A Trip To Masdar City

Nearly a decade ago the project of the world’s first most sustainable and developed city has started, this city is Masdar City. Masdar is a renewable energy company based in Abu Dhabi. The project costs approximately 22 billion $, it first began in 2006, and it’s planned to contain more than 1500 businesses after it’s awaiting completion in 2030. Masdar should be a model for our future cities.

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So what is special about this city?. In today’s world, access to a dependable energy supply is becoming more difficult day after day, and everyday the demand for energy grows bigger and bigger. This 6 km² city uses green materials for the infrastructure and reduces water and energy consumption by 40% compared to an average city of its size and advancement. Masdar city is also the first zero-carbon and a zero-waste city.  

Masdar is home to the one of the most advanced solar energy technology in the world. It uses multiple solar power plants to convert the sun’s heat into electricity. The city supports scientific research to find efficient methods to increase the energy production reduce the consumption. 

Image 2: The 10MW Solar Photovolatic Plant in Masdar City

Since the average temperature in Abu Dhabi is 36°C, the buildings use social canopies to provide shade to walking pedestrians and thus reduce the energy consumed in air conditioners. 

As we know transportation has one of the biggest effects on the environment, and the amount of fuel used by vehicles is enormous, so how does Masdar City deal with this problem? The city uses a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) that rely on solar energy. This electronic train like vehicle carries three to six passengers and it moves along built guideways.

Image 3: Masdar’s PRT system

Masdar is the city of the future and a model for what our cities should develop to.

Renad Aldebasi 


A Glass of Wine a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?

Picture from Google Images

Since the 1990’s scientists have wondered whether red wine has any potential health benefits for the average consumer. Studies have shown that a polyphenol known as resveratrol in the wine does help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, in particular atherosclerosis.

How did scientists know in the first place that red wine could potentially help? It all has to do with the French Paradox. The French paradox looks at how the French have a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases despite consuming a diet that consists mainly of fats. What’s the main difference in these diets from others around the world? They drink a lot of wine.

Studies looking into red wine discovered a polyphenol known as resveratrol. Resveratrol comes from the grapes that make the wine. It was noticed due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists believed that this may have something to do with the health benefits of the wine.

Resveratrol was first tested on mice models by feeding them resveratrol supplements and in the end it showed a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular diseases, specifically atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is when the arteries harden and narrow making it difficult for blood to flow through the body. The question scientists then wondered was how exactly did resveratrol help with this?

Some ways resveratrol helped is by increasing the amount of high density lipoprotein cholesterol, also known as the ‘good’ cholesterol in our body as well as decreasing platelet aggregation. This coupled with its antioxidant abilities made resveratrol a very helpful polyphenol in red wine.

Benefits of Red Wine (From :Saleem, T. S. M. & Basha, S. D. (2010). Red wine: A drink to your heart. J Cardiovasc Dis Res., 1(4), 171-176.)

The research was more recently extended to human trials and similar results were found as was with the mice. However, to this day doctors are hesitant to encourage patients to drink as the consequences from drinking alcohol are too high for the benefits of resveratrol. Non-alcoholic red wine is available with all the benefits of the polyphenol without the worry of the alcohol.

The idea that red wine can help with our health is interesting, however I believe that the risk of alcohol is too great. You can never be sure how much wine is too much and it varies from person to person. To be on the safe side I would recommend other forms of resveratrol supplements other than red wine to help with any cardiovascular problems. However, it is great to know that drinking red wine isn’t all that bad. Thus in conclusion, the polyphenol resveratrol does help to reduce our risk of cardiovascular diseases, so a glass of wine a day, does keep the doctor away!

~Sajni Shah



Chiva-Blanch, G., Arranz, S., Lamuela-Raventos, R. M., & Estruch, R. (2013). Effects of Wine, Alcohol and Polyphenols on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: Evidences from Human Studies. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 48(3), 270-277.

Gilford, J. M., & Pezutto, J. M. (2011). Wine and Health: A Review. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 62(4), 471-486.

O’Keefe, J. H., Bhatti, S. K., Bajwa, A., Dinicolantonio, J. J., & Lavie, C. J. (2014). Alcohol and Cardiovascular Health: The Dose Makes the Poison…or the Remedy. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 89(3), 382-393.

Smoliga, J. M., Baur, J. A., & Hausenblas, H. A. (2011). Resveratrol and health – A comprehensive review of human clinical trials. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research Mol. Nutr. Food Res., 55(8), 1129-1141.

Saleem, T. S. M. & Basha, S. D. (2010). Red wine: A drink to your heart. J Cardiovasc Dis Res., 1(4), 171-176.

Matcha: A Healthy Alternative to Coffee

Begin the day with a relaxing cup of matcha latte. (Photo Credit: dungthuyvunguyen)

Have you ever experienced jitters from drinking coffee? You are not alone. And, you are definitely not out of options. Matcha could be the right morning beverage for you.

Matcha is a finely ground green tea powder originating from Japan. Historically, matcha was first widely used by Zen Buddhist monks in tea ceremonies and meditation and continues to be a key part of their practice today. Matcha creates a state of calmness and mental clarity that pairs with their appreciation for the simple things in everyday life.

Why is matcha different from common teas and an effective substitute for coffee? The magic happens in farming and processing.

Three weeks before tea leaves are harvested from Camellia Sinensis, the plants are grown in the shade. Without direct sunlight, photosynthesis slows down, producing more l-theanine. L-theanine is a neurologically active amino acid that stimulates the production of alpha waves in the brain. Alpha waves put the mind in a deeply relaxed and alert state that is often achieved in mindfulness meditation.

L-theanine can also bind to caffeine. Caffeine is five times as concentrated in matcha than regular green tea. Nonetheless, because l-theanine binds to caffeine to stabilize the release of energy, matcha does not bring sudden peaks of energy that could be recognized as anxiety.

Matcha Tea Preparation. (Photo Credit: dungthuyvunguyen)

The high amounts of l-theanine and caffeine are maintained in the processing methods all the way to when matcha is served. After harvest, the leaves are steamed so that oxidation is minimized. Not only are the colour and fragrance conserved, but most importantly, the active ingredients remain intact. The dried leaves are then ground into powder to be consumed. Unlike most teas where they are enjoyed by steeping in water, matcha powder is dissolved and consumed as a whole so that all the benefits is retained as best as possible.

Matcha can keep us awake and alert while relaxed and at ease. Matcha has been the perfect way to start my day for two years. I hope it works for you as well!

~Shanna Wang

Extragalactic Attack: Key to the Universe?

Radiation from cosmic rays could severely damage the brains of astronauts.

Radiation from cosmic rays could cause severe brain damage, according to a study on Mars astronauts. Photo Credits: Diana Quach

Cosmic radiation has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, premature aging, and dementia in astronauts because it damages neurons in the brain. This is extremely concerning for anyone who wants to understand life beyond earth; sending astronauts for long space missions could destroy their lives! For decades, scientists have attempted to combat the impact of intergalactic cosmic radiation on Mars. On September 22nd, a new discovery changed everything.

Scientists recently discovered extragalactic high-energy cosmic rays, which are radiative fragments of atoms that cascade into earth at the speed of light. Scientists previously hypothesized that cosmic rays exist outside our galaxy, but were unable to prove it until now. The Pierre Auger Observatory’s particle detectors revealed that these rare cosmic rays are a million times more powerful than the largest cosmic phenomena in our galaxy. These findings were published in the journal Science as a research article titled Observation of a large-scale anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays above 8x10e18 eV.

Evidence shows that cosmic rays with large energies originate beyond our galaxy, shown through a flux diagram.

This map of the sky shows the cosmic ray flux, with a cross marking the specific region where scientists observed a pattern of cosmic rays. Photo Credits: The Pierre Auger Collaboration.

The Pierre Auger Collaboration is certain that these high-energy cosmic rays originate outside our galaxy. Although cosmic rays are emitted by the Milky Way, the intergalactic particles cannot contain as much energy as the rays detected.

The blue lines represent magnetic field lines in a black hole that project an extragalactic jet, similar to our galaxy’s magnetic field. Photo Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Extragalactic cosmic rays could contribute to the radiation damage to astronauts since they are so high in energy. Previously, scientists have considered many intergalactic cosmic radiation because there was no proof that extragalactic rays existed. If the cosmic rays’ origin could be found, scientists could isolate particles inside the rays to study their properties.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to locate the source of cosmic rays because they are anisotropic. Their properties changed when they encountered our galaxy’s magnetic field, which made determining the cosmic rays’ extragalactic properties impossible.

In the movie The Martian, the stranded Mark Watney wears a fashionable suit. Photo credits: Aidan Monaghan

So what does all of this mean? If we could source and isolate extragalactic cosmic rays, we could study how radiation damage affects the brain. We could create astronaut suits from materials that would deflect cosmic radiation, so astronauts can spend time on Mars without compromising their health. The groundbreaking discovery of extragalactic cosmic rays takes us one step closer to understanding the universe.

Jessica Shi

Fuelling Up – Is Cooking Oil the Next Generation of Energy?

Have you ever had a craving for something greasy or deep-fried, like onion rings, calamari, deep-fried mars bars or some McNuggets?

Deep-fried foods, like the ones pictured, use cooking oil. Source: Shock Mansion

Those food items all share a common factor; restaurants fry and cook these foods with cooking oil, especially for those deep-fried items going in the fryer.

Now when you think of the cooking oil that is used, you’d probably expect it to be disposed as waste after use and that would be the end of it.

However, multiple studies have been done around the world, specifically in China and Vietnam, where researchers produce biodiesel – a biofuel, using cooking oil.

Biofuels sustainably replace fossil fuels.  Biofuels are typically plant based fuels similar to fossil fuels, which we fill our cars with. The key difference is that biofuels use plants grown in the present day, whereas fossil fuels are ancient sources of plant and biological matter.

Biofuels, while more sustainable, are not as easily produced as originally thought. Maintaining and growing crops are highly energy intensive and many conservationists, including Jane Goodall, think that the crops should remain strictly as a food source. However, with oil prices rising and carbon dioxide levels in the air increasing, finding a sustainable approach to fossil fuels will help reduce global warming and provide both ecological and economical benefits.

This is where biodiesel comes in. Biodiesel is a well known biofuel that is used throughout Europe as a fuel source for cars. Presently, it is still being produced using plant crops, but new advancements are being made for how biodiesel can be sourced.

Biodiesel already fuels cars in certain European countries. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Two different studies, one done in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam and the other in China have successfully converted waste cooking oil from local restaurants into biodiesel. Both methods use transesterfication, and reagents – potassium hydroxide (KOH) and methanol to synthesize biodiesel.  Each study used a two-step synthesis, where the reagents were heated for an extended time.

These have been highly successful, producing biodiesel yields between 88-97%. Besides the high yields, the researchers from the study in Ho Chi Minh City, say that their biodiesel required only minor modifications to work in engines.

While places around the globe are looking at cooking oils as the alternative, a similar study is going on in our own backyard. Student members of Enactus, a non-profit organization at UBC have been researching and converting cooking oil used by UBC Food Services into biodiesel, in an initiative called Green Pursuit.

With so many different groups and organizations looking for the solution, it could be in the near future where you are enjoying a greasy burger with fries and the oil produced from it would then fuel your car.

Biodiesel converted from cooking oil could be what we fill up our cars with in the near future. Source: Pixabay

– Jessica Hasker

New Advances in Structural Colouration

There are countless examples of colouration via nanoscale texturing found in nature and it seems like a superior alternative to chemical pigmentation, however, developing a technique that would allow us to generate a wide range of structural colours has proven to be a difficult task.

Structural colours are produced by the scattering of light off nanoparticles, whereas pigmentary colours are produced through the absorption of light by molecules. The reason scientists are interested in structural colours is because they are less dependent on the use of toxic organic and metal-based materials and have proven to be more resistant to photo and chemical bleaching compared to pigmentary colours. In a recent study conducted by Dr. Xiao and a team of researchers, tiny balls of melanin were aggregated into clusters called ‘supraballs’. Individual nanoparticles of melanin are responsible for skin pigmentation and appear black, however, altering the spacing of the nanoparticles in the supraballs affects how light is scattered, thus generating a spectrum of structural colours.

Microstructures of supraballs – http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/3/9/e1701151.full

Altering the spacing of the nanoparticles was achieved by adding a thin silica shell to the surface of the nanoparticles to control how tightly packed they were. By varying the diameter of the silica coating, the nanoparticles formed differently nanostructured supraballs which were able to scatter light to produce a wide range of colours. Additionally, using nanoparticles of different dimensions allowed for the shading of colours to be altered. Melanin was chosen as the nanoparticle core due to its large refractive index (RI) and broadband absorption in the visible range, which reduces the scattering of incoherent light and subsequently increases colour purity. The high RI melanin core and low RI silica shell makes for higher reflectance and brighter, more vibrant colours.

One of the main reasons this finding is considered a breakthrough in structural colouration research is due to the simplicity of the technique used to create the supraballs. This technique contrasts previously known methods, which are far more complicated and do not have the same potential for commercial application. The silica-coated melanin nanoparticles self-assemble into supraballs clusters via a water-in-oil reverse emulsion process. The supraballs are then separated by centrifugation. This process does not rely on the use any surfactant molecules to stabilize the emulsion and is fast and easily scalable.

With all the benefits structural colours have over pigmentary colours, along with recent advances in techniques used to create the nanomaterials which generate these structural colours, it is only a matter of time before we see this technology go to market.

– Joseph Bergvinson


Hamers, L. (2017, September). Tiny ‘supraballs’ put a new spin on creating long-lasting color. Science News. Retrieved from https://www.sciencenews.org/article/tiny-supraballs-put-new-spin-creating-long-lasting-color

Xiao, M., Hu, Z., Wang, Z., Li, Y., Tormo, A. D., Le, T. N., Wang, B., Gianneschi, N. C., Shawkey, M. D., Dhinojwala, A. (2017). Bioinspired Bright Nonirridescent Photonic Melanin Supraballs. Journal of Science Advances, 3(9). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1701151






Effects of hot and cold steeping methods on antioxidant activity in tea

Antioxidants are molecules that protect your cells from damage, and tea is bursting full of them, but have you ever wondered whether steeping your tea in hot or cold water affects its antioxidant levels? Is the difference even significant enough to worry about? Researchers at Università Politecnica delle Marche tested the effects of steeping temperature on antioxidant levels in black, green, white, and oolong tea.


Black Tea                     Green Tea                       White Tea                    Oolong Tea

All images from Wikipedia Commons


The results showed that antioxidant activity is generally higher in tea brewed with hot water, but using statistics, this difference was found to be significant only for green tea. White tea deviates from this trend, showing statistically higher levels of antioxidants when brewed with cold water.

Two different analyses were conducted to measure the antioxidant ability of the four teas. Each analysis independently yielded similar results.

Fig 1: Antioxidant level measured in units of (mM GAE), showing statistically higher antioxidant levels for white tea brewed with cold water and for green tea brewed with hot water. Black and Oolong tea brewed with hot water showed higher antioxidant levels, but was not statistically significant.

Venditti E, Bacchetti T, Tiano L, Carloni P, Greci L, Damiani E. Hot vs. cold water steeping of different teas: do they affect antioxidant activity?. Food Chemistry. 2010 Apr 15;119(4):1597-604.


The researcher’s findings suggest that different types of teas contain different types of antioxidants, which are sensitive to different steeping temperatures. The effect of steeping temperature on tea depends on which antioxidants are present. For example, white tea brewed using cold water yielded higher antioxidant levels because some antioxidants may be degraded at higher temperatures. Brewing at lower temperatures preserved those heat sensitive antioxidants. Another example is brewing green tea, where tea brewed with hot water yielded higher antioxidant levels because some antioxidants may be extracted from the leaves efficiently only at higher temperatures.

Whether you prefer black, green, white, or oolong tea, and whether you prefer hot or cold brewing methods, all of these types of teas contain many antioxidants and are a healthy drink choice. Therefore, it is more important to drink the type of tea you like best, brewing it with the method that you prefer, which will ensure that you continue to consume this healthy drink!

-Gareth Lee

Discovering Life on Extra-Solar Planets

Imagine if Earths’ oceans were to suddenly rise at exponential rates and all land masses be covered in water, as depicted in the 2009 movie 2012. Where would we go to live the rest of our lives? One option is finding other extra-solar planets that could support life.

Researches from various background at different institutions around the world purpose a mission called Darwin to essentially search for like on other extra-solar planets. As the mission has not been carried out yet, there are not results to report. However, they plan on characterizing terrestrial extrasolar planets in terms of plants similar to earths rocky terrain at mid-inferred wavelengths. Darwin is a five-year mission, purposed in 2009, however this paper does not state a start date. This research will help discover other plants that can possibly host human life which I believe will be helpful if a disaster is to occur on Earth.

Extra-solar planets. Image by ESA/Hubble

So far this is only a purposed mission therefore there have not been any findings or results.

The plan is to carry out Darwin in two phases. The first phase, lasting about two years, will be to search for plants capable of supporting humans through spectral characterization. The second phase, lasting about three years, will be acquiring spectral data of each detected planet. Analytical chemistry techniques will be used to search for gasses such as CO2, H2O, CH4 and O3 and determine if the quantities are similar to those on earth at this moment. If quantities are similar, then this will be a major breakthrough.

Chemical Analysis. Source: Wikimedia Commons 

Although there has already been demonstrations of the technology needed for Darwin, the main goal of the mission is to successfully discover a plant that can maintain human life. The researchers hope that Darwin will address the question of “humankind’s origin, and its place in the Universe”.

-Harjot Gill

The Gongronella cleanse

A cruel side of independence is mold; there’s no sugar-coating it, we barely remembered it existed and now it’s in places we didn’t even know needed cleaning.  But fungi can also clean what we leave lying around, not bathrooms or kitchens but the places where they come from. This is an underrated story about fungi and how they can restore ecosystems in former mines, cleaning the mess of our lifestyle.

Mineral exploitation leaves many problems in site. Soil alkalinity and deficiencies in minerals of importance for life make these areas an “inhospitable environment with huge loss of soil and water, vegetation recession, rock bareness, and productivity loss” as reads the research article by Yawen Wu and others about the fungal strain Gongronella sp (of the Cunninghamellaceae family of fungi) and its role in restoring life after rock mining.

But how can fungi solve such a complex problem? The team researched ways in which the fungi could aid a process known as external-soil spray seeding. The technique consists in spraying plant nutrients and seeds to restore vegetation. However, it tends to fail because the soil layers being too thin; this is where the Gongronella comes in.

The fungi can, in theory, do two things the spray can’t: degrade rocks to make the soil lining thicker and mold to the rocks to degrade them and release organic material from as deep as 12mm from the surface. This all because of their mycelia structure in which the fungus extends in ramifications towards their food source and can secrete chemicals from the tips or hyphae. These hyphae can also grow into the rock cracks and deepen decomposition.

Credit: Benjamin Cummings

To bring these characteristics into use, the team used the Gongronella sp fungi they isolated from a rock mine and cultured them in the presence of rock samples. They used high performance liquid chromatography to monitor the presence of organic acids, monitored the pH as the cultures grew, tracked the appearance of Mg2+ and Ca2+ from their solid state and monitored the general erosion of the rocks into soil.

As expected, the team found a decrease in pH and increase in Ca and Mg from the rocks as the fungi grew. The erosion rate was significantly faster and into very small particles, they observed how the mycelium structure helped this process. Furthermore, the organic acids (citric acid, succinic acid and others) secreted from the fungi have the advantage of providing grounds for coordination complexes which are more useful to life form remediation than the minerals obtained with inorganic acid remediation.

The Gongronella seems to be mostly useful in rocky mines but other fungal strains like Penicillium or Mucor have been found useful for metal mines. We will always hate mold in old bread, but fungi prove to be more fascinating than we tend to give them credit for and they may really have our back someday so stay weird fungi and thank you.

-Isabella Correa

Can electric cars be actually worse for the environment?

Electric cars are not as green as people think according to several scientific studies. Although they are popularly known as being eco-friendlier than using gas fuel, in the long run it might contribute even more to global warming. However, this new technology is still under development so it is early for scientist to be certain about the long term effect.

There are several aspects to take into account when determining why electric batteries might generate more contamination than gas motors. While using the car might not emit any greenhouse gas: making their batteries, recycling its chemicals, and the source of electricity that powers the car contribute in such extent that in the overall it might be more harmful to the environment than gas fueled cars if not assessed.

Most electric car batteries, as in Tesla, are lithium and cobalt based which require much more energy for their production than a conventional car motor. The energy required for mining these compounds is higher than to extract oil. Additionally, chemical compounds used for their manufacturing release greenhouse gases that contribute equally as CO2 to global warming. However, the emission caused by extracting these metals is substantially lower than the CO2 emitted by cars. Still it accounts for the fact that manufacturing electrical cars contribute to global warming.

Moreover, chemicals used for electrical batteries are very toxic for the environment if not properly recycled. While this may not affect us today because regular cars have not been completely replaced by electric cars, in the future it may be a problem when the amount of worn batteries are substantially higher. When this replacement happens, there would be a greater amount of people with cars since the cost of electricity to charge a car is not as high as gas, making it more affordable for people to own one. At the beginning of the transition this does not pose a major threat, but it should be taken into account for the future when the amount of worn batteries needed for handling as toxic waste or recycle is much greater.

Most importantly, the greatest concern for environmental impact of electrical cars is the source of energy that powers them. If the country you live in derives its energy from burning oil and coal, the CO2 emission it produces is significantly greater than that of a regular car during its lifetime, posing a greater threat for global warming. As the transition towards electrical cars takes place, there would be greater energy production demand, so much more needs to be generated. If this energy is not from an ecological source, the pollution generated to supply this amount of energy is significantly higher, making electric cars actually much more contaminant than using gas-powered cars.

In the overall, electric cars appear to be better for the environment than regular cars but that does not mean that they don’t contribute to global warming. Moreover, if is not well assessed it can actually be more harmful for the environment in the long run.

Andrea Olaizola