Team Member Email #3


To: Joyce Wu

From: Morgan Brandt

Date: September 18, 2019

Subject: 301 Writing Team


Hello Joyce,

After reading your application letter I felt compelled to write to you with the intention of adding you to my writing team. In creating my writing team I want to add people with a background that would benefit my formal report research on hour allocation and job satisfaction at the AV company I work for. With your experience in Human Resources, you would aid me significantly in the feasibility analysis.

I hope after reading my application you feel my skills as a team member would also benefit your learning process and refining your topic for your formal report.


I look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you produce over the course of this class.

Yours sincerely,

Morgan Brandt


P.S. Here is my letter attached below to help you during your decision-making process.

301 Morgan Brandt Application Letter

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