While flipping through the channels on the television one day, I came across the show Doctors. The topic of discussion on the show was Pink slime. Pink slime is the product, when bacteria and pathogens are removed from scraps of meat by the addition ammonium hydroxide, a solution of ammonia in water found in numerous household cleaning agents.
McDonalds a popular fast food chain had been using pink slime in their meats for years in the Unites Estates. The Doctors show was investigating these popular delicious burgers and found that due to the presence of pink slime, the meat from these burgers do not deteriorate. They had a sample of the meat left for 12 years, and this sample looked no different than a fresh one. The doctors were warning the public that if microbes and pathogens are not eating this meat, why are humans consuming it?
British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver launched a year-long campaign against the use of the chemical additive in foods on his television show Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. On his television episode he says, “imagine how happy an accountant is, you just turned dog food into what can potentially be your kids’ food.” After the episode aired early February 2012, McDonalds US released a statement notifying the public that they are no longer using “select lean beef trimmings” soaked in ammonium hydroxide. Although McDonalds does not admit that their sudden stop use of pink slime was because of Jamie Oliver’s campaign, their timing was coincidentally close.
The good news is that us Canadians have not been consuming pink slime, unless we have stopped for a burger across the border in the United States. Canada’s Food and Drug Act, has prohibited the use of chemicals such as ammonium hydroxide by McDonalds. Karin Campbell, spokeswomen for McDonalds Canada said that the additive ammonium hydroxide, has not been used in the meat served at McDonalds. The sole ingredients of Canadian McDonalds burgers are 100% beef, salt and pepper. Here is another reason for us to say “I am proud to be Canadian”. Next time you are down south of the border, try to avoid the fast food chain and satisfy your cravings when you return home.
A video just to confirm Canadian McDonalds double cheese burger beats an American one.

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