Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.


By erikapaterson on September 17, 2014 @12:46 pm

Introduction In this weeks assignment we were asked to write three different definitions for a difficult term in your profession. This exercise is important as it allows me to practice being descriptive, coherent and learn to cater my paragraphs for

Writing Team Application Letter

By erikapaterson on September 16, 2014 @6:39 am

Good Monday afternoon all, I have very much enjoyed reading all your letters of application, and I am pleased to see most of you have your writing teams organized. Your first writing team assignments, Definitions and Peer Reviews, are due

Email Memorandum

By erikapaterson on September 15, 2014 @11:09 am

What follows is an example of an email memo from Jason. This memo is quite excellent in content: polite, clear, brief and detailed; however, there are issues with the form. Can you identify what is incorrect about this memo in

Lesson1: 2: reflections on our Facebook chatter

By erikapaterson on September 10, 2014 @11:17 am

I hope you have all been following our FaceBook [FB] thread; there are some good questions worth addressing in a more formal location than FB. One of those questions revolves around concerns for getting formatting “right.” Here are some examples:

Monday’s Blog: Lesson 1:2

By erikapaterson on September 8, 2014 @8:40 pm

Monday Sept 8th/2014: I have begun the process of getting to know you all a little by reading your blogs, and while I am still in the process, I must say I am impressed with the general level of writing


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