Email Memo – Progress Formal Report


To:            Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From:       Emily Krisnamurti, ENGL 301 Student
Date:        November 9, 2019
Subject:   Progress Formal Report: Improving the Internship Program at L’Oreal Indonesia


Audience of Report

The audience for this report will mostly include the Recruitment Manager of L’Oreal Indonesia, Indri Lastina Sudarmadji as well as the Young Talent Program Manager. They are the person in charge when it comes to hiring and ensuring the internship experience is great. I think the implementation of this research might be the most beneficial when presented to these two people.

Purpose of Report 

The purpose of this formal report is to enhance and improve the internship experience in L’Oreal Indonesia, and making sure that future and current interns are able to maximize their experiences in L’Oreal. As well as, ensuring that each interns’ feedbacks regarding their experiences in L’Oreal Indonesia are properly being heard, and that the Human Resources department will take it more seriously.

Significance of Report 

Improving the internship program at L’Oreal is important, not only internally for the company itself, but it acts as a bridge for graduating students to experience what it is like to work in an FMCG company as prestigious as L’Oreal. It is also a gateway to those who are considering to enter the Management Trainee program. If the internship program is not well-thought out and does not help interns to grow, their chances of getting to the Management Trainee program would decrease. In a bigger scope, if we gain a lot of insights when we intern at L’Oreal, it would then open up more doors for future jobs graduating students can apply to once they graduated.

Research Plan

  • Research on the underlying problems with the internship programs
  • Gather intern data from the Recruitment Manager
  • Create survey and/or interviews with the previous interns, current interns and future interns about their experiences in L’Oreal
  • Conduct the surveys
  • Create a data analysis and report of the results of the survey and interview
  • Finalize and complete the formal report

Writing Schedule 

October 6 – 9: Formal Report Proposal & Background Research (Completed)

October 9 – 11: Review my peer-reviewed report proposal and make changes (Completed)

November 3 – 5: Create a meeting with the Recruitment Manager about the internship program

November 6 – 9: Create surveys and interview questions

November 11 – 13: Gather the participants’ emails and/or contact information from Recruitment Manager

November 15 – 17: Conduct the surveys and interviews

November 18 – December 4: Create the formal report draft

December 10th: Finalize formal report.


With that being said, I will ensure that I will stay on top of this writing schedule. After your approval on my survey and interview questions, I will begin my data collection and hopefully come into a satisfying final formal report.


Survey questions for previous interns:

Survey questions for current interns:

One comment on “Email Memo – Progress Formal Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Emily,
    Thank you for posting this Progress Report. I have concerns about the survey questions. The Introduction is excellent/ethical. But the data you collect will be translate into visuals (graphs and pies) much more smoothly if you provide a choice of answers for each question.

    For example:
    “Please state your internship position at the time”
    Provide a list of the possible positions for them to click one
    “Why did you want to apply for an internship in L’Oreal in the first place?
    List four or five reasons they might choose
    And so forth – revise the surveys so each question list possible answers – and alert me with an email with a link to the page when you have completed. Thank you. Erika

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