
Companion Animals and Mental Health

Whenever I’m having a bad day, I always feel better when I go home because my dog would always cheer me up. There is no doubt that animals can have an enormous positive effect on the mental and social well-being of their owners. In an article written by Dr. Wittenauer and Ascher, they mentioned a study done by researchers at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, they found that pets provided outlets for empathy, connection, self-efficacy and support for adults with serious mental illness. Studies have also shown that companion animals may improve cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and regulating heart rate during stressful situations (Casciotti & Zuckerman, 2016). Also, pet ownership among elderly people is also an important source of social support which allows them to enhance their sense of well-being. Elderly individuals who owned a pet were better able to perform certain physical activities such as activities that needed them to kneel, bend or stoop (Casciotti & Zuckerman, 2016). Researchers also found that people who said they had a pet in both 1996 and 2001 had the fewest doctor visits followed by people who owned a pet by 2001. People who did not own a pet at either time had the highest number of doctor visits (Casciotti & Zuckerman, 2016). Thus, companion animals can really benefit a person’s life mentally and physically. Not only that, they bring joy to our lives and they give us a chance to give them the best life possible. Remember, they may only be a part of your life but to them you are their whole life. Treat your pets the way they treat you 🙂

Written by Vivian Tse


Casciotti, D., & Zuckerman, D. (2016). The benefits of pets for human health – National Center for Health

Research . Retrieved September 19, 2016, from

Wittenauer, J., & Ascher, M. (n.d.). ‘Prescribing’ companion animals for patients with mental illness.

Retrieved September 19, 2016, from



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