Memorandum for Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor, ENGL 301

From: Cheryl Chao, Student, ENGL 301

Date: Oct 11th, 2019

Subject: Formal Report Proposal Submission

Dear Professor Paterson,

As requested for Assignment 2:1, I have uploaded my formal report proposal onto my team forum. My formal report proposal is to address the data collection accuracy at Fairview Behaviour Consulting Inc.

My formal report proposal includes:

  1. A data collection issue due to varying judgements during sessions
  2. Proposed solution to put materials online and increasing interaction within the intervention team
  3. Five questions to aid my research 
  4. Using surveys and interviews to collect data
  5. My qualifications  

I look forward to conducting research on this topic and should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

Enclosure: 301 Cheryl Chao Formal Report Proposal


One comment on “Memorandum for Formal Report Proposal
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Cheryl,

    Thank you for posting your progress report. There are a few issues for you to consider before I can approve the research. If you will review my comments on your initial Report Proposal, I was worried about confidentiality, I wrote: “, I am a little concerned that confidentiality and autonomy are maintained for your survey participants to the highest degree.”

    Accordingly, I am concerned about the survey and interview questions. Exactly what kind of ‘data’ are you talking about? I assumed from the proposal that statistics were your concern. I have left you further comments on your Evaluation sheet, which I emailed this morning.

    Please alert me with an email with a link to your revised progress report and surveys. Thank you.

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