Memorandum – Progress Report: Enhancing Participation of Educators in the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair Committee


To:            Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor, ENGL 301
From:       Janice Pang, Student, ENGL 301,
Date:        November 5, 2019
Subject:   Progress Report: Enhancing Participation of Educators in the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair Committee

Audience of Report

The report is prepared for the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair (GVRSF) committee, which is a group of volunteers dedicated to the planning and management of the regional science fair. All members of the committee have the authority to help implement the recommendations detailed in the report.

Purpose of Report

To understand educator participation on science fair committees and to improve educator participation specifically within the GVRSF committee. The following will be investigated:

  1. What are the main reasons potentially preventing educators from participating in regional science fairs such as GVRSF?
  2. Where and when do educators likely hear about regional science fairs such as GVRSF?
  3. Will additional science fair resources help educators learn more about GVRSF?
  4. How are other regions recruiting educators to their science fair committee?

Significance of Report

Educators are vital in enabling students in elementary and high school to explore project-based learning. In recent years, there is observed decline in educator participation on the GVRSF committee. The continued decrease of educator participation may lead to a smaller network of educators who are aware of science fairs in Greater Vancouver. This could dramatically decrease the number of students who gain exposure to the opportunities presented by science fairs. Thus, this report is important for identifying the potential causes of the decline in educator participation within the GVRSF committee and recommending strategies to improve educator participation.

Research Plan

  • Background research [completed]
    • Identify the problem – decline of educator participation within the GVRSF committee
    • Establish objectives for the study
    • Research background information necessary for investigating the problem
      • Research secondary sources including online resources from Science Fair Foundation BC and Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair
  • Primary data collection
    • Conduct surveys – survey educators and science fair alumni
      • Design surveys via Google Forms for educators in Greater Vancouver, educators across BC and other provinces, and science fair alumni from across Canada (3 surveys total – please see enclosure)  [completed]
      • Send out surveys via GVRSF and Science Fair Foundation BC e-newsletters [not started]
        • Survey for Educators (General) will be distributed via Science Fair Foundation BC e-newsletter
        • Survey for Educators (Greater Vancouver) will be distributed via GVRSF e-newsletter
        • Survey for Science Fair Alumni will be distributed via Science Fair Foundation BC and GVRSF e-newsletter
    • Conduct interviews – interview educators currently involved in other regional science fairs. This supplements data collected from surveys
      • Design interview questions (please see enclosure) [completed]
      • Confirm educators to be interviewed [in progress]
      • Conduct interviews [not started]
  • Data Analysis [not started]
    • Organize and interpret data collected from surveys and interviews
      • Generate graphs and visuals using data collected to visually support key findings discussed
  • Conclusions and recommendations [not started]
    • From the analyzed data, formulate potential recommendations for resolution of the identified problem
  • Finalize draft formal report [not started]
  • Review/edit draft formal report [not started]
  • Complete final formal report [not started]


  • Background research – October 5-11
  • Design surveys/interview questions – October 11-November 8
  • Send out surveys – Week of November 18 (dependent on survey questions approval)
  • Confirm educators for interviews – November 18
  • Conduct interviews with educators – November 23-30
  • Analyze data, create graphs/visuals – November 22-30
  • Formulate conclusions and recommendations – December 1-4
  • Complete draft formal report – December 4
  • Review/edit draft formal report – December 5-19
  • Complete final formal report – December 19

As soon as approval of the survey and interview questions is received, data collection will begin immediately and writing of the draft formal report will follow.

Enclosure: 301 Janice Pang_Interview Questions, Survey for Educators (General)Survey for Educators (Greater Vancouver)Survey for Science Fair Alumni

One comment on “Memorandum – Progress Report: Enhancing Participation of Educators in the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair Committee
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Janice,
    Thank you for this progress report. This is excellent – impressively organized and intelligently strategized – thank you.

    Just a couple of notes for you:

    – Try to phrase your questions in the positive. For example: “What are the main reasons potentially preventing educators from participating in regional science fairs such as GVRSF?”
    Rewrite: What are the main activities or reasons that will encourage educators to participate in regional science fairs such as GVRSF?
    • Stay in the Positive. For example:

    “ The continued decrease of educator participation may lead to a smaller network of educators who are aware of science fairs in Greater Vancouver. This could dramatically decrease the number of students who gain exposure to the opportunities presented by science fairs. Thus, this report is important for identifying the potential causes of the decline in educator participation within the GVRSF committee and recommending strategies to improve educator participation.

    POSITIVE: An increase in educator participation may lead to a larger network of educators who are aware of science fairs in Greater Vancouver. This could dramatically increase the number of students who gain exposure to the opportunities presented by science fairs. Thus, this report is important for identifying potential activities for increasing educator participation within the GVRSF committee and recommending strategies to improve educator participation.

    Enjoy, Erika

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