Author: erikapaterson

How to post on your Team Forum

Hi Team Textual Relations, When you want to add a post to your Team Forum you need to begin with a “new post.” Be sure to include the assignment number in your title; for example:  ‘1:3 Definitions’. When you are

Posting Instructions

Hi Team YMZG When you want to add a post to your Team Forum you need to begin with a “new post.” Be sure to include the assignment number in your title; for example:  ‘1:3 Definitions’. When you are ready

How to post on your team page

Hi Alan’s Team. when you want to add a post to your Team Forum you need to begin with a “new post.” Be sure to include the assignment number in your title; for example:  ‘1:3 Definitions’. When you are ready

Evaluation Sheets

Good Tuesday 301; I hope you all had a good long weekend. Below is a copy of the Evaluation Sheet that we will use this semester. Please do study this sheet so you have a clear idea of your grade

Testing ‘Girl Gang’

Hi “Girl Gang” – when you want to add a post to your Team Forum you need to begin with a “new post.” Be sure to include the assignment number in your title; for example:  ‘1:3 Definitions’. When you are

Testing Best Team

Hi “Best Team” – when you want to add a post to your Team Forum you need to begin with a “new post.” Be sure to include the assignment number in your title; for example:  ‘1:3 Definitions’. When you are

Testing Team Forum


Writing Teams

Hello 301; Your Blogs are posted on the Student Blog page; I hope you will find time to enjoy reading each other’s bio’s as you compose your application letters. The first assignment for your Team page is due on May

Welcome to English 301

Hello 301 Welcome to our course of studies together and Welcome to my Instructor’s Blog I will post new blogs on a regular basis and you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your

 Attached Files: ‘301 Student Name Assignment Name’

  Subject Lines and file names ALWAYS CONSIDER YOU READER’S NEEDS FIRST. Stopping to consider how your document or message or memo will be used  – who is reading and why? — this is your first consideration. ‘301 Student Name


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