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Repaying student loans

The corporate world is now yours to explore! It’s now time to earn your own money now that you got out fresh from the hurdles of college. Ideally, this should be the case for most college graduates. But one of the obstacles that would keep you from being financially free following graduation is your student loan. So if you are into stock investment or planning to venture into it, these tips will help you.

According to this scholarships database, student loans are money granted to college students which usually incur interest based on the affordable student loan rates dictated by the government. Most student loans do not need to be settled until one has graduated college.

Here are few foolproof ways to quickly repay your student loans and start your way to financial freedom as a young professional:

Graduate from the school called “debt”

If you had done all means to finally graduate successfully from college, make the most of your efforts to also graduate from the school called “debt”! Your goal must be to align your energy towards repaying all debts in the shortest period of time. Do the simple math: the longer the loan settlement period, the larger the interest will be.

Treat your student loan like your college course: the sooner you get out of it, the higher your chances of succeeding in life. If you can, make larger payments to cut the principal amount quickly. Remember, the lesser the principal amount, the lesser base onto which your interest rates will apply.

Invest in stocks

Another way to force you into quickly paying off your student loans is to invest in stocks. The stock market has been a profitable industry lately, and you can normally expect a lot of people willing to invest some money into the trade. Share prices, such as the Next share price, are expected to increase in the next few years. So if you’re looking for a long-term investment to repay your loans, investing in stocks is one way to do it.

Put your wallet on a diet

Nothing beats budgeting. Wise budgeting simply means putting your wallet on diet. Just like how you try to put your body’s food intake on a diet, it is important to remember that budgeting is simply planning ahead where your money should go when it arrives on your palms.

Start with the shortest possible budget. You can create a weekly plan on how to spend your money. Prioritize paying off your student loans, most especially those that incur the largest interest payments. Commit to spending less on things you do not need.

Hit the ground running

Essentially, it is better to supplement your wise budgeting with getting sidelines along with your main job. Side gigs are merely created opportunities that you will wish to grab as long as they are there. Be it in any form, shapes and sizes, as long as it is legal, sidelines will help augment your monthly income and help you increase your payments for student loans. Not only will these sidelines help you financially, it will also develop your other skill sets.  

Self visualization techniques are good for self growth: learn from David Michigan

Imagine being in a restaurant where the waitress asks you whether you want dessert and describes what they have as day’s special. The very discretion makes your mouth water, right? If it does, you must know that this is how visualization works. Therapists, professionals and lifestyle coaches have been using visualization techniques for a long time now. David Michigan, the famous motivational speaker and lifestyle wellness coach advocates hypnosis, self-hypnosis and visualization for self-growth.

David Michigan has over 5 million followers on Facebook and Instagram and is widely known for training people mentally with his motivational speeches. He has also helped participants in Miss Tattoo France and will soon do the same for Miss Tattoo World. He has been a model and actor too and he can connect with people very easily. It is this quality that has helped him become successful.

Self-visualization help us in achieving our goals. Here are 5 steps that will help you in self-visualization.

  1. Go to a peaceful place: Go to a corner where you can be at peace with yourself. Better still create a corner for yourself. Adorn it with trees or flowers if you like. You can also keep family photographs that might help trigger happy thoughts.
  2. Think about your goals: Life can not be without purpose. Think about your long term goals. Think how achieving these goals will help you increase your self-esteem, make you a better person for your friends and family or help you attain a better health. When you know your answer it will be easier for you to visualize it.
  3. Induce happy thoughts: Self-visualization is used not just for self-growth or to increase self-esteem. It is a great technique to relieve stress and decrease negativity in life. When visualizing your future goals and dreams also, do not forget to think of the relationships that bring joy to your life. Think of the peace and fulfillment that you feel when you see your kids or spouse happy.
  4. Keep the happy thoughts in mind: Do the self-visualization exercise early in the morning and carry the happy thoughts and vibes in your mind for the rest of the day. When you start your day in a positive note, it stays with you for the rest of the day and helps you be more productive at work. When you are stressed out for any reason, think of the positive thoughts and how they made you feel.
  5. Take help from a lifestyle coach: Someone like David Michigan will be able to help you in this journey of self-visualization. If you are completely stressed out and need someone to hold your hand, get help from a therapist or wellness Through various techniques like self-hypnosis and hypnosis they can help you be more positive in your outlook and be a better person in life.

The Importance of Education

It might seem like a no-brainer that education prepares individuals to be integrated into society as a contributing member and society give much stock to education, believing those who have gone through it to be more refined or civilized. One’s accomplishments are a distinction between classes; a farmer’s boy very rarely has the insights of a well-traveled and knowledgeable mind.

However, there are also certain things to consider aside from seeming well bred. Education is passing on necessary knowledge, from simply surviving to absolutely thriving. There are pockets of civilization scattered in undeveloped areas who do not understand even the importance of hygiene, leading to many health problems. According to UNICEF, “nearly five children die every hour due to poor hygiene conditions” in Tanzania alone.

This is why many organizations flock to third world countries in an attempt to impart knowledge to the natives of the land. It is an effort not only to give those who are less privileged a chance at a more comfortable life, it is also important on a global scale.

The mentality that we should not care about what happens elsewhere is a fool’s errand; the world is connected and ‘elsewhere’ is part of the same planet. Overpopulation, pollution, and by-products of an underdeveloped country affect the entire ecosystem.

During industrial times, smog and soot caused many to perish in London. However, thanks to the emerging technologies that used cleaner energies, the crisis was rectified. While pollution is still an on-going problem, scientists and innovators are hard at work in an attempt to reduce greenhouse emissions through environmentally friendly motor vehicles.

This is why it is important that stellar education reaches every corner of the world. Rather than sending the least proficient or skilled teachers, what these struggling societies need is the best to catch up with the rest. It is rather futile to combat one problem when just across the ocean; new developments are arising with the same problems that we faced in the past. As the proverb goes: a wise man learns from his mistakes, but an even wiser man learns from the mistakes of others. It is our responsibility not to allow the errors of history to be repeated.

On the flip side, education nowadays has become much segregated, but widely available thanks to technology. It has enabled volunteers to take a flight to underprivileged areas and educating the people in regards to staying clean, filtering water and even farming.

The internet has become a more effective teacher in developed countries. One of the problems in education is associated with an excessive amount of homework, leading students often seeking help outside their educational establishments from an assignment expert. Cyberspace has changed the landscape of achieving information and every user is limited only by their imagination, interest, and dedication.

It allows individuals to shape new perspectives and learning how to make informed and intellectual opinions. The world would not be so diluted with information if that was not the case and education also allows for people to weed out what is misinformation or blatant lies. Remedying ignorance with credible information is the only way for human growth as a whole.

Why E-learning is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Online learning (or e-learning) has now become a popular way of learning a wide range of disciplines. Online courses are available to anyone with adequate access to the Internet and the right motivation to follow their passions. The rise in the popularity of online course solutions cannot be explained without concluding that they actually provide advantages and values that traditional learning institutions do not provide. The benefits of online learning can be summarized into the three following findings:   

Students learn more

According to a study from IBM, students that pursue online courses learn five times more materials than students who follow traditional methods of face-to-face learning. A major advantage of the online learning is that students can determine the learning pace by themselves. Overall, students studying online are more motivated to work through the stages of an online course than they are in other classical forms of learning. The higher degree of freedom enabled by online education means that students can progress more rapidly in the stages covering the areas they feel most comfortable with while they can choose to pause more in other online chapters that require a more in-depth learning.     

It requires a low time investment

The substantial time the traditional face-to-face courses require has turned them into unwise solutions when compared with online courses. In the later learning solutions, students do not have to wait for other students to physically arrive at a certain point in order for them to start the learning process. Also, there is no need to travel in and around the town in order to be present for certain classes or to meet with class tutors. A report from Brandon Hall that considered online learning within companies concluded that this form of learning required about 40-60 percent less employee time than its traditional counterpart. Online courses are more time efficient also during the stages of material learning. Managing the required time to master the materials offered by the course is easier online than it is in a classroom setting since the decision on when to study rests in the hands of the students.

High retention rates

Traditional course providers have significant difficulties in retaining students throughout the entire length of the course. This has not been an issue with online learning. In fact, according to a finding from the Research Institute of America (as reported by Forbes), online courses have increased student retention rates by 25 to 60 percent. This is remarkable when compared with the retention rates of only 8 to 10 percent reported in offline learning or training. The reasons for high rates of retention in e-learning can be explained by the less cases of classes clashing with other engagements and more control on how students choose to study the selected materials.

Quality over quantity

Despite the previously mentioned benefits, online courses have still a lot to improve in terms of quality and human capital gains. Furthermore, the e-learning market is so plentiful with online courses offering that it makes it very competitive. The only way for online courses to remain attractive is to differentiate themselves from other offerings. In addition, online courses such as online certified scrum product owner training are opening up new and disruptive e-learning opportunities. Software giants such as IBM are also revolutionizing the field with courses such as IBM’s Big Data University. Yet, it is up to the aspiring students to decide on their own way of learning.    

5 ways to get free assignment help at UBC

We’ve all been there, the due date on that assignment is getting closer, and you’re still staring at a blank page. There’s no need to suffer the existential dread of looming deadlines on your own. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help if you’re struggling with a project, or even just trying to understand a certain concept. Instead try one of these 5 free ways to get some help with your assignments.

Form a Study Group

One of the most obvious ways to get some free help on your assignment is to form a study group with your class mates. Now days, with apps like Socratic, or online communities like Cramster, you can even study together from the comfort of your bedroom (no need to hang out in the library for your whole Saturday afternoon.) Having the additional perspective and input of your peers can help you see things you might have otherwise missed, and they can serve as a second pair of eyes for editing too. 

Ask an expert online

Sometimes you need help from someone who’s a full bottle on your topic. Luckily there are plenty of services that let you ask an expert for help online, so you don’t even have to close that word document. Websites such as Quora, Fluther and Stack Exchange all provide a great place to get both general and specific advice about any topic, but there are also websites specific to academic studies, like PrestoExperts, where you can submit your question to experts trained in a particular field like law or medicine.

Sign up for some On-Campus Tutoring or get a Mentor

On-Campus tutoring or mentoring are some great ways to get additional help and guidance on your assignments from your peers or professors. Joining a tutoring group or finding a mentor in your area of study can offer help across all your studies, not just one particular class or assignment. While on-campus tutoring or mentoring might be a little more formal in structure and expectations than an informal study group, you still reap a lot of the benefits of social learning.

Check out example assignments for inspiration

A little bit of extra inspiration can go a long what when you’re writing a paper or putting the finishing touches on a critique. There are plenty of websites, like, where people post their essays and assignments for others to read over and draw from. There are also organizations and groups dedicated to providing sample essays on a wide range of topics. Just remember to paraphrase, not plagiarize, and avoid the use of custom essay writing services.

Ask your librarian for help

Many public and academic libraries now offer an online homework help or ask a librarian service. These platforms let you speak directly with a librarian, in real-time, to get direction and assistance on your assignment. A librarian can not only direct you to the best places for your research, they can also answer your referencing questions, something that will definitely come in handy once you finish writing everything down.

Creating an Effective and Comprehensive Lesson Plan

In any field, planning is the initial step when looking to identify a course of action that can lead to the realization of goals and objectives. For teachers, the development of an effective lesson plan, which is a detailed description of a teacher’s course of instruction for a particular lesson, is critical for the realization of learning objectives. Lesson plans not only communicate what is to be learned, but also outline how assessments will occur, helping the instructor to organize content, time, material, assistance, and instructional strategies for the classroom. This article discusses some important considerations in the creation of an effective lesson plan.

In general, a good lesson plan starts with the determination of the topic, from which the lesson objectives and desired results are derived. The topic must be specific – i.e. it should not just be “mathematics”, but rather a sub-discipline of mathematics like algebra help, arithmetic, and so on. Here, the objectives imply the skills and knowledge that learners are expected to gain from and use upon the conclusion of the lesson. Developing clear objectives is important for effective instruction as they guide the teacher in planning the instructional activities and strategies, including the resources and materials that will support learning. To communicate to learners what is expected of them during the lesson, objectives must be specific, measurable, outcome-based, and must be shared in an accessible manner.

A critical factor in developing an effective lesson plan is the consideration of student needs and interests, especially since research shows that students have varied learning styles. As the teacher plans the lesson, it is important to consider whom the students will respond to instruction and whether the students will engage with the material. As different students learn differently, consider how you can embed technology and learning tools to optimize student learning and helping them with their path to college. Perhaps they are better taught via group activities, instruction videos, or one-on-one tutoring.

Embedding technology is another important element of effective lesson planning. Whether you are teaching students algebra or how to write an essay from scratch. Technology, in one form or another has always been an integral component of the learning and teaching environment. Here technology forms part of the professional toolbox of the teacher, from which the teacher selects the resources to facilitate learning. When choosing the right technological applications, critical considerations include not only the different learning styles of the students but also the available resources and lesson duration. Effective teachers think critically about how much time they have available for introducing new material and technology, and about what resources they can access to help in introducing the material. For certain course material, it may be justified spending significant time up front, while others are better internalized through practice, and may not need prolonged introductions.

The important role played by technology in education affords teachers a chance to create lesson plans with learning experiences in mind. As such, it is important that technology is not just used for technology’s sake, but rather to appropriately embed technology by drawing upon and expertise. Recommendations include excluding information and activities that are not directly connected to schema construction and identifying the complexity of learning materials and experience of the learners. When designing the lesson plan, consider the age of the students, links to the curriculum, the instructional content and whether the technology is engaging and interactive. Weighing these considerations will ensure that the lesson plan meets not only the needs of the instructional material but also those of the students and the teacher.

How to be a Better Academic Writer

Many often wonder why good speakers are not necessarily good writers. The fact is that we all have different gifts — there are those who are adept at extemporizing witty lines, others who are better at analyzing and collecting their thoughts, while others are better at technical skills like as Android development training.

Plenty of students struggle to write well. Before trying, many of them deem themselves incapable and resort to buying essays online. But the truth is hard to swallow: anyone can be a good writer if they learn and practice. Essentially, writing is about communicating ideas. Those who possess brilliant minds are caged and limited if they cannot find a way to express their ideas.

Writing is an essential part of one’s education, so here are tips on how to become a better academic writer:

Read more scholarly articles and books

Note that writing an academic paper and a fiction novel is vastly different. While reading novels can help build up vocabulary, its structure is different from academic writing. A structure, or outline, is a general idea that tells where the story or argument is going. A logical structure that contains a thesis, explanation of important concepts and supporting ideas is imperative to good academic writing.

Scholarly articles and academic books also serve as a standard that writers can try to achieve and evaluate their work against. From vocabulary, word choice, rhythm, to grammar and punctuation, there are plenty of examples that writers can take cues from.

Know the audience and purpose of writing

Writers in academia are likely dealing with experts (teachers and professors) and others who have read extensively about the same subject. It would be different from writing to a general audience who are not at all familiar with the topic. The readers may already have expectations in mind. Academic writers have to prove their expertise on the subject, but keeping the audience in mind helps them know what material to include and how to support the argument.

Purpose of writing is another thing writers have to keep in mind. Some assignments call for extensive research and information, while others expect more stories of personal experience. This helps writers to figure out their tone — whether it should be more serious and persuasive, or light and humorous.

Ideas and supporting points come first

Writing is a learning process for writers too. Authors frequently find revelations on the subject they’re researching after writing their ideas down, organizing and analyzing them. After refining and perfecting the structure so that the argument is logically sound, add citations from reputable sources to show in-depth research and knowledge on the subject matter.

It would be unwise to get hung up on the spelling, grammar, mechanics and citation formatting in the initial stages of writing. Many sentences will be altered in the process, paragraphs moved, and phrases done away with completely. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are indeed important in academic writing, but it would be best to leave them for last, when the ideas and supporting points have been finalized.

Practice purposefully

Keeping a blog or a diary and being actively involved in forums are good ways to practice writing on a daily basis. These exercises can help writers improve structure and wordings so the message is communicated clearly to the audience. Receiving feedback, reviewing and rewriting are also part of the practice process.

In the book Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise, author K. Anders Ericsson argues that to build new skills and abilities, one has to practice purposefully. That means having well-defined, specific goals, be focused. In proving his point, Ericsson takes the example of Benjamin Franklin, who created his own writing exercises to improve the structure and logic of his writing.

Read and reread

Writers tend to think they know exactly what they’ve written and end up skimming through before finalizing their essay or article. Reading this way can cause writers to miss information gaps, as well as punctuation and spelling errors. While they might seem minor, just one mistake could confuse or frustrate the reader.

The Writing Center at The University of North Carolina recommends that writers put themselves in the reader’s position. “Instead of reading your draft as if you wrote it and know what you meant, try reading it as if you have no previous knowledge of the material. Have you explained enough? Are the connections clear?”

Some ways of doing this include taking a break and reading the paper with a fresh mind, outlining (writing down the main points of each paragraph) and reading the paper aloud. Reading the paper out loud is also a good way to catch sentence-level errors. Be sure to leave enough time to reread and revise the writing before turning it in.

Which Certs Will Make a Difference to Your CV in the IT Industry?

The IT industry is the fastest growing industry in the world, thanks to the new advances in technology which are constantly revolutionizing the way we do business. Today we are seeing more and more companies adding a CTO, CIO, or both, to their executive lineup and analysts are predicting massive job growth thanks to the explosion of IoT.

In an industry that changes as rapidly as IT, it can seem redundant to amass qualifications which may soon be out of date. Especially when the job itself involves so much hands-on training and trouble-shooting with new tech, from the moment it’s released.

There are some certifications, however, which are worth getting under your belt.

Project Management Certifications

In-demand certifications like PRINCE2, and PMP can help you advance your career within the tech industry. For example, the PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Training provides IT professionals with the skills they’ll need in project management roles. The best thing about these certificates is that they are transferable to any industry. PRINCE2 and PMP are the most respected project management qualifications in the world, ensuring that at the end of your training you have an internationally recognized certification you can take anywhere.


Despite the bickering over which is more valuable in the industry, ITIS or DevOps, the ITIL cert still makes it into the top paying certifications for the industry.
ITIL is a qualification specifically for IT services management, and is essentially seen as the set of best practices for this industry. ITIL Certifications are offered in a modular approach, from the foundation course, all the way up to a Master level. But even the foundation course will equip you with the knowledge necessary to maintain smooth operations of all your daily services.


While many people will say that security certs are useless, the trend of cybercrime is up and the recent Equifax hack proves that good knowledge of security protocols and best practices are essential to protecting company and consumer data.
CISSP has the benefits of being broad, and well recognized. While it isn’t necessary for an entry-level position, after you have a couple of years of experience under your belt in the industry, a CISSP cert can better position you to stand out amongst your peers and improve your chances of promotion.


When it comes to cloud computing, Amazon’s Web Services is the best cert you can have on your CV. Whether you’re a developer, an administrator or an analyst, AWS has become the gold standard for the cloud. A recent survey of IT professionals conducted in the US and Canada showed an AWS certification could boost your salary by 26%.

If you haven’t already earned some certs, it’s never too late to start padding out your resume! According to the previously mentioned survey, IT professionals hold at least 2 certifications. It just goes to show, staying educated is the best way to stay on top of your game.

Things To Do Before Signing Your First Employee Contract

Searching for that auspicious first job after graduating is a daunting task. Even if you’ve considered and calculated every problem point in your professional journey (have all potential career paths lined up, networked, got work experience while at university, and researched the current job market), most fresh graduates seldom get exactly what they envisioned for their primary salaried role. That being said, it’s oft the strategy of newbie workers to seize the first offer that comes their way, seeing it as a stepping stone towards great things. If you don’t want to tarnish your perception of work with a poor first impression, hold out and consider these items before you sign your life away:

Your day-to-day duties

Entry level roles – for the most part – are repetitive, mundane, and limited. It is a shock for most graduates to be reduced to the level of tasks entry jobs demand, but is a vital one. Understanding that your first job will feel underwhelming is crucial, but that shouldn’t mean you accept a role regardless of your duties. Before signing that scroll, read and re-read your job description; make notes of what you like and, if you’re brave, let the hiring manager know if there are any additional roles you’d like to see included – i.e., if you’re a digital marketer, filling out and designing a newsletter.


Not all of us have the luxury of working close to home, but it’s something you should fight for if you’re concerned about wasting time and energy commuting. For graduates, location tends to be a transient state; most graduates live away from home with the aim of moving back in with their family after, while others float in a state of limbo preparing to move for a role they find. For both cases, it’s important to consider roles that make commuting as facile as possible. Research accommodation/living costs – different areas have different costs, even within the same city. Do you require a car to get to your office, or is there adequate public transport? Most companies have salaries that reflect the costs of living and working in their area, however, for entry level this may not be enough to comfortably live on.

Company type and size

There’s no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to company type and culture. Many graduates aspire to white-collar jobs in established, franchised companies, but forget the bountiful professional perks of working in a startup and SME. Each company type has pros and cons – it’s vital that you outline what you want out of a company before committing to any one type.

Personal development

Leading on from company types and their respective perks, finding a company that appreciates and can further your professional and personal development is key. You want to avoid entering into a position that will treat you as a glorified intern where you complete remedial work day in day out (think HR administrator with no HR software). Make sure your employer has internal or external training regimes in mind, and that your role teaches you about the industry or position you wish to fulfil in future.


What benefits are available in your potential future company should be considered, particularly if there are benefits that accumulate as time goes on – i.e., pensions, or gratuity. What kind of health insurance are they offering (is there maternity insurance coverage?), are they quite tech-savvy (have they got cloud HR software rolling around) and are there opportunities throughout your careers to train, grow and, perhaps, change roles? While some companies may have less than appealing starter salaries, the rewards for staying with them and growing are numerous, so always consider their long-term potential.


The hours you will be expected to work vary massively from company to company. For individuals looking to balance their work/life schedule (Millennials and Centennials in particular) it’s important to double check on your hours and their flexibility. Does your office offer work from home alternatives? Will you be expected to complete overtime or handle shifts – and how will that impact your ability to get home (should you use public transport).

5 Careers a UBC Biology Major Can Land You

A Biology major can prepare students for a variety of health-related careers, but because the subject is extremely broad, the subject is applicable in a wide range of professions outside the health sector. Below is a list of options for Biology students:


The epidemic of lifestyle-related diseases has prompted many to seek advice from nutritionists. With heart disease being the leading cause of death and obesity a growing issue in the country, the guide that nutritionists give to their patients toward behavior changes can be helpful as preventative measures or to simply improve one’s health. Biology graduates can apply the scientific knowledge of the human body and its environment as nutritionists in educating people about the food they eat and how it impacts their health, communities and ecosystems. Many nutritionists are self-employed, but certain positions require certifications and postgraduate study.

Genetic Counselor

Biology is an excellent major for those looking to pursue a career in genetic counseling. The practice is being increasingly sought after as more and more people become interested in looking into their ancestry and find out about their particular genetic health risks. Aside from providing factual information, the role of a genetic counselor is to give emotional support to individuals who have been diagnosed with a genetically-inherited illness, or who are at risk for developing a disease. Because of this, a strong background in psychology or counseling is preferred by graduate programs. Genetic counselors might also work with those who are planning a pregnancy and are concerned about their baby’s risk for birth defects.


Entomology is the study insects, their environments and their behaviors through observational, experimental, chemical and genetic techniques, but the importance of its research goes beyond the diverse group of animals on earth and is critical to human lives. Entomologists make great contributions to fields such as health, agriculture, chemistry, biology, and forensics. Finding cures to serious diseases spread by insects require understanding of insect biology, for example. And agricultural entomologists may develop new types of integrated pest management that uses some species to control others, reducing the need for pesticides or conventional roach killers.


Being a lawyer doesn’t sound like a likely path for science majors, but the scientific knowledge and reasoning from subjects like Biology are pertinent in some legal fields. Medical malpractice lawyers, for example, need to analyze medical interventions to judge whether health professionals have acted correctly and ethically. The same goes for litigation and criminal lawyers who need to gather evidence to test a hypothesis. Patent and intellectual property lawyers also need to understand the science behind biotechnological products, drugs and medical instruments in order to process applications for patents and defend client infringment. Biology majors who are particularly passionate about the environment can work as an environmental lawyer with their scientific understanding of how the ecosystem will be impacted by certain projects or policies.

Health Educator

Health educators develop health education programs that teach people how to maximize their wellness and promote healthy behaviors. Like biology majors, they write about scientific topics like nutrition, safe sex, substance and stress reduction. Biology graduates who are interested in working with people and have strong written communication skills can use their scientific knowledge from biology as health educators to digest information and research about public health concerns.

Conservation Scientist

Our natural resoures today are being used up at an alarming rate. The future lies in our willingness to invest in discovering newer and more efficient resources that will be sustainable in the long run. Biology graduates who enjoy applying their skills outside the classroom might be interested in becoming a conservation scientist who spend a lot of time in the field. Many of them work with government or environmental agencies managing the overall land quality of natural resources.