Tag Archives: Cancer

Carcinogenic Ingredient Found in Coca-Cola and Pepsi

Image by Jason Means

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) recently contacted Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban 4-methylmidazole (4-MEI) found in soft drinks which is a carcinogenic ingredient. Coca-Cola and Pepsi use 4-MEI to give their product it’s distinct caramel color everyone knows. 4-MEI is formed when sugar is mixed with ammonia and sulfite to be used as a colouring substance. It can also be found in dark beers and other brands of cola drinks, which contain more than 100 ug per 12-ounce serving of 4-MEI.

Companies using this compound would have to change their formula or print cancer-warning labels on their products. Even though companies challenged CSPI’s decision, they decided to change their recipes to avoid having cancer warnings on all of their products. The organization wants the ban of this compound everywhere not just in the U.S.

A Coca-cola representative responded to CSPI, saying their data is inclusive and stated

“While we believe that there is no public health risk that justifies any such change, we did ask our caramel suppliers to take this step so that our products would not be subject to the requirement of a scientifically unfounded warning,”

FDA has yet to make a ruling on this issue.  I tried looking for any studies linking 4-MEI to cancer in humans but came up empty. Only came across one study that found high doses of 4-MEI to cause lung and liver cancer to rodents. You would need to drink more than 1,000 cans a day to reach lethal doses that have shown links to cancer in rodents

The change of 4-MEI is only be rolled out through out the U.S because of the new mandate.  In the case of Canada, the change will come but there is no timeline yet. In Canada Cola products meet food safety standards and is not a concern. They have approved the use of 4-MEI in their products.

Following video below briefly explains the issue on hand.

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Personally, I don’t think this will stop me from drinking Coca-Cola. CSPI is just over-reacting and there is no need to slap a cancer warning labels on products containing 4-MEI. There is not enough evidence supporting 4-MEI causing cancer in humans; even then you will need to drink cola in high doses. One thing that comes to my mind is if they were to put a cancer-warning label on the drinks, would it impact sales? Cigarette cartons have similar warning signs but that doesn’t stop consumers from purchasing them. If a product tastes good, people over look the side effects.

What do you think? Would you stop drinking soft drinks with 4-MEI?



Developments in Nanotechnology: Diagnosis within minutes

Doctors and scientists all over the world have fought an uphill battle with cancer and infectious diseases for numerous years. Each time a drug is developed to fight them, they manage to grow a little bit stronger, a little more persistent, and way more determined to evade these treatments and survive within the human body.
Dr. Shana Kelley and her team of researchers from the University of Toronto have developed a portable device with a disposable chip that could detect cancer at the molecular level, in its earliest stages of development.

Science and Technology

This would allow doctors to provide a treatment before the disease becomes malignant or terminal. Its design unique in that doctors would only need to take a sample of blood, urine or just a simple swab from the cheek to perform the test. Also, since cancer usually starts localized one particular area, early detection at this stage would allow more people to receive help when the disease is easily treatable.
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As Dr. Kelley states, this new development will completely revolutionize the way diagnostic tests are completed. Currently, it takes patients days or even weeks to get diagnosed with certain diseases or cancers from a quite painful and invasive biopsy. Statistics show that 29.6 percent of all deaths in Canada are attributed to cancer, so this new technology could potentially be able to lower that rate significantly. Furthermore, it would save the healthcare system millions of dollars.

Canadian Cancer Statistics

However, since this development is still in the early stages, I have to wonder just how accurate this test is and how will it be received all around the world. There are probably many developing nations who could use this type technology so it not only could potentially impact the medical field in the Americas but also around the world.
