Mental Health Correspondents

Gratitude Works!

Keeping a gratitude journal seems to be one of those things many people are excited to start every once in a while on Thanksgiving or New Year’s, but as time goes on, they start to wonder if it actually works in increasing their happiness and gradually stop doing it because it can feel like a waste of time. Well, before you give up on gratitude journaling, ask yourself if you have been doing it in an obligatory fashion that is not meaningful to you, and whether you have been doing it in a way that feels “right” and effective. There are a few tips that I have gathered related to gratitude journaling:

– Be specific. Research has shown that it makes people happier to be happy about one specific thing each day that they can elaborate on than to express gratitude about five vague things (like “I am grateful for my parents”) each day.

– Try to do it regularly (once a week, for example) instead of only when you need to. Forcing yourself to express gratitude only when you feel frustrated and desperately want immediate results will not help you very much.

– Do it in a way that is comfortable for you. If you like journaling, then journal. If you like to express gratitude through prayer, then pray. If you like expressing your gratitude out loud, say it out loud.

– Smile! It helps to be physically ready and cooperative in being happy when your mind and heart are expressing gratitude. =)

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