Tag Archives: help

Upcoming Wiki Support Session on Sept. 16th

The next UBC Wiki Support session will be on Thursday, September 16th, from 1pm to 3pm at the Fraser River Room in the CTLT Tag offices in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. The drop-in UBC Wiki Support sessions are … Continue reading

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Wiki Drop-In Support Sessions

Have questions on wiki mark-up, organizing your content, embedding media, or any other topic? I’ll be offering drop-in support sessions for the UBC Wiki. In my mind, these will be sessions where I am able to give one on-one help … Continue reading

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Looking for Help (in all the wrong namespaces)

I decided that a good first place to start with the wiki gardening project was to review the help documentation. I first looked at what currently existed on the wiki and then I moved some articles over from the public … Continue reading

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