually learn the ins and outs of the jewelry making industry and hopefully expand our mass produce our own designs in the future.   

Ethics For Innovators: How Biomedical Research Is Tackling CRISPR

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For the last several decades, research into gene therapy has promised cures to devastating conditions caused by mutations and other chromosomal abnormalities. Until recently, though, such treatments remained hypothetical.

In 2015, however, following the first successful lab tests of CRISPR, a gene editing technology, such treatments officially entered the realm of possibility. Now, as scientists refine the technology, biomedical researchers, ethicists, and end users are grappling with the consequences.

What does it mean to modify any organism, but especially humans, at the genetic level and how does that practice reflect who we are as a society? These ongoing conversations relate to how central our genes are to our identity, and not just our biology.

The first major ethical issues relating to CRISPR came from work done on insects. Mosquitos are genetically uncomplicated creatures, and early in the development process Chinese scientists developed malaria-resistant mosquitoes.

On the one hand, suppressing malaria transmission in this way might resolve a serious public health crisis — more than 400,000 malaria deaths occur each year in developing countries — but the excitement was brought up short when scientists wondered what it would mean to release a genetically modified organism into the environment.

There are, at present, too many unknowable variables and potential consequences.

As unnerving as the unknowns with regard to the release of genetically modified mosquitoes into the environment might be, modifications to humans have to be even more worrisome. In an early discussion of the topic at 2015’s International Summit on Human Gene Editing, for example, participants considered the ethical impact of germline modifications.

These modifications pose an especial risk due to the fact that they would be passed to future generations. During these deliberations, biomedical researchers spoke with ethicists to think about when germline changes may and may not permissible.

Three years later, scientists have stayed in the moratorium phase. Essentially, until we can ensure the overall safety of the technology, it could be irresponsible to release it for wider use.

One of the strengths of the biomedical field is its ability to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries. The field itself is widely diverse, including specialists like biochemists, who are directly involved in genetic research, and epidemiologists, who study disease spread.

Bioethicists, who understand both the technical and philosophical concerns involved in research, also participate in these debates. The naturally collaborative nature of the field will be an advantage as CRISPR technology advances.

Though public applications of CRISPR remain years away, researchers are preparing to tackle the implications by emphasizing what the European Group of Ethics in New Technology (EGE) terms “triangulating science, ethics, and society” at every level of the development process.

This means, first, focusing on interventional cures rather than germline modifications. In other words, first-line use of CRISPR in humans will most likely be to treat and cure diseases, or to prevent genetic conditions from being passed on from parent to child. Particularly with regard to fatal conditions, there are few doubts about CRISPR’s ethical value and applicability.

Non-fatal conditions — particularly those with a cognitive or neurological component, but also many physical disabilities — pose much greater challenges for scientists and ethicists, because they raise the specter of eugenics. Many question whether such changes are ethical or even desirable, or they could be just a way of eliminating human differences.

When addressing the potential elimination of disability, many worry about the slippery slope that might lead to designer babies. As researcher Feng Zhang asserted at CRISPRcon 2018, we’re decades away from designer babies, but that doesn’t mean we’re equally far away from having to think about them.

It can take far longer to work out the ethical implications of a new technology than to develop the tool itself. We’ve experienced that firsthand with many other reproductive interventions in the past.

Now that scientists are keenly aware of how ethics and innovations intertwine, they’re trying to adopt a more proactive stance toward future technologies.

Technology and Advancement in Business

The primary function of business is to keep producers and consumers happy and for this, technology is in extreme demand by both camps. Whether it be manufacturing textiles at quantum speeds at clothing factories, pumping three times more gas through pipelines all over the world or using smartphone applications for novated leasing, technology always grants an upper hand to the service provider while providing comfort and efficiency to the consumer. Understanding technological trends therefore is crucial for staying in the game for rivalling firms and companies, as it is also required for customers or consumers who wish to consume products and services as efficiently and productively as possible.

Everyday, the mainstream media is flooded with articles, images and videos about some sort of a revolutionary development in the virtual assistant business, celebrating a new product or simply evaluating the pros and cons of another. Chalmers Brown for Forbes Magazine investigates into the issue to come up with five advantages of working with virtual assistants for startups. These devices and their software are designed to provide taskmasters so that their users can stay on track with their schedule while they also have Fact Checker and Math Wizards to lead their users to stay in close proximity to the actual, scientific truth. In addition, most of such devices and software come prepackaged with applications that type what their users say while they also house applications for scheduling and prioritizing events and meetings. Most importantly, they have utile security related applications which remind their users to think again about certain issues to protect them from possible harm. Therefore, having a virtual assistant really helps aspiring startups gain a competitive advantage in the ever demanding business reality they operate in which should motivate such firms to obtain one and use it in every aspect of their operation.

The business paradigm of today’s world is a constantly changing one and it is quite common to encounter new ideas and philosophies in virtually every business sector while the business theory itself is also subjected to significant change on a period basis. Vala Afshar for The Huffington Post takes note of this reality to focus on the notion of “Value-as-a-Service” concept which is a business model where cloud computing systems are utilized to create software-as-a-service business solutions as opposed to the previous models where traditional methods were used to create physical products. By utilizing subscriptions and similar periodically paid methods, companies that produce value-as-a-service products increase their efficiency in meeting customer demand as the stakeholders become the focus of business operations. In order to do better business, the companies need to concentrate on understanding such demands and needs to develop the right type of electronic business solutions which not only makes the new mode of business more competitive but also more abstract and imaginative which are both valued highly by the intelligent business communities of our world.

Money and finance have always been central to business and in the digital age, even money itself is transforming into something new which has created vast opportunities for millions of upcoming investors so far. Bitcoin is the name everyone repeats these days but the system itself is actually called Blockchain, referring to online information systems, which aim at storing, distributing and transferring digital currencies which then can be converted into actual money. Robert Hackett for Fortune Magazine reports on the issue to state that the trend has become so massive and popular that even the established venture capital firms such as Sequoia, Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures are creating cryptocurrency hedge funds, utilizing digital accounting systems and measures. Bitcoin/Blockchain’s main advantage in this sense is that the system connects businesses with their users directly, eliminating advertisers or middle men and making it a lot easier to keep track of the accounting books and procedures. The technology is so attractive to businesses that there are talks of creating TokenBook, a Facebook for businesses and their operations to utilize the given technology. This new system is designed to utilize cryptocurrencies to finance its members and operations while also connecting them on online platforms to catalyze business interactions. Therefore, what started as a revolution of finance quickly transformed into an evolution of the business mind to bring about total change for the paradigm itself and bringing to life an industry dedicated to creating, cultivating and trading cryptocurrencies, such as trading litecoin. As people and companies get used to earning in cryptocurrencies, they will be more inclined towards conducting business online to make more money this way, which will hopefully complete the Blockchain/Cryptocurrency revolution.  

Establishing a Business: From Idea to Execution

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Everything begins with an idea, said the renowned American author and motivational speaker Earl Nightingale. The internet giants of today such as Google and Facebook germinated in an idea, and so did conventional business corporations.A person must care enough about something in order to be inspired and translate the inspiration into action.

Converting Idea into Reality

It is not an easy task to convert ideas into a living and thriving business. Giving life to ideas is akin to giving birth and nurturing a child over a lifetime. Many factors contribute to a successful business, including the following:


You must be an inspirational leader in order to motivate others to join the venture, believe in what you preach and subscribe to the products and services on offer. You must be able to visualize and work towards the future, which go from company formations to going global. You must be a competent leader in order to handle capital, employees and customers. Competence combines knowledge about the business and understanding of the industry.


“A successful business is created before there is a business,” according to Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad. Belief in oneself is the starting point to a successful venture. A person cannot get a venture off the ground unless he believes in himself and trusts his business abilities.


A big impediment to business success is the fear of starting a business in the first place. Most people never quit the security of a paycheck and take the plunge, as they are scared by the uncertainty that comes with a business enterprise. A prospective entrepreneur should overcome fears and embrace risks on the tortuous business journey from idea to execution.

Innovative Thinking

Savvy marketing alone does not guarantee the success of a product and a service. Customers are increasingly looking for real value and new experiences in this competitive world. Companies have to embrace continuous innovation to ensure that they offer something unique to their customers.

Flexible Action Plan

A business plan is a blueprint for success. It helps in mapping the landmarks, defining success and breaking the business journey into easily achievable metrics. Having a plan-B in place is also of utmost importance as it makes a business agile in dealing with failures and responding to challenges such as economic downturns, market evolution and customer trends.

Customer Service

Customer is King, as the adage goes. Good customer service should be the priority of every business. A business should focus on responding promptly to customer complaints by maximizing the use of social media and AI, to achieve this objective.

To conclude, a business is not a walk in the park. If you want to taste success in business, you need to work hard and dirty your hands. Vision can provide the foundation for a great company, but only a careful investment in the future by way of innovative thinking and effective plan of action can take the company forward on the path of success.

Tech startups must branch out to excel

For any tech company (and realistically, any company in any sector), the most crucial aspect of said company is human investment. The most crucial component to any business is having the best team in place to get the job done well and ideally excel. As technology is one of the leading (if not the front runner) industries in modern society, the importance of ensuring that the right people are hired for positions in those tech companies is vital. Further, the task of recruiting the right people for the jobs is no longer as simple as placing a local ad. Talent is not limited to a geographical location simply because that is where the office happens to be. Some of the best talents in the world come from countries that unfortunately cannot offer a safe, promising future.

For example, Toronto, Canada is largely considered to be a definitive front runner for the next tech business empire. In response to this, individuals are being hired to work in Canada or work remotely for Canadian-based companies (like Shopify) to acquire the absolute best team to drive the company forward and ensure its longevity.

There are currently many heated debates around immigration policies and the like in many countries (currently primarily in the US) but no matter the beliefs and opinions of those involved and those looking in from the outside, one thing remains true and unwavering: if countries bar individuals from coming to safer lands without first understanding the circumstances that led them to do so, they are also barring individuals with skills that could change not only the lives of people today and in the future, but society as well.

With the current atrocities happening in the wake of desperate human need (and lacking compassion) it may sound near impossible, but there is hope. There are success stories of immigrants that risked everything to go to the US in search of a better life. Business in the US (as well as businesses anywhere in the world) can ensure the fair opportunities of giving individuals with untapped potential a chance to change their lives, by investing in and utilising immigration consultant services within their businesses.

The tech sector is driven by human talent primarily, and the pool of prospective talent is not at all limited to the US or any other country. The most important thing for tech companies to be able to grow exponentially is that the area in which the company blooms in must have both the availability of local institutions that develop skilled graduates, as well as the ability and willingness to take on individuals from outside of the area (both across state lines and across oceans). In today’s professional workplace, individuals can work from both in the office and from their device screens, no matter where they are in the world.

This new development in business structure is providing individuals who are skilled, passionate, and determined with opportunities that will change not only their lives, but the business world as we know it. Tech companies are the face of this digitized era, and if they continue to excel and evolve so strongly, they always will be – it only makes sense to broaden the horizons of employee possibility and ensure that one has the absolute best team in their corner (both physically and virtually…the modern workplace is a wondrous place.

Changing business with Digital Technology

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  1. Software Development

Software development allows for websites to be personalized to small or big companies. Software development also makes it easier for anyone to build a website with sites such as WordPress and other services. There is always room for improvement in this industry, which makes paying attention to trends extremely important. A solution to the constantly changing industry is working with a software development company that can assist individuals and companies looking to keep up.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is offering way more avenues to digitize the workplace. Everything can be made more efficient with AI involved. Simple requests can be managed quickly and accurately. AI removes the need for HR to respond to simple questions, according to Business Insider. Many assistant positions would be able to be filled by a robot once technology progresses that far. Data collection and analyzing will become easier with AI also. This allows for the development of different positions and the termination of others.

AI also can solve problems quicker. This industry is paving a future of innovation and many changes in the way we work.

  1. Social Media

Social media is changing the way we advertise and communicate. There are jobs for social media management because it can have a massive impact on a brand. There are content creators and copywriters who specialize in social media. Many companies ahead of the game are capitalizing on the impact of social media. Social media also collects more data on consumers than anything else.

Social media also is allowing employees and companies to maintain a higher level of transparency, according to the Huffington Post. Companies can interact with consumers on a more conversational level through social media. Consumers also can share their opinions more readily on social media, which also can allow for more company to consumer interaction.

Social media allows individuals at companies to build a personal brand also. This gives more depth to organizations and businesses. Social media also allows for ideas to be shared and spread. Also. Journalists, for example, are leaning more towards building a personal brand than solely representing a publication. They can do this by sharing articles that they find interesting. This sparks a whole different narrative when looking at media and the possibilities for development.

  1. Working Remotely

With an increase in jobs in the digital realm, we may see more and more workers staying home. Many function better when they can sit in their own environment and not worry about commutes etc. There is a large shift in the amount of people opting to work from home, especially in tech. Many believe it allows for time to be optimized. Remote work allows for more diversity within companies. It also allows for companies to look for talent in a larger pool, according to Inc.

Digital technology is constantly changing the way we communicate, live and work. It is important to pay attention to trends and shifts in the workplace.

The revolution of industry-dedicated blockchains

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The evolution of technology on the modern day business model – as well as the consequential impacts – has been (and continues to be) profound. Smartphones have more computing power and tech built into them than fifty desktop computers from the 1990s. technology has come a long way, making leaps and bounds to bring new evolutions and continue to expand and improve on past models and concepts. Blockchain technology is one of the latest innovations in the digital universe, and it has broadened the scope of what is possible, both immediately technologically and because of technology.

Cryptocurrencies have taken blockchain technology and revolutionised it even further, allowing users to transfer their virtual currencies swiftly using blockchain networks. The very make up of blockchain technology insists on the security of locked down privacy online – taking the internet and turning it on its head, adding value and building on the foundations that brought the internet to life. Two areas and concepts that are benefiting from the introduction of industry-dedicated blockchains and the cryptocurrencies like Dascoin that are used to facilitate the networks, are the ever-expanding industry of digital nomads, and the general value of virtual privacy (something that has previously been a cause for concern among individuals).  Blockchain technologies have the potential to change the way that individuals run their lives, and industry-dedicated blockchains are revolutionising businesses across the globe.

The physical workplace becoming the virtual workspace

Every business is a technology business in this new era. The technologies that are readily available thus far have changed – and continue to change – the way that individuals think and progress in nearly every career field on the spectrum. The physical workplace is being restructured to realign with the continuous digital influence that is shaping the continuing technological revolution that is in current effect. Allowing a workspace to go from being physical to virtual literally relies on communication via technology. Simply put, without technology, virtual workspaces (or, digital nomad companies) are simply unable to perform. Without physical human communication, the whole company relies on the competency of employees to communicate virtually.

Virtual privacy is front and centre

Blockchains are entirely transparent in their makeup, and so they have no room to hide – anyone with access to the blockchain in question can view the entire chain. This may seem like a privacy concern, but with the ability to make blockchain networks public – like the internet – or private – like an intranet – companies that utilise industry-dedicated blockchains put themselves in a very safe position. Blockchain networks allow companies in this format to transfer pay scales, private company data, and more – all with a secure system running in the background, keeping the information from flowing freely through the web. Additionally, as the blockchain networks evolve, every industry is, in some way, benefiting from the technology. Business technology is something to be taken very seriously, and more and more businesses are investing in blockchain technology to strengthen their privacy, information systems, and overall performance.

Financial advice for college students on managing student loan debt

From first year to alumnus, everylate night and cramming session culminated in the diploma in your hand, but a diploma isn’t the only thing you earned after four years of hard work. If you’re like most grads, you came away from your undergraduate degree with debt.

It’s with a mixture of relief and nerves that you close this chapter of your life and start a new one. Relief because it’s over, and nerves because it’s over, too; you’re now a grown up with bills and responsibilities — the most important of which is your student loans. If you’re worried about how you can cover these payments and your expenses as a university grad, here are some tips to manage your debt.

Know what you owe

Thanks to the rising cost of education, students are graduating with record-high student loan debt. The Canadian Federation of Students reports the average student finishes their four-year degree $28,000 in debt. Regardless of how you compare, any kind of debt can be overwhelming.

Luckily, you aren’t responsible for its immediate repayment. You have a six-month grace period when you don’t have to make payments against your debt, giving you time to find a job and establish yourself financially. Check legal sites to see what kind of loan you have to confirm you qualify for this grace period. If you do, it starts as soon as you graduate, and you’ll be expected to make full payments once those six months elapse.

Understand your options

It’s not always easy hitting these due dates after your grace period ends. Fresh out of school, you probably don’t have any savings set aside to help. You’ll also face underemployment, as an uncertain job market makes finding a career in your field a challenge.

The government recognizes the difficulty in paying your loans under these circumstances, so they’ve set in place programs to help offset the pressure your Canada-B.C. integrated student loans have on your finances. These programs include:

  • The Repayment Assistance Plan (RAP): This plan reduces your monthly payments and interest accrual according to a financial needs basis.
  • The B.C. Loan Forgiveness Program: This is reserved for graduates entering specific in-demand industries.
  • Pacific Leaders Loan Forgiveness Program: This plan pays off one-third of your B.C. student loan debt for every year you work with B.C. public services. That means, if you work for the government for three years, the Pacific Leaders program will have paid off your entire student loan.

Though the most popular methods of deferment, they aren’t the only option.

Make a budget

This important financial tooldoes two things. One, it tracks your expenses to reveal the current state of your finances. Two, it can guide your spending to achieve financial goals. For most grads, the number one goal is paying off debt, and there are plenty of techniques to help you do that.

Rachel Cruze, the co-author of The Graduate’s Survival Guide, prefers the zero-based budget for recent grads. This budgeting method ensures your expenses match your income, so your budget balances exactly to zero each month.

Cruze doesn’t mean you should spend your paycheque on things like brunch, the new Pixel 3, or another superfluous itemuntil you have nothing left over. If you have any extra cash after you’ve paid for the necessities, she recommends splitting it between your debt and savings. This will help you pay off your debt faster while protecting you in case of an emergency.

Hit the books

After a few months of using your budget, you should have more control over your spending. However, if you find yourself overspending or missing bills, it’s time you delve into the world of financial advice to see if you can learn new financially responsible habits.

Just because you handed in the last exam of your undergrad career doesn’t mean you should stop studying. Learning is a lifelong occupation, and the more you read up on finances, the better you’ll be prepared to manage your money at every stage of your life.

Free, online resources can help bridge that gap in your knowledge by sharing simple, no-nonsense advice about your finances. You just have to know where to look. Some websites, saying Gen Z spend too much on lattes, claim you can solve your problems simply by cutting out this daily $5 treat.

If you aren’t a regular at Starbucks, this kind of advice is impractical for your situation. It’s hard to cut out something you can’t afford in the first place. That’s why you should seek out financial advice from the experts at GoDay. As an online lender, they understandpeople struggling to make ends meetneed a different kind of advice. That’s why they have a Finance 101 page (or a cheat sheet of financial info) and a blog full of actionable savings tips for people who live paycheque to paycheque.

Though these tips are designed for people who use payday loans, they work for your situation because they don’t assume you have a lot of expendable cash to work with when you make your budget.They usually revolves around realistic sacrifices and lifestyle changes that can save you money — like joining the gig economy to increase your earnings and moving in with your parents to lower your expenses.

Healthy finances are all about finding the right products, services, and budgets that work with your situation. It can take time, but don’t worry—you’ve got this. You survived four years of undergrad, during which you figured out how you needed to study if you expected to ace the exam. It’s time you put this tenacity back to the test by hitting a different kind of book—your account books. Commit to your finances after graduation and learn how you can cope with debt.

Writing for a better future

In this age of technology, where communication is expected to be instant, sensible and mature writing is hard to come by. The Millennial generation, with its obsession with 140 character tweets, has made good writing a thing of the past.A telling indicator of this is the volume of text messages exceeding voice calls in the US and globally, since 2009. The form of text messaging, where words are shortened, or letters are replaced by symbols for speed, without proper punctuation or capitalization, when used excessively, sounds almost insane. Yet young people use it anyway, and it has, over time, reduced writing to a new coarseness that has professional writers tearing their hair out.Yet, according Human Resources people in organizations, Millennials believe they are “frequent and strong writers” because they send out hundreds of texts and tweets every day.

Former CEO of, Shravan Goli, said, “I think it makes sense for these social conversations to be lightweight or light-hearted in terms of the syntax. But ultimately, in the world of business and in the world they will live in, in terms of their jobs and professional lives, students will need good, solid reading and writing skills. I’m a little worried about where we are in America with literacy levels dropping. Are these [electronic devices] helping us, or making it worse? I think they may be going the other way and making it worse.”

It is quite apparent, therefore, that what constitutes “good writing” means different things to different generations. In workplaces, most jobs require analytical skills and strategic thinking, apart from lucid communications skills, and employers eagerly hire young graduates fresh out of college, believing they would lead the way in getting the organization onto a higher plateau of communication.  But, more often than not, employers are bitterly disappointed, even shocked, by poor writing skills, paving the way for writing and communications skills becoming a “must-have” skill for employment.

Leading to this challenge in the workplace, is the aggravating situation of substandard writing that professors in colleges encounter, which they try so hard to change, with little result. Joseph Teller, an English professor at California’s College of the Sequoias, wrote in the Chronicle of Higher Education, recently, “My students can’t write a clear sentence to save their lives, and I’ve had it. In 10 years of teaching writing, I have experimented with different assignments, activities, readings, approaches to commenting on student work — you name it — all to help students write coherent prose that someone would actually want to read. And as anyone who keeps up with trends in higher education knows, such efforts largely fail.”College teachers know, from personal experience, that writing a coherent sentence in beyond the capability of an average undergraduate. Habitually sloppy writers who do not care about grammar or punctuation, most college students hardly revise first drafts. As Professor Teller said, despite the different strategies he used to persuade students to revise their first drafts, “weak drafts remain weak; stronger drafts get slightly stronger, but not by much.” It is, then, no wonder, that in the face of challenges in producing quality writing, students turn to an essay writer to rescue them.

Sociologists Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa who recently conducted a study of over 2000 students at four-year colleges in the US, focused on reading and writing capabilities of college students.  Following the results of the study, these sociologists raised pertinent issues regarding the quality of undergraduate learning.  In their book Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, the two authors write, “If students are not being asked to read and write on a regular basis in their course work, it is hard to imagine how they will improve their capacity to master performance tasks that involve critical thinking, complex reasoning, and writing.”

Attorney-at-Law, Ms Lindsey Gustafson speaks of another study done in 2011, which found that college-aged students who were in the habit of texting, were less able to retain new vocabulary, than students frequently exposed to books and magazines. Those who consistently read a lot as a habit, had an extensive vocabulary, with knowledge of nuanced words, and were flexible in language use.

Focusing on writing, journalist Don Fry sees two types of writers – planners and plungers. He says that in earlier times, writers were mainly planners. But teachers today find that the majority of their students are plungers – starting to write before they even know what to write, shortchanging on research and organization of the writing process. A high school teacher of journalism from Pennsylvania said, “They need to learn that the writing process is not linear.” In fact, the correct approach to writing includes pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing and sharing, with components of that process repeated often.

As Ernest Hemingway said, there is no left and right in writing. There is only good and bad writing.