Citation Amnesia

Imagine navigating through your first literature search as a graduate student. You read an interesting article, and follow its references. You find only a limited number research papers in your area of interests. You decide that there is enough room to make a novel study. You’re ALL set, right?

What if the authors were reluctant about citing earlier studies?

An incomplete citation could lead to wastage of your time and resources. A team of researcher, Robinson and Goodman from Johns Hopkins University, decided to analyze academic papers on the online archive—“Web of Science.” The pair identified 227 meta-analyses published in 2004 that combined 4 or more trials. What they found was that—less than 25 percent of the previous (and relevant) studies were actually being cited. In addition, as many as 5 of the studies that claimed novelty were actually repeats. You can find the abstract of their study, here.

As Janet Raloff reports, Robinson was especially concerned with the missing citations on clinical trial papers (those involving human subjects). Without considering prior trails, researchers could put people on potentially risky therapies in pursuit to “discover” what is already known.

No doubt, citing the references could be tedious work. However, citation is also an important communication tool.   Don’t remember why?   Here are 3 good reasons, adapted from the web:


1.       Help readers identify and relocate the source of work—readers often want to verify the information or read further.

2.       Provide evidence that the position is well-researched—citations allow you to demonstrate that your position or argument is thoroughly researched.

3.       Give credits/ acknowledgement to original concept—giving proper attribution to the thoughts, words and ideas used in your academic writing.

So, remember to always cite ALL of your sources.  Thanks guys. See you in Refworks lab (Friday)!

(click on the video to see an introduction on refworks).YouTube Preview Image

Pregnant Robot

This is a very amazing idea where medical students around the world no longer use humans but to turn to  Noell- the model Pregnant Robot. Noell was built in order to give the opportunity to medical students to have hands on practice with pregnancies, without needing human. Paper written on msn news, indicates that that this blond ‘mannequin’ is technologically set up to detect factors such as oxygen deficiencies, as well as sending of ‘pulse rate and urination abilities’. ‘Noell’ is an expensive robot costing $20,000 however it is worth it as the medical errors on humans may be avoided. Noell is becoming very powerful study tool and is already making progress in more than 30 hospitals nationwide (

Here is a video of this fascinating invention Robot.

YouTube Preview Image

For more information read the following article.

Ocean Acidification Affecting Marine Life

As we continue to release anthropogenic carbon into our atmosphere the earth warms.  The ocean however is actually fighting to combat these changes by absorbing some of the heat.  This sounds like an answer to our problems, but there is a catch: the oceans are becoming more acidic.  As carbon dioxide concentrations increase in the seawater, the carbonate concentrations decrease.  Carbonate is a key building block of the shells of many aquatic organisms and the decreased concentration is having negative effects.

Take a minute to check out this video for a quick explanation of how global warming is causing ocean acidification.  YouTube Preview Image

An in depth case study was done on one Arctic mollusc, Limacina helicina, to test the effects of increasingly acidic waters.   The full research paper can be found here, or you can check out the news article for a condensed version here.  These “sea butterflies” or pteropods, were kept in a controlled environment for 5 days to see how well their shells grew under different pH values.  A pH value of 8.09 (which was recorded in the Arctic in 1900) and a pH value of7.78 (the projected value for 2100) were used.  The results were a startling                       28% decrease in linear shell growth for those kept at the acidic pH compared to those kept in the normal ocean pH.

So what does this mean with respect to ocean ecosystems?  Decreased shell growth may not seem immediately fatal to thepteropods an associated ecosystems but the associated decrease in shell density has some larger effects.

Source: - Copyright Russ Hopcroft

In the Arctic pteropods form the base of the food chain and are eaten by many larger organisms. As the oceans become more acidic the pteropods can’t grow or mature as quickly.  They also can’t swim away as quickly from their prey and are eaten more often.  With a diminishing population of pteropods, organisms that rely on them for food will also be at risk.

Pteropods also play an important role in the geochemical cycle, namely transferring carbon to the deep.  However, with decreased shell density pteropods do not sink as well and so they are not transferring carbon.  Without carbon cycling in the ocean the effects of global warming would be much worse.


These results are not specific to just pteropods; similar studies have been done on other shellfish and corals which found similar results.  Ocean acidification is causing global effects and the scariest part is that most of them are still unknown.  At this point we can only predict how acidic the ocean will get due to global warming and how strongly shellfish and their respective ecosystems will be affected.

Popular Press Leaps to Conclusions

As reported in the Daily Mail, a cup of Bovril may be an important ingredient in a new diet that can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Photo - Flickr: Dave Knapik

Last October the Daily Mail printed an article with the headline: “Strict diet two days a week  cuts risk of breast cancer by 40 per cent’”. The article cites a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, called: “The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: a randomized trial in young overweight women.” Reading these two titles, it’s hard to tell exactly how they’re related. Surely, if the researchers had discovered that the two day a week diet reduced the risk of breast cancer they would have mentioned it in their article’s title.

In fact, the study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, was about WEIGHT LOSS, not breast cancer. It was a six-month study, that put 100 overweight young women on one of two diets and looked at how those two diets affected weight loss. The only mention of breast cancer in the study was that over the course of the six months the levels of two breast cancer related hormones were measured. The Daily Mail was quick to pick up on this measurement and used it to write their article.

The Daily Mail took a big leap when they claimed that the two day a week diet could reduce the risk of breast cancer, given the study never looked at breast cancer risk. However, to be fair, they did admit this in the 19th paragraph where they wrote:

Dr Julie Sharp, senior science information manager at Cancer Research UK, said: ‘This study is not about breast cancer, it’s a study showing how different diet patterns affect weight loss and it’s misleading to draw any conclusions about breast cancer from this research.’

After 18 paragraphs explaining how this diet could reduce risk of breast cancer, this small disclaimer is too little, too late.

The Daily Mail didn’t get away with their misleading publication. The Cancer Research UK blog responded with the post: ““Breast cancer diet” story based on research that wasn’t about breast cancer.” Here they explain why this study does not support the claims made in the Daily Mail.

A week later, Ben Goldacre, of the series “Bad Science” in the Guardian UK, responded with his piece: “The Daily Mail cancer story that torpedoes itself in paragraph 19.” Goldacre focuses his on the fact that 19th paragraph disclaimers aren’t enough to make up for a misleading headline and article. Citing studies on how people read, Goldacre says that most people don’t read entire articles. Most of the Daily Mail’s readers probably never made it to the 19th paragraph.

This shows the importance of looking into news stories. Fortunately, the responses to the Daily Mail article quickly put the truth out there, and anyone who Googled the claim would quickly come across the reality of the research.