Readings for 2018/02/04

Before Sunday’s pre-class quiz: Read sections 4.2 or 4.3 (your choice, though many of you may have already read 4.2!) and section 4.4. If you decide to read section 4.3, you may want to also look at this document that provides examples illustrating the five cases in the proof of Theorem 4.12.

Assignment #2


  • 2018/01/26 7:30PM, Problem 3.3 cut from the assignment.
  • 2018/01/27 9:30AM, Quiz 6.1 answer is sometimes not always
  • 2018/01/27 5:00PM, Quiz 5, second-to-last comparison (with k^3 + m lg m) should be LEFT rather than SAME
  • 2018/01/27 7:00PM, Problem 6: a cycle cannot contain only one vertex, and cannot repeat edges (so aba is not a cycle).

Here is the full assignment version of Assignment #2. (Here is the LaTeX source. It has a “.txt” extension because doesn’t allow upload of “.tex” files.)

This is due Monday 5 Feb at 10PM. (As always, we will release the solution shortly afterward. That’s especially important here if you want to peruse the solution before the exam!)

Please submit it on GradeScope.

For reference, here are the collected quizzes and the collected quizzes with sample solutions.

Old Exams for Practice

As our midterm exam approaches, here are some old exams and sample exams (from previous terms).

Several caveats apply: Our term’s exams and course may differ from these term’s exams and courses in important ways (beyond, obviously, the specific questions used!). We do not have additional materials related to these exams that might be missing. We have not recently reviewed these, and we don’t know how well they relate to what our term has done so far.

Some of these require the login “cpsc320” and the solutions password for our term or a previous one to access, which are posted on Piazza:

Old samples I found through online searches:

Old course offerings are often available at, where YYYY is the 4-digit year, S is the session (W or S), and P is the part (1 or 2, often missing in summer). Here’s a few:

Readings for 2018/01/28

Before Sunday’s pre-class quiz: Read sections 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, and 4.2. This will start you in on greedy algorithms. Note that we’ll start working (in the week after this pre-class quiz) on greedy algorithms via a graph example, bridging the graphs and greedy algorithms sections.

Readings for 2018/01/21

Before Sunday’s pre-class quiz (pquiz): Our upcoming readings for the week of Jan 15 to Jan 21 are: Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. Sections 3.1-3.3 should be largely review, with section 3.4 providing a (hopefully!) new application area to explore.

(Readings will slow down after this week, as we exit “review territory” in the textbook.)

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