
Toxic Friends

Toxic friends are people in your life that bring you down. They’re exhausting to be around, they make you feel unhappy, and they create a negative energy. They can be manipulative, rude, obnoxious, and sometimes straight up mean. In particular, toxic friends drain your energy more often than they replenish it. These toxic friends are the type of people you should avoid or cut out in 2016.

Cutting out toxic friends from your life doesn’t make you a bad person. You are allowed to create a positive space for yourself and to surround yourself with people you like and who like you too. It’s perfectly fine to not like these toxic friends even if other people do; it doesn’t make you a bad friend. If someone makes you feel more negative than positive, makes you feel uncomfortable around your other friends, or makes you feel bad about yourself, they’re a toxic person that has no place in your life. In 2016, do yourself a favor and cut these people out.

I know cutting people out is a lot easier said than done, and it can take a lot of time, but once these people are gone from your life you will be a lot happier. These toxic people can be a huge source of negativity that can be draining on your self esteem and mental health. In 2016, to make yourself happier and to create a more positive place for you, get these toxic people out of your life unapologetically. It will make 2016 a more happy and positive year, which is something that everyone needs. Additionally, surrounding yourself with positive people will attract happiness and support, which is always beneficial to your mental and physical health!


Written by Shelby Rogers

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