Dear Café Scientifiquers,

 Our next café will happen on February 22nd, 7:30pm @ Railway Club (579 Dunsmuir Street). The speaker for the evening will be Dr. Eric Lagally, an Assistant Professor from the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering at UBC. His talk that evening will be:

 Microfluidics: its uses in medicine, health, and manufacturing

Microfluidics is the use of channels and chambers, as well as pumps and valves, to control fluids on the scale of the width of a human hair (or even smaller). There are many reasons one would want to do this: most notably, the physics at these minute scales changes dramatically from what we experience in our everyday life. These different behaviors can be used to make fluids do extraordinary things, like mix faster and react faster with other materials. This talk will highlight ongoing work in microfluidics and its use to rapidly detect disease, make new products, and discover new medicines of the future.

To learn more about Eric’s work, check out his lab website at

We hope to see you there!
– Your Café Sci Vancouver Organizers
*This month we will NOT meet in the usual room, we will be at the very front where the stage is!*


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