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Extraterrestrial Life – A Farfetched Possibility?

Image by: Earth Observatory

Have you ever gazed up at the Earth’s sky on a cloudless night? It is as if you are peering through a vast looking glass into a realm much greater than anything imaginable. Although at times forgettable, Earth is but a mere morsel of our solar system. Many planets and moons of varying size and environments occupy outer space, none of which resemble our green and blue globe.

For centuries it has been thought that Earth was the only planet that could possibly contain living organisms. Extraterrestrial environments were deemed too extreme to inhabit any life forms. It is known that the unique characteristics of our globe give rise to life as we know it – insects, amphibians, and mammals with protruding limbs and highly developed body systems. However, it is this common misconception of defining “life” on a large broadband scale that leads to the unaccepted notion of life existing in space. Surely, birds and fish do not occupy their skies and waters. But what about infinitesimal, single-celled organisms invisible to the naked eye?

If microbial units could thrive in environments present on Earth that mimicked the extreme nature of those found in space, could this serve as a model for potential extraterrestrial life?

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Image by: Bestourism

A recent study by a UBC microbiologist may be the missing piece to the multifaceted puzzle. Dr. Steven Hallam conducted an experiment at Pitch Lake, Trinidad, where its unique liquid-asphalt composition provided a strikingly similar atmosphere to that found on Saturn’s moon, Titan. If life forms could thrive in such an extreme environment like Pitch Lake, could there be a possibility of life in outer space? Samples from Pitch Lake were extracted, frozen, and shipped to UBC laboratories to be tested. The results were extraordinary – unique Archaeal groups thrived deep in the sediments of this hydrocarbon lake.


To many, the plausibility of life forms existing outside of planet Earth seems farfetched, even impossible. Undoubtedly, as expressed by Dr. Hallam, the results of this single experiment cannot provide concrete conclusions for life forms present on other planets. However, it does provide a basis for possible future studies. As researches continue to investigate types of life forms and their abilities to strive in altering environments, we gain a better understanding of the definition of “life”.


We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Dr. Steven Hallam, for his generosity in volunteering his time to share his amazing research and knowledge. We would also like to thank Eric Jandciu and the Scie300 team for the chance to indulge in such an inspiring project, and for their constant guidance and support.



21st Century Holocaust

Imagine you are walking your dog, and as you pass a certain building, you see a woman looking out the window. As you look closer, you see her about to drop her newborn baby out on the street. Would you just turn around and pretend you didn’t see, thinking to yourself that that’s her choice? [1]

Well what do you think abortion is?

Every year, abortion takes 42 million lives. (3)

[Image taken from: here.]

Take for example a hunter. He is hunting out in the wilderness, and spots something moving in the bush. If he is not certain that it is a deer, he cannot shoot, for it might as well be a person that he’s killing [1]. It is a simple moral principle.

This means that the thing inside a mother’s womb is a potential baby. If so, then Ray Comfort asks us to “finish this sentence for [him]: ‘It is ok to kill a baby when…’” The argument goes much further. It is not simply a question of the development stages of a human person. A woman would be guilty of murder if she killed her prematurely born infant at five months after conception. However, if a woman aborts her child at a later stage of development, she commits no crime [1]. Isn’t this twisted?

Just because something is legal, doesn’t make it moral. During WWII, it was perfectly legal “to kill ‘unwanted’ retarded children and ‘undesirable’ races like the Jews” [1]. In the opinion of Adolf Hitler, these people were “non- human” [2]. So if we declare a baby to be non-human, in whose footsteps are we following?

People will argue that in certain situations, the baby will have a poor quality of life if it’s born into a certain family. But how can people make that judgement even before the baby is born? On the same principle, Hitler “killed the people with Down’s Syndrome[2]. However, their condition of life has nothing to do with the quality of life they have, since most of them report to be perfectly happy.

Our society needs to open its eyes to this ironical fact that medicine has advanced so far, as to take lives instead of save them.

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To learn more, watch this 30-minute movie on the issue of the 21st Century holocaust… on abortion.


[1] Burnham J, Chacon F. Beginning Apologetics 5: How to answer tough moral questions. 3rd ed. Farmington, NM: San Juan Catholic Seminars; 2008.



Floating Cities

A floating city designed based on a lily pad. This design was created by Belgian architect, Vincent Callebaut. Click to enlarge.(

Despite being a science student, architecture is kind of a big interest of mine. I’ve seen a few different concept photos of floating cities, or in other words, cities that are not built on land but rather on the ocean or sea. I never really gave it much credibility in terms of real life applications and just thought of them as really cool architectural pieces.

The Globe and Mail posted this article a few weeks ago pertaining to the potential uses for a floating city, or seastead. By building a floating city, people who are unable to obtain work visas to do business in other countries may be able to stay in a floating city and conduct business outside the targeted country’s jurisdiction.

Mock picture of exaggerated rising sea levels in city. (image from:

Of course, the concept of a floating city goes beyond the business venture as it was originally suggested as a solution for the rising sea levels due to global warming that will diminish our current usable land for housing. Sea levels are believed to be rising because of the warmer temperatures that cause water to expand in addition to melting glaciers. A floating city is a novel and innovative idea, but how realistic is this?

The financial cost of a floating city would be enormous. When considering a ship or other large-scale structures, the cost of maintaining these in the ocean for long periods of time is already a lot. The estimated price for maintaining a city is projected to be upwards of hundreds of millions of dollars. In terms of stability of the structure, smaller structures are more responsive to wave motion and considering that the sea is not always in an ideally calm state, this will pose a problem. For structure, steel is the most commonly used material for offshore construction (i.e boats) but steel must be maintained regularly as it is at risk for corrosion and wear which are not preventable.

Ship, Barge, Island -- Proposed models to follow for floating cities. (image from:

Several models of floating cities have been suggested. The “lily pad” design shown above is considered an island design and compared to other designs has disadvantages. Since it is essentially, an island, it is predicted that it would have the least mobility but if large enough might be the most stable design against wave motion.

Although a floating city sounds like a nice idea and  cool place to visit in your lifetime, personally I don’t think it is a realistic idea. The things I have mentioned above are only touching on a few of the more science/engineering aspects that need to be considered. There are also legal, political, and social implications that should be looked at. Despite it being an out there idea, if given the chance, would you want to live in a floating city?


The Road to Longevity Begins Now

A couple of years ago, my mentor told me something that I will remember for the rest of my life. He said, “What you will someday be, you are now becoming.”

At the time, I thought it referred to professional and personal goals. I didn’t realize that it translates to all other aspects of my life, including my health.

A recent study by professor Kiang Liu of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine shows the association of a healthy lifestyle maintained throughout young adulthood led to low cardiovascular disease risk in middle age.
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The older a person get, the harder it is to maintain cardiovascular health since the body is naturally getting weaker. It is more difficult to stay active, which leads to weight gain and the health risks associated with it like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

This study suggests that the lifestyle of an individual is a more significant factor in getting a higher risk of heart disease than genetics. People who do have a genetic link to getting heart disease can reduce that risk by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Starting a healthy balanced lifestyle at a young age will lead to a better quality of life in old age.

Science Daily

Two New Blood Types Found?

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Blood bath salts in Japan. Photograph: kenleewrites

Humans have various blood types, which have various classes. There are 30 known major blood group systems which help classify a person’s blood type, and each one is defined by the presence or absence of a certain glycoprotein, glycolipid, protein, carbohydrate, or other such molecules in the blood.  All around the world, two of the most common blood group systems are ABO and Rhesus systems.

However, in February 2012, Ballif and his colleagues identified two more proteins on the red blood cells which are responsible for two more blood types.  Although their existence was known many years ago, the genetic basis hadn’t been known until now.  An international effort between Vermont, Paris and Hokkaido resulted in the identification of the two proteins: the protein ABCB6, which corresponds with the blood type Langereis, and the protein ABCG2, which corresponds with the blood type Junior.

Ballif says, “it’s pretty remarkable to have two [blood types] identified this year,” as the last one was discovered almost a decade ago.

Blood on finger. Photograph: Ollie Crafoord (

Very few people know if they are Langereis or Junior positive or negative, and even when it is known, obtaining blood of the same type is extremely difficult as there was a lack of reliable reagents to screen the blood.  With this discovery, there would be lesser complications and rejections in blood and organ transfusions, as it would be easier to identify which specific blood type a person needs and respond accordingly.  It has also been found that these proteins may be connected to treatment with anticancer drugs, which will help create more efficient treatments for certain types of cancer.

1. Forbes
2. Nature Genetics – ABCB6
3. Nature Genetics – ABCG2
4. Science Daily
5. Wikipedia

The Secret for an Incorruptible Skin …attainable only after death

Is there a woman out there who does not want her skin to look radiant and always fresh? Dry skin is a sign of aging. In today’s society, the average woman would do anything to circumvent this phenomenon and retain her beauty. The numerous surgical procedures that are offered, such as plastic surgery as well as liposuction, attest to this. As a result, dermatologists around the world compete for the magic formula for a healthy-looking skin. The decades of research show that they are getting close. But will they ever be able to reach the goal?

We can look at this issue from another spectrum. If we cannot retain our skin in its youthful glow while we’re still alive, why not do it in the next life?

Science already found ways to preserve dead bodies from corruption. Procedures such as cryonics, plastination andembalming the body have all been proposed.

Cryonics uses extreme low temperatures to freeze the individual. This was a dream idea of Benjamin Franklin in 1773, who wished to use this method in hope to be resurrected in the next century to witnessAmerica’s advancement. Plastination is a procedure in which certain body parts are filled with plastics in order to preserve them. Today, embalming is used at funerals to preserve the bodies for the time being.

Other than for preservation purposes, all of these procedures have something in common. They do not last. The process of decomposition always takes the winning place. It seems that perfect perseverance would only be possible by a miracle.

However, this is not impossible when it comes to religion. Within the Roman Catholic Church, there are dozens of cases where exhumed bodies have been found to be incorrupt. These were not just any people. They were the bodies of saints.


AThis is a picture of Saint Bernadette, who after more than 130 years after her death still appears as if only asleep.

(Image source: here)

Mysteriously, these saints have been prevented from decaying. However, not all candidates have to pass the test of incorruptibility in order to be canonized as saints.

Another image of a saint. This time, it is Saint Pio who died in 1968. However, because he has been embalmed, it is not fitting to group him with the incorruptibles.

(Image source: here)

So what is the secret to having a skin that will not fall apart even after you’re dead?

The answer is simple: become a saint!



Brain Food = Better GPA

Some of us have probably visited a pharmacy or drug store to look for vitamins or supplements that could help boost brain activity, improve short- and long-term memory, or increase focus and concentration. But did you know that you could have all these by simply adding the right foods and beverages to your diet?

Research is showing that certain food substances have different positive effects on our brain. Here are few examples of those “super foods”:

Blueberries were found to help protect the brain from oxidative stress and can

Wild blueberries - A nutritious treat, a good source of Vitamin C and dietary fiber. Photo from: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia

slow down the onset of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia. Some studies done on rats have also shown that their learning capacities and motor skills have improved significantly after implementing a diet rich in blueberries. These aging rats were later found to have brain functioning almost at par with the younger ones.  Blueberries are also capable of improving memory as shown in other studies. It is recommended by Dr. Ann Kulze, author of Dr. Ann’s 10-Step Diet:, to have at least a cup of blueberries every day to aid in long-term memory.

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and provides a person more energy, alertness as well as focus and better concentrate. Another benefit of caffeine is

Coffee beans - An example of a caffeine source. Photo from: Health Canada

maintaining mental activity by speeding up metabolism. One study done by British researchers said that just one cup of coffee helps boost attention as well as problem-solving skills. However, these effects are only short term and if overused, can make you jittery and uncomfortable.Therefore, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, you should limit caffeine intake to about 300mg per day. Some alternatives to coffee are herbal tea and protein shakes.

Wild Salmon. According to Dr. Steven Pratt, author of Superfoods Rx: Fourteen Foods that Will Change Your Life, wild salmons are known to be rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which is important for brain function. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fishes are a primary building block of brain tissue and some benefits involve prevention of body inflammatory processes, better overall cell functioning like transferring information between the body’s cells. It is also

Image by cherie from

associated with improved mood and of course, better brain function. 4-ounce serving, about two times a week, is recommended.




Nuts and Seedsare good source of vitamin E, which slows down the decline in your cognitive system as you get older. Some examples include walnuts (help as antidepressant and mood-boosting), cashews (high in magnesium which can open up blood vessels in your brain, allowing more oxygen-rich blood to reach the

Walnuts. Image from Fruit Extracts

brain), and flax seeds. Flax seeds is found to be a good source of alphalinoleic acid, that improves the functioning of the cerebral cortex (area of the brain that deals with sensory information processing) and therefore provides for sharper senses.  Try snacking an ounce of these nuts daily, whether roasted or raw.


Now, all these are only a few of many other examples of good brain foods. As a student, I find it useful to know these kinds of information that help boost my concentration and aid my memory to aid my studying habits. In addition, it is also easy to prepare and is therefore convenient for other students to simply snack on while studying.

