Tag Archives: radicals

A Radical Change in Perspective

I apologize in advance for the pun but I feel that this accurately describes the situation (at least for me). As always, this news comes from our good friends at MIT. Dr. JoAnne Stubbe, professor of chemistry and biology wish to remove the “bad rep” associated with free radicals. Before getting into her explanation, free radicals are molecules or atoms that are unstable due to an unpaired electron or unfilled valence shell (the outermost electron shell of an atom). These factors give free radicals the property of being unstable and are able to react readily with several molecules with little predictability. This reactivity means that radicals can cause unwanted reactions such as with DNA and have been suspected by scientists to be a factor in aging for humans and other living beings.

Dr. JoAnne Stubbe presents the 40th Annual James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award Lecture. Photo: Dominick Reuter

With this bad publicity on free radicals in the human body, many companies and scientists have promoted in the consumption of antioxidants to react with the free radicals instead of important molecules such as DNA. In our SCIE300 blog, there are also several posts regarding the consumption of a lot of free radicals to improve health.

However, Dr. Stubbe suggests that free radicals are a misunderstood bunch in the eyes of society. She gives the analogy of free radicals to protestors against the Vietnam War. According to her, the protesters to society, the “radicals,” are “highly reactive […] and wreaked havoc on everything they interacted with.” But to her, the “radicals” were merely acting in reaction to their hostile environment, like the riot police with “guns raised, masks on.” To her, the free radicals react with DNA because DNA happen to be in their way and not letting them contribute to good pathways present in many enzymes.

“This is textbook material” – Mary Fuller, Associate Chair, MIT

There is a good reason for this view: Dr. Stubbe’s research on the enzyme Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR). RNR is an enzyme that converts nucleotides into deoxynucleotides which are incorporated into DNA which means the RNR is essential to all living beings. But what does RNR has to do with free radicals? It turns out that according to Dr. Stubbe, the RNR’s require free radicals for the conversion of nucleotides to work with “exquisite specificity.” The reactivity of radicals is used to form chain reactions into an enzymatic mechanism that ultimately form the deoxynucleotides. With this new information, several possibilities are opened up such as cancer treatment since we can possibly stop RNR to stop uncontrolled DNA and cell replication.

With this new information on free radicals, let’s hope to see more articles on radicals that shine them on a more positive light since according to Dr. Stubbe, “Your life is in their hands.”

Freeing radicals from their negative connotations.

Berries vs. the Brain

Why do many of us wait for the summer desperately?

Strawberries slow down the progression of age-related diseases! Photo by: Bahman Farzad

There might be different reasons as to why people look forward to summer such as: taking a stroll in park, going to the beach, and enjoying the sun. Although, it’s a long wait for summer here in Canada, we would all agree that the biggest payoff for the long haul is the fresh berries that we devour during the summer.

However, most of us might not be aware of the new research which shows that eating berries can be beneficial to the brain. It can slow or prevent the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Scientists in a new article in the, ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, report that eating blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and other types of berries has many beneficial effects on the brain and it may help prevent the on-set of age-related diseases. To further analyze the effect of berries on the brain Dr. Shukitt-Hale and Marshall G. looked at cellular animal and human studies. First of all, this review explained that berries benefit people because they produce high levels of antioxidants, which are compounds that help the cell fight off free radicals that cause damage to the cell. Second of all, berry fruits cause a change in the communication between neurons. Furthermore, these communication changes halt the inflammation of the brain which prevents neuronal damage and prevention of neuronal damage improves motor control and cognition.

Although, mechanisms which explain the behavioural deficits during aging are not known, it is understood that oxidative stress and inflammation are seen as the contributing factors of neurodegenerative diseases. Oxidative stress may contribute to neurodegenerative diseases because the brain is vulnerable to the deleterious effects of free radicals, so antioxidants need to be taken to reduce the effects of oxidative stress on the brain.

“The good news is that natural compounds called polyphenolics found in fruits, vegetables and nuts have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect that may protect against age-associated decline,” said Poulose, who is with the U. S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging in Boston.

Recent research shows that rats that were fed a two percent diet high in strawberries and blueberry for two months showed less age-related deficits in the nerve function, learning and remembering.

Raspberries! Photo by: Alex

Moreover, Poulose determined that nerve function reduces with age because of microglia, cells that remove and recycle any biochemical debris that would interfere with the brain’s function. During aging microglia do not do their job properly leading to the build up of debris. Poulose explains that berries contain polyphenolics which restore the normal housekeeping function of microglia which slows down or prevents the progression of neurodegenerative diseases.

After knowing the benefits of berries we can all look forward to summer for the same reason!!

(Video created by: chappellwellness)

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