Humans- Built to Endure

Survival in nature often depends on one’s physical capabilities. Predators generally have superior strength whilst prey have agility and cunning, but what about humans?  While we have our superior wits, we also have our own physical ability that we excel at: endurance. This endurance comes mainly from specific body features, but also from a gene of ours known as the CMAH gene.                  


Physical Feature

Humans have participated in endurance exercises for ages, cultivating ten-mile runs into marathons of a hundred miles. One simple reason for our great endurance is that we humans have lesser-hairy bodies than other animals. This allows us to cool off more easily, which in turn prolongs the time until exhaustion. Our legs have many spring like-tendons aiding in propulsion, and large glutes to help to maintain stability. We also have a greater amount of fatigue-resistant muscles which are better for endurance. All these physical features are aplenty, making almost any human built for endurance.

Man jogging – photo available for public use courtesy of


Still, where do all these endurance-advantages come from? Evolutionary-selection for certain physical features is certainly a contributor, but there are more factors at play. Our fatigue-resistant muscles, and many other abilities, may well be a result of our genes, specifically a gene of ours known as the CMAH gene.


The Silenced CMAH

The CMAH gene exists in many other creatures, but in humans, it has been inactive for about the past 2 million years. This inactivation coincides with the appearance of our ancestors in the Homo genus. So, what evolutionary purpose does this inactivation play? A study authored by Ajit Varki of The University of California aimed to find out.

Genetic Material – photo available to public domain courtesy of Vitaliy Smolygin / iStock


In the study, the CMAH gene was knocked out in mice who were afflicted by muscle dystrophy, a condition where some parts of muscle had wasted away. These mice were then bred over generations to keep this inactivation. The offspring mice’s physical abilities were later compared to mice whom still had said gene active by making both groups run.

CMAH-deletion mice became fatigued from forced-running much later than mice who still expressed CMAH. Post-inactivation mice also ran farther distances and faster than control group. This study on mice reflects on humans, whom also have an inactive CMAH gene and display similar abilities of increased endurance compared to our primate ancestors.


In Modern Times…

Humanity has retained many of it’s physical capabilities, despite our lifestyles changing drastically over history. While we no longer require our physical abilities as much as our ancestors did, it is comforting to know that maintenance of health is still promoted in society. Whether for aesthetic values or for well-being, many people still exercise regularly and keep their bodies strong. Moreover, humans are pushing the limits of endurance further and further through longer marathons spanning several days and hundreds of miles. As we continue to attempt greater feats of physical ability, it’s likely our endurance will not be diminishing anytime soon.


Advances in medicine with technology: is it all good?

Having any experience in the biomedical sciences,  the phrase “microscopy is a lost art” must have some meaning to you. It means biotechnology is taking over the medical sciences. Biochemistry and molecular biology have become so prominent that techniques of old are being replaced by all things molecular.

Recent advancements in biotechnology have revolutionized science. DNA experiments not only conduct replication, they incorporate automatic interpretation of the results. Protein science has been simplified to pouring samples in vials and running them in a machine, no further skills or education required. Even medical diagnostics are “going molecular”, using DNA and protein experiments to diagnose patients rather than the traditional interpretation of labs. But while molecular experiments sure make our lives (as a scientist) easier, haven’t we been taught that shortcuts are never the answer?

What’s wrong with going molecular?

A perfect example to illustrate this point is with the blood infection: malaria. Annually, an estimated 600 million people globally still suffer from this parasitic disease and over a million die from it. Current diagnostic methods involve blood smears under microscopy as shown in the photo below; the purple specks representing malaria parasites.

Picture by Teresa Lo, BCCDC

However, when presented to pathology residents of UBC’s Faculty of Medicine, not a single one of them could identify the illness. Even more astonishing, they actually thought that the patient was perfectly healthy. This incident occurred at the BC Centre for Disease Control, where technicians of the Parasitology department tested medical residents with confirmed-diagnosis patient samples.

How did this happen?

With advancements in science and technology, biotech companies have developed molecular tests for diagnosing patients. For malaria, a well-known device is called the Rapid Test shown below. Functioning like a pregnancy test with urine, the Rapid Test simply requires a drop of blood and some time before a positive or negative result is given. You might be asking “where’s the problem?”. While the Rapid Test IS very convenient, it has a relatively low success rate. This is further discussed on the CDC website for malaria diagnosis.

Picture by Benjamin Chang, BCCDC

For patients where the malaria parasite is not prevalent or perhaps has not replicated enough, detection via Rapid Tests would fail. This is why microscopy is so important in the field of parasitology, it can detect parasitemia at low enough concentrations that early intervention would be possible. A paper published in the Journal of Malaria found microscopy was a better method for diagnosis compared to molecular techniques:

Biomedical scientist Emmanuel Biney further demonstrates in this video that while the skill required for microscopy is high, it is most definitely required:

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Unfortunately, microscopy is truly a lost art as our generation is geared towards molecular techniques. Training in microscopy takes numerous years of practice and an experienced technician as an instructor. As the previous generation retires and our generation begins to enter the workforce, we will have to find some way to compensate for the loss of their skills.


The Secret to Speed- Symmetry

What makes fast runners so fast? Sure, strong muscles, hard work, and good technique all contribute to speed- but so does symmetrical knees?

The Proof

Scientists have recently discovered the surprising and remarkable effect symmetric knees have on running efficiency. Robert Trivers, an evolutionary biologist, took a team to Jamaica to investigate if there is any correlation between elite runners and their body symmetry. In one study, the researchers asked the club track and field members to give their best times in their specific running events, such as the 100m dash, 200m, 400m, or 800m. They found that in every single event group the fastest times belonged to the athletes with the most symmetric knees, not with the most muscle mass, lung capacity, or best technique.

Photo by David J. Phillip of Usain Bolt             Source: Oregon Live


To further confirm these results, they performed another study in which the research team measured the knee symmetry of 73 elite sprinters, including Olympic gold medalist Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce. They compared their measurements with those of 116 local non-runners who were of the same age and sizes as the elite athletes. They found that the sprinters had much more symmetrical knees than the non-runners, concluding that it is indeed a significant contributing factor to running efficiency. “Among the very best sprinters in the world, knee symmetry predicts who’s going to be the best of the best,” Trivers confirms after analyzing these results.

The following is a video of Trivers explaining his study and results.


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But Why Knee Symmetry?

One reason why knee symmetry could be such a dominant factor in predicting speed is because running is naturally a symmetrical movement, and therefore it will favour symmetrical traits. By not having to compensate for non-symmetric mechanisms, sprinters with knee symmetry are able to save energy and be more efficient in every stride. In addition, numerous studies have confirmed that body symmetry is positively associated with genetic quality and developing advantageous traits, which may also contribute to the correlation between knee symmetry and speed.

What’s Next? 

This study has significant value as the results provide the basis for further research opportunities in the evolutionary biology and sports science fields. Evolutionary biologists may be interested in the genes that develop these symmetrical traits, questioning if they provide any other advantages to humans other than speed.  The track and field community and sports scientists may be curious to explore if there is any way to specifically increase knee symmetry through training in the hopes of it increasing speed significantly.

Furthermore, this finding has prompted more research into this topic and has led Trivers to address further questions, like are runners so symmetric because of good genes or because of the amount of exercise they do? Is it a cause or an effect? Nonetheless, there is a clear correlation between a high degree symmetry and being of the fastest humans. So, if you have symmetrical knees, you might very well be the next Usain Bolt.

By: Olivia Campbell

Welcome to SCIE 300 Blogging!

Welcome to the SCIE 300 course blog!

Here are few things to make note of before you get started with your posts. First of all, you should read the blogging resources page under the Create menu. This will help you out a lot if you are brand new to using WordPress. On this page you will find video tutorials about writing posts on this blog, adding media to your posts, tagging, and categorizing. You will also find a link to the rubric we’ll use to grade your blog posts.

Next, check out the blogging guidelines. Here you will find the answer to the question: “What are we supposed to blog about?” You can also check out one of last term’s blogs for some additional inspiration.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when blogging. Please do not assume that just because something is online, it is OK for you to use it. For example, unless it is explicitly stated, an image on the internet can not just be copied, saved, and used in your own post without permission to do so. We’ve provided you with a lot more detail about properly using online content, but if you have questions, let us know.

This blog also contains a lot of resources for you. For example, still under the Create menu, there is a list of suggested software to use for your projects. We’ve also collected some writing and presentation resources. Basic audio/visual equipment can be borrowed from SCIE300. Contact the course coordinator for more info.

Under the Explore menu, you will find some sample podcasts and videos, links that may be of interest or assistance, a list of groups and associations related to communicating science as well as a list of local museums and science centres. The Explore menu also contains a library resources page, which you should definitely have a look at. Finally, there is a bookshelf that lists relevant books that are on reserve for you in Woodward Library.

Let us know if you have any questions about the blog or would like to see any other resources made available. Or, if you find something that you think would be useful to the rest of the class, tell us, and we can add it to the resources. Better yet — write a post about it!

Happy blogging!

The Science 300 Team