Category Archives: New and innovative science

Preverbal Infants Show Social Dominance

Here is an interesting study about infants and how they develop social dominance. Five studies were done with 144 infant participants showing that 10 to 13-month-old use relative size to predict the outcome of a dominance contests. This correlation of social dominance and relative size is found almost universally with human cultures and with the animal kingdom.

“”Traditional kings and chieftains sit on large, elevated thrones and wear elaborate crowns or robes that make them look bigger than they really are, and subordinates often bow or kneel to show respect to superior humans and gods,” says Thomsen, a research fellow in Harvard’s Department of Psychology.” -from Science Daily

The methods of the study were complicated as infants can’t just tell you what they are thinking. So they basically observed the infants reactions to different visual situations.

“The researchers showed infants videos depicting a large and a small block with eyes and mouth bouncing across a stage in opposite directions. Next, infants watched the two blocks meet in the middle, impeding one another’s progress. They then saw either the large or the small block bow and step aside, deferring to the other.” -from Science Daily

On another Note:

This study also makes me think of how we chose our mates. Females usually want a man who is bigger than them, and males want a female who is smaller. I know as I grew up that my Dad was definitely the dominant one in the family, larger than my mother, and he set the rules and enforced them.

The Vast Field of Biomechatronics

Biomechatronics – one of science’s most rapidly developing areas –  is a  field that encompasses biology, mechanics and electronics. Examples of inventions that have sprouted from this field include, ECG’s, surgical robotics, medical cameras, and other body monitoring devices. One of the most recent discoveries in this field have sprouted from combinations of robotics and neuroscience, in which researchers have been working to develop prosthetic limbs that render the user under complete control of its functions – solely relying on the individual’s own cognitive processes.

One of the most notable breakthrough stories that I read about belongs to that of Pierpaolo Petruzzellio. Petruzzellio, an Italian man, lost his left arm in a car accident at the age of 25. Scientists in Rome quickly grasped this unfortunate event in Petruzzellio’s life as an opportunity to test their latest technology in hopes of giving him the chance of gaining a fully functional arm again. Electrodes were placed on the nerves that remained in Petruzzellio’s forearm, and  were then attached to a robotic arm through a network of cables and wires. Though the arm was not directly attached to his body, Petruzzellio claimed after a month he began to feel sensations in the artificial limb –  almost as if he had a real arm again. All this in consideration, the process was certainly not easy. It took Petruzzellio about a month of consistent focus and determination to begin to control the robotic arm to form even the most primitive of hand gestures, (wiggling of fingers, clenched fists, etc) and even then they were still shaky and took a great amount of mental control. Nonetheless, the dexterity exhibited by Petruzzellio was something that had never been witnessed before in this field of science.

Though this is undoubtedly an amazing advancement in biomechatronic science, one may wonder – where can the possibilities end? Now that scientists are well on their way to providing fully functional, consciously controlled prosthetics, what’s not to stop them from further developing these projects – branching out from aiding the disabled, to augmenting the abilities of normal, healthy humans? What if scientists are able to create robotic legs, capable of running never before seen speeds and carrying inhuman strength? What if 10 years down the road, humans were capable of being mechanically fitted to possess multiple limbs? In sports, could these mechanical advantages for the disabled be deemed appropriate?

Where should the line be drawn? As long as Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator doesn’t show up anytime soon, I think I’ll be all right.

Biomechatronics taken too far?

Check out this amazing video depicting the science behind Petruzzellio’s artificial limb, and his experiences.

Pregnant Robot

This is a very amazing idea where medical students around the world no longer use humans but to turn to  Noell- the model Pregnant Robot. Noell was built in order to give the opportunity to medical students to have hands on practice with pregnancies, without needing human. Paper written on msn news, indicates that that this blond ‘mannequin’ is technologically set up to detect factors such as oxygen deficiencies, as well as sending of ‘pulse rate and urination abilities’. ‘Noell’ is an expensive robot costing $20,000 however it is worth it as the medical errors on humans may be avoided. Noell is becoming very powerful study tool and is already making progress in more than 30 hospitals nationwide (

Here is a video of this fascinating invention Robot.

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For more information read the following article.