
Ethnonationalists, Religion, and Violence

When adherents to Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism, or Islam commit violent acts in the name of a spiritual mission they are often responding to social, political, or economic grievances. What ever the specific motivating factors these advocates of violence often share highly charged misogynist and xenophobic views that resonates with social conservatism.

Reverend Michael Bray set fire to abortion clinics in the name of God, but also claimed that the U.S. government was undermining moral values. He was convicted of a string of bombings against women’s health care clinics providing abortion in the mid-1980s. He wrote A Time to Kill, a book offering religious justification for the murder of abortion providers. Bray also borrowed from Christian reconstructionist theology, an extremist subset of the already extreme Christian dominion theology. Reconstructionist Christians reject the separation of church and state and believe that Christians’ world domination is God’s intention.

Osama bin Laden sought the establishment of an Islamic state but was also protesting U.S. support for governments in the Middle East. bin Laden cut his teeth fighting with US support in Afghanistan against Russian occupying forces in the 1980s. While this Afghan conflict was presented as a free world versus communist oppressor struggle, the politics of the conflict on the ground were quite different. bin Laden and his allies were fighting to establish religious rule, not American style capitalism. After the Russians pulled out in 1989, from what many referred to as the Soviet Vietnam, the disaster left behind by a decade of civil war resulted din the rise of ultra-conservative religious leaders who were as opposed to capitalist styled liberties as much as they were opposed to Russian influenced modernity. Today Afghanistan is ruled by a male-centered religious group who used military force to take over control after the US and their allies withdrew.

Yahya Sinwar, 1962-2024, was a leader of the Islamist group Hamas who seek to establish an Islamic state in Palestine and Isreal. Before being killed by the Israel Defense Forces, Sinwar led brutal attacks against Israeli civilians. The International Criminal Court prosecutor filled for an arrest warrant against Sinwar in May of 2024 for the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Israel and the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 7 October 2023 which included murder, hostage taking, torture, sexual violence, and outrages on personal dignity.

Sinwar has been a part of the Islamist insurgency against the state of Israel since being a young man. He has been incarcerated by Israel many times for violence against Israelis. He was finally released from jail for good in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange for an Israeli solder being held hostage.

Meir David HaKohen Kahane; August 1, 1932 – November 5, 1990) was an American-born Israeli ordained Orthodox rabbi, writer, and ultra-nationalist politician who served one term in Israel’s Knesset before being convicted of acts of terrorism.

Kahane proposed enforcing halakha -Jewish rabbinical texts- and hoped that Israel would eventually adopt Halakha as state law. Non-Jews wishing to dwell in Israel would have three options: remain as “resident strangers” with limited rights, leave Israel and receive compensation for their property, or be forcibly removed without compensation. While serving in the Knesset in the mid-1980s Kahane proposed numerous laws, none of which passed, to emphasize Judaism in public schools, reduce Israel’s bureaucracy, forbid sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews, separate Jewish and Arab neighborhoods, and end cultural meetings between Jewish and Arab students. A political offshoot of Kahane’s movement is currently a minority partner in Israel’s current government.

According to Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, the writer and political activist whose writings are considered foundational texts by many ardent Hindu nationalists, the Indian nation is at its core a Hindu nation. A Hindu, in turn, is anyone who regards sovereign Indian territory as both their fatherland (pitribhumi) as well as holy land (punyabhoomi). Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists fulfill both criteria, while Christians, Jews, Parsis, and Muslims do not since members of these religious groups do not regard India as their true holy land. In the eyes of Hindu nationalists, India’s Hindu identity is important on its own terms and also because it has the potential to foster the kind of coherent national community needed for both social stability and global recognition.

Savarkar spoke favourably of facism in Germany, Italy, and Japan through the course of world war one. As the war progressed he started to explicitly draw references between the nazi policies toward jews as an example of how Indians should treat Muslims. When the atrocities committed by the Nazis became clear Savarkar did not renounce his affinity toward the nazis.

Each of these theorists shared a common belief in their religious/ethno-nationalist community as holding a kind of supremacy or divine dominion over a key geographical region, each were opposed to marriage outside of their circle of believers, each held views on the divine division between men and women in which men are the natural head of a traditional family. All of these shared beliefs are critical ingredients of a cultural view of society that justifies violence as natural and rightfully deployed on behalf of their cause.




Masculinity, Fishermen, and Gender

Fishing narrowly understood is a masculinest occupation. Crews and skippers are overwhelmingly men, not just in my homeport of Prince Rupert, but globally. That does not deny the fact that the wider social world of fisheries is a human multi-gendered social world. Donna Lee Davis and Jane Nadel Klien were among the early cohort of researchers who documented the integral role women play in fisheries communities (1988). Much of the focus of the work that preceded Davis and Nadel Klien highlighted the crew at sea (see, for example: Orbach 1977; Zulaika 1981; Cohen 1987). Other approaches retained an anthropology of the village and wrote about peasant-like settings (see, for example: Firth 1966; Faris 1966). The turn to view fisheries within a wider gendered lens developed through the1980s; one important result of which is the normalization of an approach that assumes gender is relevant as opposed to merely something to add after the fact (Neis et al 2005; see also, Menzies 2011:99-110).

The social world of fishing communities is not a homogenous space – it is riven by class and gender just as aspects of the wider society are. While the early maritime anthropologists (such as: Orbach 1977; Zulaika 1981) focused on the crew at sea as the sum total of the fishing community as an occupational culture, this paper zeros in on how aspects of onboard work are implicated in the reproduction of gender, specifically masculinity while appreciating this occurs within a wider social field than the boat itself (Davis 1993; Yodanis 2000; Power 2004; King 2007).

In a paper explaining why women don’t fish, Carrie Yodanis argues, “women are women because they do not fish” (2000:268). She found gender to be defined in relation to the at sea practice of fishing. Yodanis’ study was based in a Maine lobster fishing community. Her observations are similar to my own among British Columbian fishermen (Menzies 1991). Yodanis goes on to say “‘Man’ is defined as one who fishes and ‘women’ is defined in opposition to that which is a fisherman” (2000:268). This echoes Nancy Chodorow’s1978 observation that gendered parenting –motherhing and fathering (as opposed to simply an androgynous parenting)- is at the root of societal gendered inequalities. In her rendering girls simply grow into women while men are made as their masculine identity is severed from their mothers as they become ‘not women’ (Chodorow 1978). There are, of course, women who fish (Wilson 2014, 2016). Yet their presence on the boat is constructed in such a way as to maintain normative hegemonic masculinity (Menzies 1991; Meyer 2015; McMullen 2018).

Julianne Meyer explores the question how women who fish are gendered and asks what does this say about masculinity on boats (2015). She does this through a study that combines active participation in two seasons as a Bristol Bay setnetter and at fisherpoet festivals in Oregon where she spoke with women about their experiences, ideas, and performances as fishermen and fisherpoets. Meyers notes that women fishermen and fisherpoets “must show they are prepared to engage in the hypermasculine culture of commercial fishing” (2015:18). While they are not explicitly excluded, “women have a difficult time breaking into and remaining in the occupation” (Meyer 2015:19). She further notes “working in a male-dominated industry, women often struggle to keep their jobs if they are not involved in a relationship. Women often find work in industry through familial or romantic relationships and those women who chose to enter the occupation without relationships face additional struggles. … Men in the occupation occasionally expect women to have sex with them, based solely on the demographics of the occupation. … In addition to this, women must also be ever vigilant in their activities in the industry because of the looming threat of sexual violence” (Meyer 2015:22).

Building off of Meyer’s work with women, Bradford McMullen explores the ways in which male fishermen who are also fisherpoets define masculinities. He too notes the overtly masculinist tone of commercial fisheries as a contemporary occupation. While observing a variety of masculinities at play among fishermen (even a variant that includes women as masculinized) he locates them all within the wider sense of hegemonic masculinity – straight, androcentric, and valuing competency and credibility. He defines these last two attributes as follows: “Competence in the context of the fishing industry is the ability to perform well succeeding as a fisherman by doing one’s job and surviving the stresses that accompany it. Credibility in fishermen speak could also be called trustworthiness: one’s credibility resides in other people’s belief that fishermen will live up to their promises and accomplish the things they are expected to do, no matter their difficulty” (McMullen 2018:17). Becoming a man, in the eyes of the fishermen’s world, is all about demonstrating one’s ability to do the job and do it reliably. That women might also do the job doesn’t necessarily take away from this masculinist conception as they either aren’t there (Yodanis 2000) or they take on the masculinist attributes (while remaining female) that reinforce the idea of the maleness of the world of fisheries (Meyer 2015).

In the early 1980s I had been part of an anti-pornography campaign to remove magazines like Hustler from the campus bookstore. Our campaign was inspired by writings in the edited collection Take Back the Night (Lederer 1980). Thinking that this might be a good way to approach the onboard pornography and sexist attitudes pervasive on many coastal fishboats of the time, I made copies of several chapters of Take Back the Night to use as educational materials during the herring season that year.

In the 1980s commercial herring seining lasted from late February into early April. There were a hundred or so boats in the fleet. We would travel from opening to opening, waiting for a week or more at remote fishing grounds for a chance to load up that might last a little as a few minutes. A season could be made or lost in ten minutes after having waiting for weeks on anchor. Aside from waiting there wasn’t much to do but socialize, do a bit of sport fishing, share food, booze, and other stuff. Pornography was a major item circulating amongst the fleet. So, I thought I might do a little bit to change things.

I had periodically been placing the copies of Take Back the Night chapters onto the galley table in the boat that I worked on. It looked like other crew members from our boat and visiting boats had been picking them up and reading them. But I was soon disabused of any positive interpretation. About three weeks into the season our boat cook sat down at the galley table across from me. He seemed to be reading one of the pamphlets. He glanced over at me, looked back at the pamphlet, then asked me:

“So, Charlie. What is this miss-ogg-ah-knee?”

“Misogyny, I corrected.”

“Hmm.” He said.

“It means women hating.”

He looked me directly in the eyes

“So, what man hates a women.”

He tossed the pamphlet onto the table and returned to his cooking. It was then I realized two things: (1) the cook was the sole person (not the crew) who was using the pamphlets (and not as I had anticipated), and; (2) I had really misunderstood my audience.

Male centered ideas of sexuality, as presented by the onboard pornography, were a physical manifestation of the definitional masculinity of the space on the ship. Unlike the more polite and public spaces ashore, the display of pornography and sexualized images of women were explicit boundary markers. These spaces were felt to be private male worlds within which women were not expected to enter or to participate in. Shoreside, when wives, girlfriends, or daughters were expected to visit the boat the skipper (or more often, the cook) would make certain the most explicit materials were swept away out of sight – though the calendars of partially glad women would almost always remain untouched. This ideology of sexuality and gender undergirds the working world and the ways that one learned the fishing trade. The inclusion of a few women in the occupation served to underscore, rather than alter, the masculinity of fishing labour and the process of becoming a fisherman (Menzies 1991, Meyer 2015, Yodanis 2000).


Globalization IS Imperialism. ANTH 414

Globalization has become a catchword describing the attributes of our increasingly integrated world. It is glorified in tech and social media circles; vilified by progressive social movement activists, and assumed as reality in the business and government worlds. But what is globalization? Is it really a new social phenomena? What are its ill effects? What are its benefits?  This course explores the idea of globalization as a phenomenon of the capitalist world economy. We will examine how theories of Imperialism and Revolution, as articulated by engaged theorists, such as Rosa Luxemburg and Leon Trotsky, shed analytic light on the contemporary idea of globalization.  We will examine how anthropological insights can be used to shape these social and economic forces to make our world a collectively better place  Revolutions require work, theory, practice, and commitment. The capitalist class knows this and constantly works to maintain their power and authority. Working class people, historically marginalized peoples, oppressed nationalities are often locked in a simple struggle to survive and revolution can be seen, if it is seen at all, as more trouble than it’s worth. Yet overturning the rule of capital is very likely the single most important task in front of us today. Understanding how imperialism masks itself in theory, coercion, and subterfuge is an important step on the path to liberty. 

Readings and Seminar Topics

Unit 1. Classical Theorists – Capitalism and Imperialism

January 8, 2019. Core Concepts

  • Alex Callinicos. Imperialism and Global Political Economy. “Introduction.”
  • Eric Wolf. Europe and the People Without History. Chapter 1: “Introduction,” Chapter 3: “Modes of Production,” and Chapter 10: “Crisis and Differentiation in Capitalism.” 

January 15, 2019. Capitalism & Development

  • Callinicos. Imperialism and Global Political Economy. Chapters 1 & 2.
  • Walter Rodney. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Chapter 1: Some Questions on Development.
  • Jonathon Friedman. “Did Someone Say Globalization? The Mystification of Intellectuals and the Cunning of History.” http://www.focaalblog.com/2014/page/4/

January 22, 2019. Rosa Luxemburg: Accumulation & Consumption.

  • Anthony Brewer. Chapter 3: “Rosa Luxemburg.”
  • June Nash. “Global Integration and Subsistence Insecurity.”
  • Rosa Luxemburg. The Accumulation of Capital. Section 3: pp 329-469.

January 29, 2019. V.I. Lenin: Imperialism – the Highest Stage of Capitalism.

  • Brewer. Chapter 6: “Bukharin and Lenin.”
  • V.I. Lenin. Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism.

February 5 2019. Leon Trotsky: Combined and Uneven Development.

  • Sharryn Kasmir and Leslie Gill. “No Smooth Surfaces: The Anthropology of Unevenness and Combination (with commentary).” Current Anthropology. 2018. Vol. 59(4):355-377.
  • Leon Trotsky. The Permanent Revolution. “Introduction,” by Peter Camejo (pp. 7-23). “The Permanent Revolution,” (pp. 125-281).

Unit 2. Case Studies of Globalization

February 12, 2019. Neil Smith. Yankee Imperialism.

  • Smith. Endgame of Globalization.

February 26, 2019: Anna Tsing. Mushrooms, Flows, & Ruins.

Tsing. The Mushroom at the End of the World.

March 5, 2019: Aiwha Ong. Transition, Resistance, Factory Labour.

  • Ong. Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline.

March 12, 2019: Sharryn Kasmir. Saturn, Co-ops, & Combined and Uneven Development.

  • Kasmir. The Myth of Mondragon.
  • Kasmir. “The Mondragon Cooperatives and Global Capitalism.”

Unit 3. Progressive Globalization

March 26 – April 2, 2019: Theorizing Social Movements & Tactical Engagements.

  • Edelman. “Social Movements.”
  • David McNally. Socialism From Below.
  • Gibson-Graham, Cameron, Healy. Take Back the Economy