LinkedIn Peer Review- Brenda Martinez

LinkedIn Peer Review

Reviewee: Brenda Martinez

Reviewer: Adrienne Yap

LinkedIn Profile:


General Profile Overview
  • Appropriate Profile Picture
  • Custom URL
  • Descriptive Tagline
  • About Section:
    • Description of skills and career objectives

This section was nearly there! All that’s missing is a profile picture and custom URL. Your tagline was straightforward and your about section was so well done! I loved that you included aspects of your personal life, it really made your Summary section stand out. I would only suggest breaking your “About” section up into different paragraphs, it might make it easier to read. 

Experience Section
  • Jobs listed in chronological or functional order
  • Jobs include titles and dates
  • Job descriptions provide brief overview of position

All titles and dates were listed in chronological order, however, brief overviews of each position were missing. I might consider adding this to your profile as it tells people what your responsibilities were! 

Education Section
  • Includes major/area of study, dates, and institution

Thoroughly completed. 

Licenses and Certification 
  • Includes titles, dates, institution

This section is so unique compared to most profiles. It really makes you stand out amongst the crowd!

Skills, Endorsements, and Accomplishments
  • Section completed
  • All things listed are relevant

Skills listed were relevant and also very desirable. Accomplishments were also very impressive.

Final Thoughts
Your summary really made your profile standout! All in all, I thought it was very well organized. I would only tweak minor things like adding a picture, spacing out some of the summary sections, and adding descriptions to your experience section. 

LinkedIn peer review template

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