Imagine you are walking your dog, and as you pass a certain building, you see a woman looking out the window. As you look closer, you see her about to drop her newborn baby out on the street. Would you just turn around and pretend you didn’t see, thinking to yourself that that’s her choice? [1]
Well what do you think abortion is?

Every year, abortion takes 42 million lives. (3)
[Image taken from: here.]
Take for example a hunter. He is hunting out in the wilderness, and spots something moving in the bush. If he is not certain that it is a deer, he cannot shoot, for it might as well be a person that he’s killing [1]. It is a simple moral principle.
This means that the thing inside a mother’s womb is a potential baby. If so, then Ray Comfort asks us to “finish this sentence for [him]: ‘It is ok to kill a baby when…’” The argument goes much further. It is not simply a question of the development stages of a human person. A woman would be guilty of murder if she killed her prematurely born infant at five months after conception. However, if a woman aborts her child at a later stage of development, she commits no crime [1]. Isn’t this twisted?
Just because something is legal, doesn’t make it moral. During WWII, it was perfectly legal “to kill ‘unwanted’ retarded children and ‘undesirable’ races like the Jews” [1]. In the opinion of Adolf Hitler, these people were “non- human” [2]. So if we declare a baby to be non-human, in whose footsteps are we following?
People will argue that in certain situations, the baby will have a poor quality of life if it’s born into a certain family. But how can people make that judgement even before the baby is born? On the same principle, Hitler “killed the people with Down’s Syndrome” [2]. However, their condition of life has nothing to do with the quality of life they have, since most of them report to be perfectly happy.
Our society needs to open its eyes to this ironical fact that medicine has advanced so far, as to take lives instead of save them.

To learn more, watch this 30-minute movie on the issue of the 21st Century holocaust… on abortion.
[1] Burnham J, Chacon F. Beginning Apologetics 5: How to answer tough moral questions. 3rd ed. Farmington, NM: San Juan Catholic Seminars; 2008.
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