EDST Graduate Students

Academic Writing Workshop by Dr. Sam Rocha • Feb 26, 2018

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February 26, 2018 (Monday) • 3:00pm to 4:15pmPCOH1306A (Video Conference Room) Hosted by Dr. Sam Rocha Academic writing is part-and-parcel of every graduate student’s life, and it is a challenging skill that needs to be acquired over time. Join Dr. Sam Rocha and the EDST GAAs for an afternoon of discussion on some issues and/or challenges you face in your writing process, and pick up some tips on how you can improve on your writing. Please prepare some questions about academic writing in advance, and bring along paper and pen…read more


Demystifying Comps • Jan 24, 2018

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January 24, 2018 (Wednesday) • 12:15pm to 1:15pmPCOH2012 (Multipurpose Room) Hosted by Dr. Amy Metcalfe Comprehensive exams are something every Ph.D. student has to face in their programmes. In this workshop, Dr. Amy Metcalfe will “demystify” various aspects of the comprehensive exams, including tips on how (and when) to prepare for them, and what to expect. This workshop is designed for Ph.D students preparing for their comps, but M.A/M.Ed students who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D programme are most welcome too! RSVP CLOSED


Create a Professional Blog or Website • Jan 15, 2018

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January 15, 2018 (Monday) • 3:00pm to 4:30pmPCOH1306A (Video Conference Room) Hosted by Mary Kostandy Are you interested in creating your own professional blog or website? Wait no further! Bring your laptop, ideas, texts, images, media, links and let’s start building! In this hands-on step by step session, you will explore the difference between blogs and websites, publish posts, add media, customize themes and more! RSVP CLOSED


Back-to-school Social Gathering • Jan 12, 2018

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January 12, 2018 (Friday) • 11:30am to 2:00pmUBC Seedlings Café Hosted by your GAAs Welcome back to school! Join your GAAs for a casual lunchtime gathering at Seedlings Cafe. Share your stories and memories from over the holidays, and perhaps a resolution or two as well? Please note that food and drinks are not provided at this event, but the menu at Seedlings is very reasonably-priced and you are encouraged to support their non-profit, volunteer-run initiative! RSVP CLOSED


LinkedIn Workshop

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Hosted by Dr. Isabeau Iqbal As a graduate student, you are also a professional keen to grow your career and connect with others in your field. LinkedIn is a popular social network which can help you do that! In this workshop, I will: 1) Provide an introduction to LinkedIn; 2) Review the main features of LinkedIn which are useful for graduate students seeking to grow their careers and network; 3) Offer 5 tips for getting started on LinkedIn. Participants will leave with a solid grasp of how LinkedIn can help…read more


Research Sharing: Posthuman Childhoods

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Hosted by Paulina Semenec & Claudia Díaz-Díaz, Ph.D Candidates, EDST Join Paulina Semenec and Claudia Díaz-Díaz for a discussion of how post-humanist theories have informed their research with children. In this research sharing session, they will discuss their individual research projects in which they are attempting to reconceptualize the child, and the implications this has for research with children in educational settings. Join this discussion if you would like to learn about posthumanism and or are curious about how thinking with posthumanist theories and methodologies can inform research practices. Posthuman…read more


GSS Council Elections

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EDST students are invited to vote for our department representatives in the GSS Council. There are 2 student nominees – Rachel Goossen and Ashenafi Alemu – for the 2 available seats, and you are asked to confirm these nominees. The deadline to submit your votes (which takes less than a minute) is November 9, 2017. The nominee statements are presented below: VOTE NOW Rachel Goossen (profile) Hi team EDST! I am Rachel Goossen, a second year M.A. student in the SCPE stream of Educational Studies. For six years, I worked…read more


Writing for Publication

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Publishing your work is part-and-parcel of academic life, but the process of doing so could be particularly daunting for graduate students! In this workshop, Dr. Vanessa Andreotti (EDST) will walk you through the intricacies of the publication process, and introduce strategies and techniques you could use to get your work into the field. Writing for Publication Date: November 6, 2017 (Monday)Time: 11:00am – 12:00nnLocation: PCOH 2012 (Multipurpose Room)Event Poster: Click here RSVP CLOSED


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