Here are problem domains to help you prepare for Quiz 6. We recommend you spend a few minutes reading through all of them before your tutorial!
Protected: Assignment #5 Sample Solution
Full Assignment #5
Here is the full version of Assignment #5. Dive in, have fun! 🙂
In case it helps, here is the LaTeX source for A#5.
Thursday 11AM Quiz Question
Here is the Thursday 11AM Quiz 5 Question. NOTE: the comment about “IsPow2” is meant for the Wednesday quiz question instead. That’s corrected in tomorrow’s full assignment release.
Wednesday 1PM Quiz Question
Here is the Wednesday 1PM Quiz 5 Question. NOTE: the bound on j should be “< i” rather than less-than-or-equal. That’s corrected on Friday’s full assignment release. You should also feel free to assume you have a function IsPow2(x) that determines whether an integer is a power of 2. (Otherwise, you could use logs and rounding or assumptions about reasonable binary representations if you like.)
Quiz 5 Pre-Release Readings
Here are the pre-readings for Quiz 5. Note that Tue, Wed, and Thu tutorials will use the “pre-reading” for section 1 (i.e., no pre-reading). All Friday problems will use one of the other pre-readings.
As always, be sure you look through this before your tutorial!
Tuesday 1PM Quiz Question
Here is the Tuesday 1PM Quiz 5 Question.
Thursday 11 AM Quiz 4 question
Here is the Thursday 11 AM quiz 4 question.
Wednesday 1 PM Quiz 4 Question
Here is the Wednesday 1 PM quiz 4 question.
Tue 1 PM Quiz 4 Question
Here is the Tuesday 1 PM Quiz 4 question.