
Welcome to the Scarfe ePortfolio Sandbox site. I’ve created this site to support students and instructors as they develop their ePortfolios for EDUC452. Each page houses information, links and resources to help you build your own eP.

The FAQ page has links to various design and ‘tech’ tips.

Please feel free to email if there is information you need but can’t find and I’ll try to add it. You can also find links and resources on the Scarfe Digital Sandbox Blog.

Email topic suggestions to Yvonne, Tech Facilitator and Adjunct Teaching Professor: yvonne.dawydiak@ubc.ca

Welcome Page: This page could welcome people and orient them to your eP… it could be graphic, screencast, text or a combination.

To begin, login to UBCBlogs with your CWL and follow the onscreen instructions to set up a new blog. *The site title can be changed anytime, the site name will become your URL so choose carefully. The final setup step is to set permissions or privacy settings. You might want to start by having your site only visible to you as the administrator until you are ready to ‘launch’. You will be able to change your permissions at anytime.

To change the overall privacy settings in your blog, from your ‘Dashboard’, navigate to ‘Settings’ and select ‘Reading’ and make the adjustments that suit your needs.or view this video tutorial:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ELCJ7dXuQ0

NB:  each page has it’s own ‘visibility’ permissions – by default they are public (public just means to whatever level you have supplied permissions… only ‘fully’ public if you have adjusted your permissions to be a public blog on the net)

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