Author Archives: gmiller91

The Road to Longevity Begins Now

A couple of years ago, my mentor told me something that I will remember for the rest of my life. He said, “What you will someday be, you are now becoming.”

At the time, I thought it referred to professional and personal goals. I didn’t realize that it translates to all other aspects of my life, including my health.

A recent study by professor Kiang Liu of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine shows the association of a healthy lifestyle maintained throughout young adulthood led to low cardiovascular disease risk in middle age.
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The older a person get, the harder it is to maintain cardiovascular health since the body is naturally getting weaker. It is more difficult to stay active, which leads to weight gain and the health risks associated with it like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

This study suggests that the lifestyle of an individual is a more significant factor in getting a higher risk of heart disease than genetics. People who do have a genetic link to getting heart disease can reduce that risk by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Starting a healthy balanced lifestyle at a young age will lead to a better quality of life in old age.

Science Daily

Developments in Nanotechnology: Diagnosis within minutes

Doctors and scientists all over the world have fought an uphill battle with cancer and infectious diseases for numerous years. Each time a drug is developed to fight them, they manage to grow a little bit stronger, a little more persistent, and way more determined to evade these treatments and survive within the human body.
Dr. Shana Kelley and her team of researchers from the University of Toronto have developed a portable device with a disposable chip that could detect cancer at the molecular level, in its earliest stages of development.

Science and Technology

This would allow doctors to provide a treatment before the disease becomes malignant or terminal. Its design unique in that doctors would only need to take a sample of blood, urine or just a simple swab from the cheek to perform the test. Also, since cancer usually starts localized one particular area, early detection at this stage would allow more people to receive help when the disease is easily treatable.
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As Dr. Kelley states, this new development will completely revolutionize the way diagnostic tests are completed. Currently, it takes patients days or even weeks to get diagnosed with certain diseases or cancers from a quite painful and invasive biopsy. Statistics show that 29.6 percent of all deaths in Canada are attributed to cancer, so this new technology could potentially be able to lower that rate significantly. Furthermore, it would save the healthcare system millions of dollars.

Canadian Cancer Statistics

However, since this development is still in the early stages, I have to wonder just how accurate this test is and how will it be received all around the world. There are probably many developing nations who could use this type technology so it not only could potentially impact the medical field in the Americas but also around the world.


