To: Team 7, English 301 Writing Team
From: Erfan Ahmed, English 301 Team Member
Date: December 19, 2019
Subject: Completion of Final Formal Report
Hi Team 7,
As per the final assignment posted in Unit 4:3, I have attached a copy of my Final Report on ‘Reducing carbon emissions from household waste and transportation vehicles in Vancouver’ which includes the following
My report includes:
- Letter of Intent for the Proposal
- Background information on Carbon Emissions in Vancouver
- Sources of GHGs and impacts in the community
- Surveys from residents regarding current waste and transportation methods
- Highest and Best Use Analysis
- Expected outcomes, recommendations and solutions
- References
I hope my final report is written to meet high standards, and is effective in reaching the importance of the proposal to the city council members as I believe that immediate action needs to be undertaken to tackle rising issues related to carbon emissions and global climate change. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Best regards,
Erfan Ahmed
Enclosure: English 301 – Final Formal Report
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