Oxford English Dictionary: It’s Back!

Wow! Who knew the OED had such a following?

Rejoice, logophiles, the Oxford English Dictionary is available again. You may have to clear the cache & cookies from your browser before you re-try accessing it.

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Need to Contact eResources?: Try the “Access Problems?” Button

Having trouble getting a Library e-resouce? Need to re-set your UBCcard PIN? Just want to connect with the good folks in eResources? Try the new “Access Problems?” button.

Located on the ejournals A-Z pages and the Online Indexes and Databases A-Z pages, this button opens a window that allows you to select a link related to your particular problem. Linking to the eResources’ form when you need to report a problem, comment or ask a question is now done through this button.

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MyiLibrary – access restored!

Update (Sept.7, 2010):
Good news!
Our access to MyiLibrary ebooks has been restored.


Does this screen look familiar? Yes, it’s happened yet again.
Excessive downloading has led to suspension of our access to MyiLibrary ebooks. We are investigating the problem and working with the vendor to have this resolved asap.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Please continue to report any problems with ANY ebooks to our Help Form.

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British Institute of Radiology: Access to Three ejournals

Just a heads up, Life Sciences folks, to let you know that we have sorted out our online access to three British Institute of Radiology journals:

  1. British Journal of Radiology
  2. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
  3. Imaging

They should all be in the ejournal A-Z list tomorrow

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Print Journals & eJournals in the OPAC: a Change to Online Linking

"But is it online?!"

As you may have noticed, there have been some changes in how the UBC Online Public Access Catalogue (the OPAC) looks. One change involves the addition of a blue “Action Box” on the right when you look at an item’s record. For print journals and ejournals this Action Box means the following:

  1. within print journal records, you will see within the Action Box —if the record has an issn. The UBC eLink button searches our SFX knowledgebase to try and find a link to an online version of the journal.
  2. within ejournal records, you will see within the Action Box (the Online Access button also appears for ebooks). This button means there should be online access to full-text articles in the journal.

And as always, if you have any questions, please use our Help Form.

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Irwin Law: eBooks Now Available via ebrary

A collection of ebooks from Irwin Law is now available on the ebrary platform. Visit the Irwin Law Resource page or the ebrary Resource page (after connecting to ebrary, click on the right-hand drop-down menu to see the Irwin Law collection).

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Books 24×7: Use your UBCcard to Log In

When you link to a Books 24×7 title from the Library Catalogue (or connect from the Resource Page), you are presented with the EZproxy log-in screen. Please log in using your UBCcard Barcode & PIN on the left side (not your CWL on the right).

Why? Books 24×7 has the ability to create a personal account where you can save titles, create folders, etc. By using your UBCcard Barcode & PIN, Books 24×7 recognizes you as you arrive and takes you to your personal page… every time! This will not happen via CWL for this resource.

The first time after you log into Books 24×7 via EZproxy with your UBCcard, click on the “Account Info” tab. Then, on the left, click on “User Information” and set yourself up.

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eBooks via EZproxy: Work on Linking from Catalogue still In Process

As many patrons have discovered, some ebook links from the Catalogue work off-campus (via EZproxy) while others do not. Getting all the links to work is a priority, and it is expected links for ebooks will be updated for EZproxy access by the end of August.

If you come across an ebook in the Catalogue where the orange “Online Access” buttonĀ  doesn’t link to the online ebook:

  1. please inform us using the Help Form
  2. please look for the Collection that ebook belongs to in the Online Indexes and Databases A-Z list, link onto the collection’s platform/publisher’s site and then search the ebook title

Hope this information helps. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.

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MyiLibrary: Access Restored to eBooks

The ebooks at MyiLibrary are accessible again!

Due to new authentication procedures, patrons will have to authenticate themselves –whether on campus or off– via EZproxy. The process is painless and requires either an active UBCcard or CWL.

Note: at the moment some 2010 titles are experiencing problems, but we should have that resolved shortly.

If you have any questions or run into problems, please contact eResources via our Help Form.

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New OvidSP and RefWorks: Problems when using EZproxy

When exporting citations from the new OvidSP platform to RefWorks, keep in mind the following:

  1. If on campus, exporting to RefWorks should be no problem.
  2. If off campus and logged in via MyVPN, exporting to RefWorks should be no problem (try clearing the cache & cookies from your browser as a first solution if you do run into trouble).
  3. If off campus and using EZproxy, currently you cannot export citations to RefWorks. Please find another source for your citations for now.

Ovid & RefWorks are aware of the problem and are working on it.

And as always, please use our Help Form if you have any problems or questions.

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