Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

DETAILS – please …

By erikapaterson on December 4, 2018 @6:53 am

This is a re-post of a re-post of a blog that too many people seem to have missed or forgotten. One of the tricks of technical writing is to avoid generalities and provide details – as concisely as possible. Here

Example of a Methods section

By erikapaterson on November 22, 2018 @1:41 pm

Here is an example of a well-handled Methods Section. The Introduction section of a Formal Report always includes a Method Section that provides a description of the methodology. It is important to remain concise and at the same time provide

Writing the first draft of a formal report

By erikapaterson on November 20, 2018 @6:51 am

When drafting your Formal Report keep in mind the three most common and serious errors: Writing with a negative tone: Avoid the negative. Writing with a demanding tone: Respect your reader, edit out imperative verbs. Writing information that your reader

Editing out Pronouns

By erikapaterson on November 16, 2018 @5:57 am

Hopefully, the YOU attitude hand-out and lesson has made a BIG impression on the significance of pronouns (and imperative verbs) in terms of shaping the tone and clarity of your writing. I have been asked why I wait until this

Writing With You Attitude

By erikapaterson on November 10, 2018 @6:20 am

You can find a few post on Writing with YOU attitude on this blog, if you search. However, learning the techniques of writing with YOU attitude is so valuable, I am dedicating this page to a collection of past YOU


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