LinkedIn Workshop

Posted by in Events, Past Events

Hosted by Dr. Isabeau Iqbal

As a graduate student, you are also a professional keen to grow your career and connect with others in your field. LinkedIn is a popular social network which can help you do that! In this workshop, I will: 1) Provide an introduction to LinkedIn; 2) Review the main features of LinkedIn which are useful for graduate students seeking to grow their careers and network; 3) Offer 5 tips for getting started on LinkedIn.

Participants will leave with a solid grasp of how LinkedIn can help them grow their career and will have several tools to begin to create a strong “profile” on this platform.

This workshop is for those who are new to LinkedIn. Though we will not be working on your individual profiles during the workshop, you are welcome to bring your laptop to the workshop.

LinkedIn Workshop

Date: November 29, 2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 12:00nn–1:00pm
Location: PCOH 2012 (Multipurpose Room)
Event Poster: Click here