Monthly Archives: March 2019

Technology education can be learned at any level

Most bigger companies and organizations have their own IT (information technology) department. For those times when a computer crashes or worse, just won’t turn on, the IT guys are there to help. Sometimes mornings in the office might consists of spending 45 minutes on the phone with the IT help desk trying to reset and account or a password. Although it may seem like an annoying thing to have do, many office workers are thankful for their very helpful IT team. Not all of us are completely tech savvy, but it can help to know a little more about a technology. From DevOps experts to simple online videos, there are many ways to find training in the technology field.

For those born in the 80s and 90s, they essentially grew up with technology used in classrooms. The 2000s generation grew up with screens readily available to them. For the older generations, they grew up using landlines and sending handwritten letters. For them, technology didn’t come as easily because they were not taught how to use a computer in school. The most technology they had was a typewriter, a television, or a radio. This generational gap in technology knowledge can create communication barriers between the two. For example, a teenager trying to explain how to use an iPhone to their grandparent can be frustrating for both parties. The teenager grew up with a phone essentially attached to them while the grandparent is using a cellphone for the first time. This difference in technology usage does create necessary barriers. The older generation simply has to be self taught when it comes to in home technology. Thankfully, many online programs can now help teach all types of technology.

Learning more about technology and troubleshooting can make an individual’s resume more attractive to potential employers. Understanding how to use the internet and type on a keyboard is not the same as understanding the science and development that goes into computers and their software. Online courses are available to those looking to expand their knowledge and skills in information technology. This can be beneficial to employers and the employee because they will not have to call IT every single time one little thing goes wrong with the computer. Being able to individual troubleshoot problems saves all parties a lot of time and hassle.

Along with individual troubleshooting, some online programs now offer courses for students wanting to learn more about website development. Full stack developers are increasing in demand in the workforce. Traditionally, websites were created by front end and back end developers that did varying tasks including writing in script and code language. Full stack developers are able to do both front end and back end development for websites. For some, technology comes easy, for others that is not always the case. Technology courses can be taught for any level. So whether a student is a beginner or they have an advanced degree in a technology field, it can always be beneficial to keep learning.

Evolving society pioneers growth in education

In the ever-shifting realm of education, the only constant is change. The world has gone through many an evolution since the dawn of academics, with generation after generation of students finding themselves navigating different terrain to the generations that came before them. Of course, evolution of our species’ reach is not unique to education; it is a reality everywhere. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that the change is most prominent in traditionally-inclined industries like education. It does make sense. After all, all industries are essentially globally-scaled businesses, and society are the consumers. If society’s expectations change, then surely the education system must also change.

Education is often the predecessor for an individual’s introduction into the workforce. As such, even the workforce has changed dramatically – especially in recent years. Everything from the professional corporate training components in businesses, to the way that brands market themselves to consumers, has been fundamentally changed. And all thanks to society pivoting and changing their sense of comfort. Society’s expectations today are that the education industry is going to be able to keep up with their shifting alliances with technological progression and widespread digital adaptation. Society today has changed dramatically in the face of digitalisation and technological progression, and education has been forced into an evolution because of this.

The reasoning is simple. The exceedingly potent waves of digitalisation the world over have in turn created a sense of philosophical reasoning that society has become more comfortable with these turns of digitalisation, than without them. So much so in fact, that to conceive of a world without digitalisation and technological advancement seems crazy, even seemingly impossible. Society is ripe with individuals who value digital progression, and so their attitudes towards industries like education is that digital devices and technological solutions should be a central key focus in education going forward. This makes sense. It feels like the logical next step. And students today, and in the future, would certainly agree.

The growth upwards in global education is centred around the realisation that traditional methods of learning and teaching are not quite cutting it on their own anymore. Students today are expectant that tech will be included in their academic experience. Because they have grown up in a world that is ripe with tech-savvy solutions and digital progression, they know it well – you could even say that they are fluent in it. And so, the education industry has had little choice but to embrace digitalisation and tech in the sector. The refusal to do so would almost certainly mark the beginning of the decline of one of history’s most concrete industries. Adaptation is necessary, and education is not immune to this necessity.

The evolution of present-day society has kick-started the growth of a historically traditional industry. We have never before seen such a sturdy inclusion of technologies and digital devices in the academic industry, and this is only the beginning. The rise of this new age in education is thanks largely to the pivoting nature of modern society. This is where it begins, and there is no telling as yet where it ends.