
4 Best Teas to Help De-stress Your Midterm Feels

I know we are in the midst of midterm season, and for some of my friends, I’ve noticed they have been drastically affected by stress. I’m lucky that I have more midterm papers than actual exams, but that stomach twisting and sweat boiling feeling is inevitable. We’re college students; school is selfish during this time. […]


Breakups during exam periods

It’s that time of the year! Holidays, festivities are creeping up! First comes Thanksgiving, Halloween and sooner than you know Christmas comes knocking at your door! Being in a relationship during these times can be a great thing but some people might experience a break-up during these times. I remember a professor telling us in […]



Unfortunately, intolerance towards what is different has been present throughout history and at the moment. In an unknown situation or one that we are not used to, we build fear in an attempt to protect our stability. In this way, what separates a group from another or what makes an individual stand out from others […]



Something that I have heard far too often from friends and family who are dealing with mental health issues is “I’m afraid to reach out because I don’t want to be seen as weak/pathetic/a coward.” This is really upsetting for me to hear because getting support and reaching out is so important when you’re dealing […]


Perceptions of Mental Health In Media

I love TV- from Friends, to Luther, to KUWTK, to you know… Blue Planet and stuff. I love movies- Fight Club, Black Swan, and if I’m being honest I buy a trashy magazine before every flight I take. The stigmatization of the mentally ill in media is unconscious. Initially, when people had very poor understandings […]


5 Unwritten Lessons I’ve learned about Failure

I used to be a perfectionist when I was a child. I tried so hard especially when I was in elementary school, where if I didn’t get 100% on my math quizzes I would cry and lock myself in my bedroom for making such careless mistakes. My parents pushed me to become the best version […]


Companion Animals and Mental Health

Whenever I’m having a bad day, I always feel better when I go home because my dog would always cheer me up. There is no doubt that animals can have an enormous positive effect on the mental and social well-being of their owners. In an article written by Dr. Wittenauer and Ascher, they mentioned a […]


Some Stress Management Techniques

I don’t know you guys, but there’s no empty space in my agenda for next week and the following ones with so many midterms coming up. To help dealing with this, I asked friends about stress management techniques that have provided academic performance benefits and helped them prevent stress-related burnout. Some of them counteract study-related […]


How to Get Better Sleep

Getting an adequate amount of sleep is very important to maintaining good mental health. Unfortunately, a lot of students at university have problems getting a good night’s sleep, whether that’s problems falling asleep or problems staying asleep. Some people are even diagnosed with different forms of insomnia, such as onset insomnia (trouble falling asleep) and […]


What is Sadness For?

This week I was intrigued by a very important question that one of my English professors asked my class, “What is sadness for?”. We were discussing a film, Inside Out, to support The Affect Theory that he introduced to us early on in the week. According to Silvan Tomkins, in his novel, “Affect Imagery Consciousness”, […]

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