August Café Scientifique with Carlos Ventura
Posted by: jdewitt | August 10, 2014 | Leave a Comment
Dear Café Scientifiquers, our next café will happen on Tuesday August 26th, 7:30pm at The Railway Club. Our speaker for the evening will be Dr. Carlos Ventura, the Director of the Earthquake Engineering Research Facility (EERF) at UBC. The title of his talk is:
A Megathrust Earthquake in the West Coast – The clock is ticking
The theme of the talk is about the effects of megathrust earthquakes in the last ten years in the built environment, and the lessons that we have learned from them. These are helping us understand better what would be the possible effects of the “big one” on the West Coast of BC. Some of the research that we are doing at UBC to better understand the effects of this type of earthquake will be discussed.