Author Archives: Radu Nesiu

Brains and games in 21st century – How do video games affect us?

There is a lot of debate regarding how video games influence our brains development and whether or not games are beneficial or damaging. Scientists have examined both sides and the question that needs to be answered is whether games are beneficial or they are transforming us into machines.

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Some studies show that prolonged exposure to video games has negative effect both on the body and the brain. Games decreases attention span, increase the risk of obesity and violent games decrease sensitivity towards aggression. The implications are troubling since decreased attention implies lower academic performance and obesity is a health risk factor. Furthermore it is shown that decreased sensitivity towards aggression not only makes us consider aggressive behavior acceptable but it also increases the chance that we will become aggressive.

aggressive gamers

credit to: academics-debunk-theory-linking-violent-video-games-with-aggression/1379/

Another fact that must be considered is repetitive tasks in games. Because there are lots of games that become repetitive and have reward systems that encourage that behavior gamers are exposed to lose of creativity. Since repetitive tasks are better suited for a computer we could ask ourselves if our mind is encourage to become a basic processing unit.

However, there is another side of games which was investigated by researchers and the findings encourage people to become casual gamers. The benefits from games are as follow: better cooperation skills, adaptation to new challenges, fast reaction time and better attention to details.



Besides the standard types of games we should also consider games that involve movement (e.g. some Nintendo Wii games) which are shown to motivate exercise. Those type of games should become encouraged in populations with increased risk of obesity, where the reward system should be tailor for the customers.

The tricky part of the games is the reward system which acts as a drug since it releases dopamine which is the hormone for excitement. Using this we can develop games that can stimulate people to learn and train. A study done on surgeons  showed it is possible to increase job performance via gaming. Here is a TED talk about games and how we can use them to construct a better world.

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Based on what we seen so far casual consumption of non-violent games have beneficial effects, however one must take extra care since crossing the line and becoming an addict can severely impact us.

Radu Nesiu

Does storing data using light make computers lighter?


The image represents a memory cell, with the yellow patch being the phase-change material called GST, which sits on a waveguide

When it comes to new enhances to computers everyone wants faster response times and overall better performance. A team of researchers from top ranked universities found a way to increase computers performance by changing the way they access and store data.

Data stored on a computer needs to be there when power is is either on or off. This is called non-volatile memory and devices that have this property are CD’s, DVD’s and hard disks. Although devices like these provide data storage, they are really slow compared to CPU. Exactly how slow? Same as email and pony express.

This is a huge step in technology since it would allow computers to become much faster overall. It would also help the CS community deal with technical difficulties that arise from memory accesses like blocking an execution path until memory read/write is complete. The earlier example is hard to handle with today’s technology, since it introduces many possible hard-to-discover errors that may cause abnormal behavior.

This problem encountered in Computer Science is called the von Neumann bottleneck. Even though you can increase the performance of the CPU, you still waste many cycles waiting for memory/hard disk to respond to the requests. “There’s no point using faster processors if the limiting factor is the shuttling of information to-and-from the memory”, explains the University of Oxford’s Professor Harish Bhaskaran, leader of the research project, in a statement.

Professor Harish Bhaskaran and together with his team have built the world’s first all-photonic non-volatile memory chip. The chip provides incredible data reads and writes given we are using light and not electronic signals. However that is not the only major property of it; it also allows for simultaneous reads and writes, a world first as well.

The next steps of this projects are deploying the chip and integrating it with existent configurations in the industry, as well as building interfaces with different modules.

Radu Nesiu

Credit: Image by Wolfram Pernice