Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Letter of Application

By erikapaterson on May 21, 2016 @4:19 pm

Here is an example of an excellent letter of application: well organized, nicely balanced with friendly and professional tones, concise, detailed and complete.   May 17, 2016 123 Monopoly Avenue Vancouver BC   English 301: Technical Writing University of British

Memos and Messages

By erikapaterson on May 21, 2016 @3:21 pm

An example of an excellent memo: MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English Professor From: XXX XXX, English 301 98A student X.X. Date: May 17, 2016 Subject: Attachment of Letter of Application As instructed in the English 301 course website, I

Helpful Face Book Tips

By erikapaterson on May 18, 2016 @5:35 am

Hello 301 I am posting some helpful Facebook tips here. Thanks for helping each other out and I hope these tips are helpful for anyone still experiencing issues with the text book or WordPress. RE: Text Book Access: Lauren Helena

Beginnings ….

By erikapaterson on May 17, 2016 @12:39 pm

I am happy to see your websites being posted on our Facebook page; thank you. As you post your links on Facebook, I include the link on our Student Blog  page. Please do take some time to read each other’s websites with

Self-editing tips for Formal Report

By erikapaterson on December 16, 2019 @11:35 am

I have completed my round of evaluations for Unit Three and have some notes for you to follow as you self-edit your final draft of your report and your Web folio. Errors in expression that are caused by neglecting to


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