Republished from UBC Ceremonies and Events
UBC V ceremoniesSince the opening of the War Memorial Gym in 1951, The University of British Columbia has held a ceremony commemorating November 11. This year, 2014 will mark sixty-three years that The University of British Columbia has hosted a Remembrance Day ceremony. This special ceremony is an opportunity for faculty, staff, students and members of the on and off-campus community to honour and remember all those who served in times of war, military conflict and peace.

This year, the Remembrance Day ceremony at UBC will be held on Tuesday, November 11 in the War Memorial Gym. Everyone is welcome to attend this annual ceremony – doors open at 10:00 a.m. The ceremony will commence at 10:45 a.m., and will include short readings, remarks and music. Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony and all are welcome to stay.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War and special mention of this anniversary will occur during this year’s Remembrance Day Ceremony.

View  photos from the First World War – UBC Library Archives: Photos from the First World War – UBC Library Archives