To: Pencil Pack, ENGL 301 Writing Team
From: Janice Pang, Student, ENGL 301,
Date: December 02, 2019
Subject: Formal Report Draft – Enhancing Participation of Educators in the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair Committee
Here is the formal report draft for my study, “Enhancing Participation of Educators in the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair Committee”. The formal report aims to investigate:
- What are the main reasons potentially preventing educators from participating in regional science fairs such as GVRSF?
- Where and when do educators likely hear about regional science fairs such as GVRSF?
- Will additional science fair resources help educators learn more about GVRSF?
- How are other regions recruiting educators to their science fair committee?
The current draft includes:
- Title page and complete table of contents
- Introduction with Overview of the study
- Analysis of survey and interview results complete with figures
- Conclusion with summary of findings and recommendations
A letter of transmittal and abstract for the formal report will be prepared in the coming weeks ahead of the submission of the final formal report. If you have any questions, please email me at
Enclosure: 301_Janice Pang_Formal Report_Draft
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