I am embarking on a new journey with the CTLT Graduate Certification Program in just under a month to further develop and to deepen my teaching practice.
Through my participation in the Instructional Skills Workshop, and later in my role as a graduate facilitator at the CTLT, I have discovered what really makes me tick – teaching! Armed with this new realization, I am much more proactive in seeking opportunities to broaden my teaching experiences and to further develop my teaching practice. I stepped out of my comfort zone in delivering a formal guest lecture at the Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science Program. In addition, I enrolled in Psychology 508 – Teaching of Psychology – led by Dr. Catherine Rawn last term, with goals to integrate my beliefs around teaching/learning into my teaching practice and lesson delivery, to cultivate the habit of using research and scholarly teaching to inform my teaching decision, and to evaluate whether teaching is a future career that I would like to pursue.
The GCP is the next logical step for me to expand and to grow my teaching practice.
To this end, by the end of the GCP, I hope to be able to:
- gain formal teaching experience in various educational settings,
- experiment with creative teaching techniques to engage learners in large classrooms,
- practice designing forward-thinking and meaningful formative assessments,
- clearly articulate and rationally defend my teaching decisions anchored in evidence, and
- cultivate a mindful and reflective teaching practice.