Introducing Pye and Tony!

Type: Cats
Ages: 12 and 19
Human: Christine Williams

A bit of Pye

Pye is a Siamese Cross. he is about 12, and she’s been with me for 11 years. There was an adoption event at Bosleys when I was there buying supplies and, although I wasn’t planning on getting a cat, there was just something about her. Not to sound kooky, but I felt like we’d known each other in another life. You can’t ignore that kind of feeling, so home she came.

She’s a bit overweight and although we did try dieting on the vets recommendation, but we’ve fallen off the wagon (again). She really loves food, probably because she was on the streets with her litter of kittens for the first year of her life.  I figure you never really recover from something like that so a little indulgence is probably okay.

All about Tony

I rescued Tony from the Richmond Animal Cat Sanctuary where I was volunteering at the time. They didn’t have any information on him, but they thought he was around 10 years old. I’ve had him for 9 years now, so he might almost be 19! He’s the nicest guy you’ll ever meet.

His favorite past time is tree climbing. Even at his advanced age, he’s still got it and doesn’t let his age stop him from attacking even the highest tree. You can learn a lot from your pets!