Mental Health Correspondents

Making Lifestyle Changes

Hey there MHAC!

Thinking of picking up some new habits or getting rid of some bad ones? I think we all know what it feels like to try an motivate ourselves to stay more on top of our school work, go to the gym more, or try and bring lunch and snacks to school. Whatever it may be, it is hard to stay committed to these healthy changes whilst grappling with the ever piling of school work.

The APA has come up with a check-list that can help make some of those life changes stick.

  • make a plan that is specific and realistic
  • break your goals down into small manageable steps
  • change one behaviour at at time
  • involve supportive friends and family and talk about what you’re doing
  • ask for support if you’re feeling overwhelmed

Moreover, they emphasis the importance of accepting that there may be relapses and knowing that this is normal and then figuring out what you need to get back on track.

As final papers and exams quickly encroach upon us, don’t let the behaviours that you work for go by the wayside; keep doing the things that make you happy and you can help keep some of that stress at bay.

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