
How Communication Can Affect Our Mental Wellness

Taking the time out of our busy schedules to speak with our loved ones is important, not only to maintain that particular relationship, but also to achieve a healthier mind state. Sharing any thoughts and feelings, no matter how big or small, that can cause us stress or discomfort is one way to properly deal with them because it can help us relieve negativity from our minds.

We all know that bottling up these negative feelings and emotions is unhealthy for our mental state. And, although our problems will not just disappear when we tell others, doing so can help us realize that we are not alone in the face of our problems. Sharing these bothersome thoughts and feelings can even give us a fresh perspective on the situation at hand.

For example, a friend of mine shared her story about how she felt when she was facing an important decision in her university career while her dad consistently tried to force his own plans on her life. Annoyed by this, she ranted to her friend who simply listened and in the end, gave her some new resources to help her make the important decision on her own. I was really glad to hear that by choosing to speak with her friend, she was able to share what was bothering her but also renew her energy in making her own plans for her own future.

Making the conscious effort to talk to someone about negative thoughts or feelings can be difficult, and I understand that many of us may feel uncomfortable sharing these sensitive topics with others. We might keep these thoughts and feelings to ourselves for a variety of reasons; however, it is crucial that we are able to share them with people that we trust. To illustrate, another close friend of mine came up to me a few months ago, asking to have a serious and private talk with me about feelings that had been bothering her for quite some time. It had gotten to the point that these feelings made her physically unwell and nauseous which made her realize that enough is enough. Her choice to acknowledge these negative feelings and telling someone she trusted about them is something I greatly admire.

Knowing all of this, some people find it easier to share what’s bothering them more than others. For those that do find this task daunting and stressful, a good start is identifying who would be an appropriate person to speak with. This is usually a person you trust to listen and actually take the time to understand the message you are trying to convey. The next is finding the right time and place to tell them. Pick a setting that is the most comfortable for you, like outside during a walk or in the privacy of your room. This can help you relax while you are speaking. Finally, be honest with your words. Tell the other person what you really want to say and if it helps to write it down beforehand so that your message has clarity, do so. The aim of this task is to help you unburden yourself from carrying these thoughts and feelings on your own and how you do it will differ from how others do it, so pick the method you are most comfortable with and go with that.

Reaching out to people that we trust for support is not a sign of weakness. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging when we need the support of others, whether it comes in the form of useful advice, a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. It is not selfish of us to talk about something that bothers our mind state because having mental wellness is something that we all need to live a healthy lifestyle.

Written by Roumaine Soliveres

One reply on “How Communication Can Affect Our Mental Wellness”

Communication is key all mental wellness! One thing to add is there something we tend to struggle with is effectively pinpointing the source of our conflict and what exactly the feeling is. When someone says they are mad, there is an array of adjectives that fall under what a person is really feeling- disappointed, frustrated , unheard etc. I believe the first step is to gain the vocab to pinpoint the feeling and communicate that to our loved ones.

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