Category Archives: Issues in Science

Almost there! Universal blood for all.

Researchers of The Centre for Blood Research and The Chemistry Department in University British Columbia (UBC) have been experimenting to generate an enzyme that makes eight different blood types to be the safe universal blood for everyone.


Blood transfusion (source: Flickr Commons)

As it is generally known, our blood type lies into four major groups: A,B, AB and O. Also, there are positive types and negative types on each four types. Overall, eight different blood types differentiate from each other by additional sugar structure that lies on the surface of the red blood cells which decide presence or absence of antigens. Failure in performing correct blood transfusion can bring life-threatening situation due to immune responses to patients. The importance of correctly identifying the blood type and its transfusion to the patient in need is absolutely critical in the matter of life and death. An example of wrong blood type transfusion can be found in the link.

Drawing from the above importance of identifying blood for patients, the blood type O is known as universal blood because type A and B share the same core sugar structure as type O.  More specifically, only type O negative can be called universal blood because type O positive can not be transfused to patients who have negative blood type. Blood type O negative can be donated to patients with negative blood types as well as positive blood types. The universal blood type O negative is the key to blood transfusion; one which is in need, but not enough of.

Above diagram indicates blood type O as universal donor due to absence of antigen.

Therefore, David Kwan (UBC Chemistry department), Jayachandran Kizhakkedathu (UBC the Centre for Blood Research) and others are in process of finding a way to create an enzyme that can cut off the additional sugar structure (antigen) on surface of the blood cell so that all blood types can be donated and transfused safely as blood type O. Such research is the breakthrough in the clinical use of blood transfusion in saving the lives of critical patients.

Researchers used a new technology called directed evolution to generate the “sugar(antigen)-cutting” enzyme. Through directed evolution technology, researchers were possible to insert mutation gene into the gene that codes for the enzyme. Currently, thanks to their efforts, the enzyme under research became 170 times more effective at cutting majority of antigens in type A and B.

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[Credit to: City]

Since the enzyme cuts majority of antigens but not all, the research is still underway. Human immune system is critically sensitive to even tiniest of antigens; adding to the importance of the successful research. This study needs further improvement before the enzyme can be used for clinical use.

by Grace Kim.

Does storing data using light make computers lighter?


The image represents a memory cell, with the yellow patch being the phase-change material called GST, which sits on a waveguide

When it comes to new enhances to computers everyone wants faster response times and overall better performance. A team of researchers from top ranked universities found a way to increase computers performance by changing the way they access and store data.

Data stored on a computer needs to be there when power is is either on or off. This is called non-volatile memory and devices that have this property are CD’s, DVD’s and hard disks. Although devices like these provide data storage, they are really slow compared to CPU. Exactly how slow? Same as email and pony express.

This is a huge step in technology since it would allow computers to become much faster overall. It would also help the CS community deal with technical difficulties that arise from memory accesses like blocking an execution path until memory read/write is complete. The earlier example is hard to handle with today’s technology, since it introduces many possible hard-to-discover errors that may cause abnormal behavior.

This problem encountered in Computer Science is called the von Neumann bottleneck. Even though you can increase the performance of the CPU, you still waste many cycles waiting for memory/hard disk to respond to the requests. “There’s no point using faster processors if the limiting factor is the shuttling of information to-and-from the memory”, explains the University of Oxford’s Professor Harish Bhaskaran, leader of the research project, in a statement.

Professor Harish Bhaskaran and together with his team have built the world’s first all-photonic non-volatile memory chip. The chip provides incredible data reads and writes given we are using light and not electronic signals. However that is not the only major property of it; it also allows for simultaneous reads and writes, a world first as well.

The next steps of this projects are deploying the chip and integrating it with existent configurations in the industry, as well as building interfaces with different modules.

Radu Nesiu

Credit: Image by Wolfram Pernice

My Grandma Can Become Stronger by Eating Apples and Tomatoes

I remember when I was little, my mom and teachers at school would always tell me: “an apple a day will keep the doctor away.” While there may not be concrete scientific evidence that supports the accuracy of this saying, Dr. Christopher Adam and his colleagues from the University of Iowa have found evidence that consuming apples and tomatoes will keep our muscles strong and healthy.

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Video courtesy of CNN NewsByJim’s

Scientists have identified age-related muscle weakness and atrophy as a common trend in both humans and animals. Such phenomenon is often caused by disuse or denervation of muscles. Generally, muscle strength will start to decline between the ages of 30 to 40, and continue to decrease for the next several decades until the age of 70, when it begins to accelerate. Simultaneously, muscle mass is also decreasing, but at a slower rate. This loss of muscle mass and strength will consequently reduce the individual’s quality of life, and increase mortality. Up until now, exercise and healthy eating are the only approved approach to slow muscle atrophy.

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Video courtesy of Mayo Clinic


Researchers at the University of Iowa have recently discovered two compounds that reduce muscle mass and quality due to starvation and inactivity in elderly mice: ursolic acid in apple peel and tomatidine in green tomatoes. Both these compounds are believed to turn off genes activated by the harmful ATF4 proteins that is partly responsible for the age-related muscle loss and weakness. When this protein is expressed, it causes changes in gene expression so that protein synthesis is suppressed and protein degradation is elevated for muscle cells.

In their study, the researchers fed elderly mice with age-related muscle weakness and atrophy a diet either containing or lacking 0.27% ursolic acid, or 0.05% tomatidine for two months. The results of this study were significant. When the researchers measured the muscle mass of the elderly mice fed with either ursolic acid or tomatidine, they found that the mice increased their muscle mass by 10%, and their muscle strength by 30%.

These finding are significant as they can potentially increase the lifestyle and mobility of elderly people with muscle weakness and atrophy. The next step for the researchers is to continue their investigation in human clinical trial, and see if ursolic acid and tomatidine have the same effect in elderly humans as they do in mice. Ursolic acid and tomatidine can furthermore be developed into pharmaceutical supplements than can help with muscle strengthening.

Julia He

Tomato juice tastes better on airplanes

Have you ever had a tomato juice during a flight? If you have, you should like it because tomato juice actually tastes better on flights!

Generally speaking, tomato juice is not that popular compared to other juices. However, in flights, tomato juice is one of the most popular drinks. The Lufthansa Airline which is a German airline serves almost the same amount of tomato juice as beer to passengers. How could tomato juice be selected as a popular drink at 35000 feet above ground?

tomato juice

Source: Flickr Commons

Researchers have recently found that there is a relationship between sound and taste. Prof. Dr. Charles Spence at Oxford University explained that, “noise suppresses people’s ability to taste sweetness and saltiness, but it actually enhances people’s ability to taste umami.” Therefore, it is true that the airplane’s engine noise influences the way people taste food and beverages. Furthermore, his study also proved the better taste of tomato juice in flights as tomato contains the umami flavor.

Source: Flickr Commons

Umami is one of the five tastes which was identified in 1908 by Kikunae Ikeda, a professor of the Tokyo Imperial University. It is difficult to describe how umami tastes since it is sensed when glutamate binds to specific receptors on your tongue. Various types of food such as seaweed, pork, soy sauce, cheese, and mushrooms have umami taste.

Research from the faculty of food and nutrition in Cornell University stated that people prefer umami taste in the environment with high-decibel noise. The researchers conducted an experiment on a flight. Eleven men and thirty seven women aged from 18 to 55 were asked to taste liquid with each basic five tastes (sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and umami), first time with headphones and second time without headphones. The result showed that people with headphones claimed the four flavors except umami were strong. On the other hand, people without the headphones stated that they could taste the umami flavor to be much stronger than the people with headphones did.

Therefore, studies mentioned above on the effects of sound on taste prove the reason why tomato juice actually tastes better on a flight.

Here’s an interesting video of short experiment about the effect of sound on taste:

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YouTube video courtesy of: Brit Lab

– Lisa Inhye Kim

The Mysterious Effects of The Blob

A patch of abnormally warm water has amassed in the North Eastern Pacific Ocean, and is moving its way towards British Columbia’s coastline. The characteristic shape of the affected water has caused scientists to dub it “The Blob”.   You might be thinking to yourself that you accidentally stumbled onto a science fiction blog, but The Blob is very real, with equally real consequences for marine ecosystems.


Sea Surface Temperature shows anomalies in the North East Pacific Ocean (

Oceanographers haven’t been able to point to a clear cause for the strange phenomenon, but they think it may be linked to the unusually strong El Nino we are currently experiencing. This summer, it has been attributed to several unusual marine observations.

A bloom of domoic acid producing phytoplankton has been seen within the blob, which has been linked to the death of approximately 30 whales that have washed ashore in Alaska. While it hasn’t been confirmed yet, toxins have been link to similar deaths in the past.

Zooxanthellae, a phytoplankton that lives in a symbiotic relationship with coral, has also been negatively affected by the blob. The warm temperatures cause the phytoplankton to become stressed, and expelled from coral reefs. Corals receive valuable nutrients from their phytoplankton partners that give them their radiant colours. Once the algae are expelled, coral reefs lose their colour, resulting in the occurrence known as coral bleaching. This has been seen this past summer in Hawaii, and leaves coral reefs with an increased vulnerability to environmental stressors. Given that coral reefs are areas of incredible diversity, containing up to one third of all marine species, understanding why the blob is occurring, and how long it will remain in the Pacific, is exceedingly important.

Due to the increase in thermal stratification throughout the blob, there is less vertical mixing, less nutrients being replaced from below which ultimately leads to less zooplankton to feed salmon. With a decrease in salmon’s energy source, scientists predict less juvenile salmon will be successful in their long trip from the estuaries out to the open ocean. Lower birth rates have also been predicted in whale species as well, given that they will need to expend more energy locating resources, leaving less available for reproduction and survivorship of young.

As warmer waters impinge along our coastlines, so do many marine species that are normally associated with warmer, tropical waters. Following the patch of warm water, Mola Mola (sunfish), triggerfish, and tuna have been spotted several times in B.C. waters, even as far north as Bella Bella.

Changes to marine ecosystems and population dynamics can be difficult to predict, given the complexity of the food webs. While the blob cannot be attributed to global warming, it does provide scientists with a unique opportunity to study the effects of a 2-4°C increase in water temperatures, and what may lie ahead for the oceans.

Sandra Emry
